“Don’t worry everyone, our netcode will be extremely smooth!” - CAPCOM, NRS, EVERYONE
The people responsible for gears of war 2 saying they are trying to make the game as smooth and polished as possible.
this next video was the result of all the polishing and a look at what kind of state the game was released.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4foUP2LuX8 (its made with ingame quotes and interviews, shit is hilarious)
The people that say marvel is broken do not truly know what broken is. Gears 2 was and still is broken
The one gaming lie that I REALLY hoped would be true was all the talk about there being a code to unlock the Bosses in SNES Street Fighter 2. When it was announced that Genesis was getting Champion Edition, there were a lot of REALLY people pissed off that they’d just bought World Warrior and now Genesis was getting the better game. So somehow this rumor that there was a boss code circulated and of course we all know what happened (coughSF2TURBO cough).
But they figured out a way that you could play the bosses in a half assed way by using a Game Genie and I actually bought one just to try it. It was kinda cool but definitely wasn’t worth the $50 I spent on the damn thing. I remember using it to make that dirty looking “sweat” that came off the characters in MK for SNES red though.
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown coming to North America.
I doubt it’s ever going to happen… And I am sad.
I played the demo. I seriously tried to go into the game with an open mind and give it a fair shot… but yeah, just didn’t feel worth my time. I played it for about 30 minutes and never played it again… should probably go ahead and delete it off my hard-drive.
Who needs it? The Master Hand cheat/glitch is legit.
Can’t see how this is a lie seeing as the Devroom on Unity was basically the same handlful users circle jerking each other and flaming anyone else who disagreed.
I should’ve asked Capcom for money for moderating that shithole.
This is actually totally true.
well? Anymore evils to be unearthed? I’m liking this.
How about all those bootleg Pokemon versions that dropped back in the day. I remember a corner store that sold Black, Purple, Diamond (this is 00-02), and Brown version. A friend bought Black version and found out it was a hacked Kirby game with Pokemon cameos. And Purple version was some buggy ass Digimon game in disguise. They got fooled.
I had a friend who owned the bootleg Diamond game.
Watching him play that was hilarious. It was terrible, even in a 9 year old’s eyes.
Before Ultra 64 was named Nintendo 64, GamePro magazine told me (and Capcom/Nintendo probably told them) that Street Fighter III would be released for the system. I remember standing in line at the grocery store, reading that magazine, about to shit my pants. It’s the main reason I bought the system, and it was a lie.
Note: I don’t regret buying the system, but wtf.
I’ve heard these except the vomit one. Also heard of Dhalsim riding on one of the elephants. Ridiculous!
The Lunar 3 rumor.
“I’ll say one thing about Lunar 3. It’s coming sooner than people expect but not in the manner that people think.” - Vic Ireland
This one came from Vic Ireland, president of Working Designs (the folks who published Lunar 1 & 2 back in the day) back in 1999. No other source I can remember talked about it, but he seemed pretty sure it was going to happen and even said the US version would definitely be for the PS2 even if Game Arts made it for another system and he would port the thing himself. Years went by, no word came of the game ever since, and Working Designs went out of business. What did we get instead in 2005? A prequel called Lunar: Dragon Song for the DS. And it SUCKED.
This wasn’t a lie. That game was being produced. Sega just axed it to give Virtua Fighter a chance to shine in America. Yes, Eternal Champions was selling decent at the time. Yes, they probably could have released both and just caked up. Does this decision making give you a clue as to why Sega is just making games for other companies (rather than putting out their own consoles) now?
A while ago, there was a rumor to play as Maria in the PS1 version of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I’m sure if you search around you can find some evidence of it, but it revolved something slightly ridiculous that didn’t end up working.
I don’t know if this is a lie, rumor, or partial fact, but there was also a rumor of a hidden 5th ending in the game in which Maria turns into a monster, Alucard and Richter kill her, and then the game ends. If you listen to the game’s audio files on the PS1 disc, you can find the audio of this ending.
How was it not a lie? Why does it even matter in a ‘fun’ thread? This game had release dates and advertising, then they cancelled it. Yes, I know why Sega of Japan cancelled it.
LOL. The one that killed me ended up being true. That being, playaing as the axeman. I also thought the ultimate weapon rumor was BS, but it proved to be VERY true. The Chrissagrim = YOU ARE DEAD!!! The only song I remember from the PS1 disc says that you aren’t supposed to be playing the disc on a CD player. They just knew you were gonna do it, so they stuck that on there.
In Resident Evil 2, Where there was supposedly a cheat code that unlocked Akuma and 10 Fireballs.
Pokemon Battle Revolution is going to be like Pokemon Stadium.