I think Ammy works best as an anchor or secondary. As an anchor, you can pull of some really sick XF3 damage and she has an infinite. With secondary, you can probably do a standard BnB with Morrigan, DHC into Ammy’s Veil of Mist to slow down the enemy, and hard tag back into Morrigan.
I’d probably suggest Morrigan/Ammy/Dante, but I don’t really play as the other two characters that much.
Point. Ammy is really good at protecting assists and jam session help with her. Okami into Sista sista is one of the best dhcs into morrigan and makes it amazing. I like Ammy/Morri/Doom though.
Still, I want to know if Ammy would be best as second or third if Deadpool is point. Because I can DHC into Ammy’s Vale and then hard-tag back to Dead, or if I should put Ammy as anchor.
greetins friends! i’m wanting to pick up ammy cause of my friends pressuring me into playing her with magneto and i was wondering about some opinion on these three teams;
Blooda, my brotha-in-magnetism! Highly recommend mag doom ammy. Cold star is excellent for doom, tac to doom is excellent for mag, and doom ammy thc is excellent for everyone. I’ve been playing a lot of task doom ammy and mag morri doom, and am thinkin of going back to good ol mag doom ammy. Its why I logged into the ammy forum. So def had to reply to your question lol
The main things now are deciding if we want missiles or plasma (both are so great!) And coming up with good cold star setups for mag. As this veers more into mag territory than ammy, I invite you to PM me if you’d wanna share ideas regarding cold star magneto setups.
Also, you’re prob aware of this, but XRay runs mag doom ammy so some high level reference vid does exist.
Anchor. Ammy usually does more for a character than the other way around. The only arguable exception is Dante as both can use each others assists at about the same effectiveness and both are great anchors.
First one team is broke.
Second team works better with Ammy in the back. Ammy can’t utilize Vajra very well, while Strider can do some nasty things with Cold Star and the Ammy Bomb THC. In any case, the team is low-damage and very reset based. It’s a very nice team to practice your mix-ups with though.
The last team is an any-order team so that means it’s good. Put Ammy on point in that team to learn her basics.
I’ve got mydoom ammy stuff workin decently well, but to practice my nova mixups I put together a squad of nova ammy sent, for the beautiful lockdown assists for nova.
But I find myself wondering if drones is even ‘viable’ for ammy in ultimate, where we can no longer block during an air dash (remember that!? Lol). Do you guys know any good ways for ammy to protect a drone call (I stay mostly in reflector, but if an answer exists in another stance, I’m all dog-ears). Fwd+HHHHHH seems not to work when push blocked out (chaotic flaaaaame), and jumping then L head charging around seems good once in a while, but possibly not game-plan material.
I’m happy to just do nova doom ammy, but I really adore drones for nova. What do u guys think about drones-ammy?
i would like to come up with some stuff using that mag/doom/ammy team
Nothing on drones ammy? Someone in the nova forum said ammy is great at protecting drones, but didn’t elaborate, and it was off topic so I didn’t am em to. The main things I can think to try are:
calling during reflector fwd+HHHHHH, but it seems like if they pushblock early they can beam super for the hbday.
jump then qcf+L around and call drones while high on the screen. Problem with this is you’re not in good position to make use of the drones with a hi-lo or whatever.
Can’t call during air dash, at least not from too far. Def correct me if I’m wrong, but does ammy have are relatively reliable ways to protect a drone call?
Oh crap, I totally repeated the previous post. But still, the question holds lol
Hello everyone, I was wondering on how to level up my ammy. My team is Firebrand (A) Doom (A/B) Ammy (B). I switch between beam and missiles depending on the match up. I feel like my firebrand and doom are solid together, but ammy is my weakest character on my team lol. So I have a couple questions regarding anchor ammy.
-Do you normally switch stances a lot? I’m usually in reflector stance.
-Does beads stance any use aside from controlling space?
-What do you normally practice with ammy in training mode?
Also can anyone link me to the infinite with ammy in glaive stance?
Does anybody know a way to use Joe’s bomb assist to extend an Ammy combo? Or would anybody mind taking it to the lab to help me out? Any way I’ve found is either too finicky in a match or doesn’t do more damage than my regular BnB.
I’ve tried (reflector stance) HHHH > call Joe > launch > j.MM > qcf H (knock the character into the explosion saving the ground bounce) > land > M > launch > j.H > qcf H > land > M > launch > Super. It didn’t do more damage than a simple reflector series into super.
