The Great Item Debate - 4th Edition

I only played this game a couple of times so far, but are Bullet Bills and Cuccoos really that powerful to be rank 4?

This is merely a preliminary ranking. Far from any “final” product. I could see both possibly dropping a rank, but I can also see arguments to keep them there. These are two items that I think could deserve some additional investigation and debate on.

Only if your L/R buttons are broken, or you’re Mood and Gespenst, who apparently can’t dodge a thrown or fired item to save their lives…

bullet bill is way too quick to be anything but level 4. it’s crazy strong and you are unable to react to it.

cuccos just fuck up everything. they’re really annoying

i still vote for gusting bellows to be rank 6, not even casual play should let that item be legal

Dragoon vs walk offs is funny.

Cuccoos really mess with everything and are probably a rank 4-5

Bullet Bills provide insane control and accuracy. Not sure how bad they are, but nothing below 3

I used all of the items, a lot. I always do. I know them extremely well.

All items should be banned in anything serious.

I’m gonna nip this in the bud before it gets started. Please note the OP: this is not a place to discuss the validity of items. You come into this thread knowing full well that, so the only real discussion that should be coming from anyone is adjustments to the rankings.

I will say this, though, if you claim that items have no place in anything serious, you don’t know shit about 'em. You can have the opinion that you don’t like them in anything serious, but to say that universally they have no place is delusional at best.

I’m wondering why the Special Flag is in rank 5, considering how it works.

  1. While in the hand, it limits you to aerial attacks only.
  2. When starting the animation, it cannot be stopped by the player holding it up.
  3. The animation is generally long enough for a player to get in and interrupt it; even slower characters can get there if they weren’t dicking around on the other side of a large stage.
  4. If hit while attempting to score the 1-Up, the item will be dropped, 100% guaranteed.

With those points in mind, doesn’t it sound more like a high-risk/high-reward item where a player would have to earn that extra stock?

it can still get that extra stock completely turning the tides more so than any other item

The problem really is that the time it takes to charge isn’t THAT long. In most cases where both players are on the field and at a similar percentage, sure, it’s an interesting concept on paper, but tends to just be straight up ignored by both players in practice.

However, if this spawns as you KO someone, it is extremely likely that you will have adequate time to pick it up and charge it before the opponent can return and punish. It can frequently be a gigantic reward for little risk. So you have a best case scenario that’ll never occur in practice, and a worst case scenario of being completely over-the-top OP with no effort.

So now that we actually have a tournament with items in them, what rank should we go for, 2 or 3?

i like rank 2, although i think beehive should be rank 3 and so should motion sensor bomb

I think the tourney should be rank 3.

Also I think in regards to the ranks of the items themselves, gooey bomb should be rank 4 where bombchu and bob-omb are, but other than that I think the ranks are fine.

I think these ranks are dumb and you’re all Smashboarding it up.

But I’ll be out-voted anyway…


we don’t want fucking gust bellows

And here’s the OTHER extreme view. Why must it be all or none…?

personally i think golden hammer and spiny shell should be switched out

Hammer is more dangerous than Golden Hammer

Golden Hammer too much of a liability.

spiny shell sucks