The Goddess gets picked first. (Amaterasu team compilation and team strategy)

Getting the game soon…barring research and potential changes, I like -

Ammy/Iron Man/Dr Doom


is there any interesting Ammy / Strange tech? im very curious and im sure theres a lot of potential in those two together.

I’m also curious how ammy does vs other common point characters (mags, nova, spencer, zero, etc)

Thanks y’all

Ammy has a really great set of tools to control other characters. Her problem is a matter of risk vs reward. Generally, you need to hit someone 2-3 times to get a kill, whereas 90% of the cast only needs to hit you once for a kill. If you can find a way to remedy her damage (Pretty sure there’s a way to bring in Strange for a FoF loop via DHC. Or you could just get a TAC character.) she actually becomes an extremely scary character.

This video is from Geronimo086. Enjoy :slight_smile:

with ammy and “strange, storm, or frank”… you can end her hyper and once she lands on the ground do a team hyper afterwards. i haven’t tried morrigan’s hyper and I can’t think of anyone else with a quick otg hyper.

Can you confirm whether it works or not with the following characters: GR (Bike), Hawkeye (Not Gimlet), Hulk (Gamma Tsunami), Magneto (Shockwave), Thor (Mighty Thunder), Shuma (Hyper Mystic Ray), Firebrand, Nemesis, Strider, Chris, Viper (Burst Time), Hsien-Ko (Either super), and Jill? Didn’t bother identifying the proper super on the characters with only one THC super.

you want to be close to the ground, to leave more time to do the team hyper afterwards.
from what i gather, you have 2 different ways you can do this:
after glaive chop into hyper [leaves u closer to the ground]
“a grounded or TK” hyper [must hit team hyper as soon as foot hits ground or opponent gets up]

these characters can do this with ammy:
Storm / Frank / Strange / Hulk GC only-tight / Magneto GC only / Thor GC only / Shuma both hyper - GC only / Firebrand / Nemesis / Viper / Chris GC only / Hsien-ko Both Hypers /

It works after a launcher, too. Also, I got it to work with both of Hsien-Ko’s supers.
From what you mentioned, the most lenient timing appears to be after a Glaive Chop. Interesting because it enables Thor and Hulk’s supers, which have a 15 frame post flash start up. I wonder if there’s a way to have enough room for an OTG assist?

yea, i’m still going through characters. i am editing but ill make a new post with all the chars, when i get through them all

Ammy has the potential to combo after her hyper into a team hyper.
these characters can do this with ammy:
Storm / Frank / Strange / Hulk GC only-tight / Magneto GC only / Thor GC only / Shuma both hyper - GC only / Firebrand / Nemesis / Viper / Chris GC only / Hsien-ko Both Hypers / Morrigan
GC = Glaive Chop
the other method besides GC is grounded or TK hyper and M/H Thunder Edge, but the timing is much harder to pull off, especially with H Thunder Edge.
I have no means to record this properly and showcase it, but if someone does do it, cool.

Of note is that two factors influence how much time you have to follow up. Whether Ammy is airborne and the height of the opponent. You can THC after canceling launcher into Okami Shuffle because the opponent is very high up, thus increasing the time it takes for the opponent to reach the ground in a hard knockdown state. The reason why some are Glaive Chop specific is because Glaive Chop both leaves Ammy airborne and pops the opponent very high, making the window large enough to combo into Hulk and Thor’s hypers. Could an instant air Okami Shuffle after a launcher work as well as Glaive Chop? In theory, I think it should because Ammy should do it from a similar position to what she takes in Glaive Chop.

I think that would work, the only issue is how long the combo is before it gets to the point that you would do an instant air Hyper. If you can keep your combo relatively short, damaging, and pull off the instant air, i don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

tested M and H Thunder Edge again, as long as you hit the opponent low towards the ground and instantly hyper, you should be able to team hyper afterwards. it will be easier than after a normal or TK hyper but not easier than after glaive chop.

also of note, the team hyper mainly works in the corner. As for storm, she works pretty much anywhere on the screen, but the opponent falls out of her portion of the hyper when close to full screen. Strange, works no matter what.

Last, Ammy can cancel iceshot directly into team hyper. Not sure if anyone knew this. Anyways, can anyone think of a good reason to do this, that will net good damage. I’m still looking up possibilities.

Can anyone share any point Ammy teams? Preferably ones that let her do damage?

Ammy pretty much needs meter to put out large amounts of damage, but point Ammy lacks that luxury. I’ve always considered point Ammy to be centered around resets, mid range high-low mix ups, and staying as safe as possible. Really, just about anything that involves a TAC into Doom/Sentinel/Magneto/Iron Man or a set-up into a FoF loop for Strange is a fantastic idea. A few ideas that seem solid enough:
-Ammy/Magneto/Doom or Sentinel
-Ammy/Frank/Dante (I believe Ammy can level Frank to 5 if he has Jam Session off of the first hit)

Ammy can’t really combo off of a THC if I remember correctly, mostly due to the duration of Okami Shuffle.

Ammy/Doom/Vergil. You can opt for a TAC infinite or using both assists in a combo into super + DHC. You can put Vergil second and go into a sword loop as well.

In general, look for a second that has a good assist for combos/neutral and a damaging DHC or extended combo. Sentinel, Spencer, Strange, Doom and Vergil are good for this.

I’ve been messing around with Amaterasu and a few others lately (okami is my favourite game of all time so I reaaaally want to pick her up :L)

Ammy (cold star)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Shuma Gorath(Mystic Ray) is one in particular I like but was wondering if there are other characters with teleports who’d do just as good a job as Dormammu for after a DHC (Strange or Dante? I refuse to use Wesker or Vergil :L)

Another one I like too is Tron Bonne (bandit boulder)/ Frank (shopping cart)/ Ammy (cold star), a variation of my usual team swapping sentinel for ammy though not entirely sure how good she is in comparison for X-factor level 3 comebacks compared to sent.

I am still incredibly new to this game and haven’t quite adjusted to it yet but I am making slow progress. I find that me learning stick at the same time is helpful to get a feel for the game (and in particular ammy, stance changing on pad was a bit more annoying for me personally)

For the Shuma team, use Dante. Jam Session is a better assist version of Dark Hole and Dante could use Mystic Ray to decent effect.

Thanks I’ve been practicing a tad more, I do like Dormammu a little bit more for this team because of his great dhc’s and ability to kill a lot of characters who like to lame out. I was recently watching clips agin from this years EVO since I kinda didn’t watch much of the mahvel matches at the time and I liked the synergy Angelic had with his Wolverine/Dormammu/Shuma team which helped my idea with using two of these for Ammy for a lovely team of gods :L

Dante certainly seems interesting enough however. Still capable of good DHC’s. Will try work more on the teams this week.