I also tried stance switching into glaive, calling Joe, and doing a charge H ground bounce into the bomb for an extension, but again couldn’t get more damage than my usual stance change BnB. I feel like there’s gotta be a way that I haven’t figured out yet, any ideas would be appreciated.
Amaterasu’s damage scaling is horrid. Most of the time, you’ll just get more damage doing a much shorter glaive combo than even a two assist combo extension. The only reason I go for longer combos is that Ammy’s damage is such shit that it’s probably going to take two combos to kill someone anyway, I might as well just go for more meter while I’m at it.
Ah, that’s too bad. Most of the time I use Voomerang assist anyway (I feel it’s better for Hawkeye if he get’s snapped in), but I was hoping to find a way to squeeze a bit more damage out of the dog with Joe’s bomb. I found I can also use Voomerang assist in a glaive combo for the tiniest amount of extra damage, better than nothing I suppose.
It’s been touched on a few times but…
the ammy/strider pairing would be very awesome for my team. I want to run ammy/strider, but as has been indicated it’s not great because ammy has a difficult self otg. (strider/ammy has been problematic to say the least…strider just dies - and I want to use ammy to build meter for strider).
But that problem aside, can anyone running this anchor all-star duo give a little insight into their strategy? clockw0rk seems to have had good results, but of course he’s also very talented.
My former team was Ammy (Cold Star)/Deadpool (OTG)/X-23 (Anti-Air)
I am trying now to use Amaterasu (Cold Star)/X-23 (OTG)/Strider (Gram)
My former team had Deadpool with otg assist in the place of Strider, and X-23 was with anti-air assist. I decided to put Strider because my former team had no neutral assists for Ammy. But I don’t know if Gram will work well as a neutral assist for her because it have a lot of startup time, making it easy to be interrupted by faster assists. But I didn’t see it happening yet in the small time using it. I generaly use this assist in the same time I press the s.M attack with Ammy
I prefer to use Gram over Vjara because Ammy don’t have a good OTG to combo after the Vjara.
The main assist for Strider in the team is the Cold Star. On the first page of Strider team building topic it’s written that “Ice Shots” is a good assist for him, so i figured out it is Cold Star.
Another feature of this team is that Ammy and Strider allow you to do a safe cross over attack. Strider can do it by using Formation C and Ammy can do it by using Power Slash. So you can chose witch character will be on point depending on the match up:
-Match up for Ammy: I choose her when I mess around with those cheap Hulk rushdown with sentinel assist. Her Devout Beads can easily break the armor of his Gamma charge and of his fierce punch, and then the Gram assist or the same Devout Beads can hit Sentinel, clean the screen and combo after the wall bounce. I planned to use her against Morrigan and Doom match up too trying to reflect some projectiles, but some peaple said it doesnt work.
-Match up for Strider: I chose him when i mess with a flying match up like Trish one (he have the same task of Deadpool of my former team) and use Vjara H to catch them in the air.
-Match up for X-23: All other characters from the cast.
Does this team work? Does Ammy really needs a neutral assist?
Does anybody around here use the Vergil/Ammy shell? I’m thinking of picking up Joe/Vergil/Ammy. I know Udaterasu uses Ammy/Vergil, and Vergil anchor goes without saying, but I need to keep Vergil 2nd so Joe can have 1 touch kills. Vergil benefits well from Cold Star, right?
Vergil can use Cold Star to OTG after High Time and for various flavors of the Round Trip Glitch.
That’s about it. It’s not his best assist but he can make do.
Could Ammy set up unblockables for firebrand that would only work in her slow down super?
Don’t know why I haven’t seen any ammy players use this but I definetly feel that this is a really good mixup that’s super hard to block. But pretty much the what you do is ur setting up like a double/triple overhead mixup.
But like what you do is like either when they are in blockstun from an assist or you can do this after a knockdown and put an H paper for instance and use slow and let’s say they are in they corner and they tech back you can do airdash down forward M while in disc stance and then weapon change to glaive and do air M->M, [or air L->M] which is a double overhead and really hard to block. I feel this is a really good mixup if you get them to block a beam assist (if you have ammy in a non anchor position) or if you know Okami shuffle won’t kill and you go for a mixup off a knockdown in slow or not in slow. Also if your in slow mode you can do the same thing but instead of switching to glaive mode switch to disc stance.
Timing can be weird at first but I advise to test this out in training mode and put the enemy on all guard to see how it works.