The GranGlue Fighter Lounge: Corona Virus bodied Shadaloo Free AF

Volt is either the greatest troll of all time or literally has never played a fighting game ever beyond super nintendo sf2. Legend.


Mirror matches with Lowain are the only fun I ever had with mirror matches. Especially when you’re both low on life and it becomes a kaiju battle.

Did you? I didn’t even notice. I probably just thought it was a cancel. To be honest, I didn’t realize you could link it until today. I tried it a bunch today and my success rate of getting it to combo was like 5% lol. I’ll work on it though

I appreciate that. Thanks Ves

I’m pretty sure it’s both

Stuck at work playing uno and going through covid forms. Never thought my life would be like this.


Has anybody played this dude before? Nigga is like 50% bot :rofl:

Tech every throw and command grab shheeesh.

About to play some granblue for about a hour or 2. Let me know if anyone wants to play

im down for more grubble @Blue_Team

Give me 5 minutes.

Make a room if you want

room is up, pass is zzz

College just suspended class for a whole month.

Rare Crew Hype


So from now on you won’t just be ignorant about fighting games?


ggs @Blue_Team thanks for running these long sets with me, I still suck a lot of ass but at least I’m identifying what im doing wrong

not pressing enough on my advantage, and not correctly identifying when to take my turn back. and how to use normals that arent 5m or 2m lol

ggs mayne

Gg’s. You definitely tend to constantly back yourself in the corner. Try to play the footsies game a little more maybe. From my experience, it feels like zeta has a bit better buttons in the midrange

I tried to use the zeta’s U to push back to center stage or push you into corner but between how I use spear and my tendency to back up i am indeed making pretty bad neutral calls

ill percolate on what i can do different

Pretty sure you can get a guaranteed punish on my ex slashes with 5L into thrust

Almost lost my streak for today!
Thank god I made it. Also, @Volt I’m 7 minutes out from Tuesday, which means I’ll be harassing you like crazy until we play. Prepare your body.

Same except Juri is the only character I like that gets foot art AFAIK, I could be wrong, but sure as fuck I ain’t about to go and find out.


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Those links get a lot easier if you piano input the super (qcf,qcf+HK~MK~LK). It essentially gives you three times as many chances for the input to come out on the first possible frame.

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