2L 2H for low; 2L walk-up throw for throw; Outside of the corner, 2L 9L+S surprise crossup is something I suspect works but I haven’t actually tested it.
For a while now I’ve been playing nothing but xxx Doom Ammy, way too fun. But I’m still on the hunt for the perfect point for me. Sooo many characters can fit well, but I wanted to check and see who you guys feel are the best abusers of Cold Star. My thoughts thus far, in no partic order other than that my stronger candidates are mostly toward the top.
-Viper is obviously one of the best, though I’m basically learning her from scratch. If I can get to the point where any knockdown-seizmo = a properly executed sjc adf HS, she’s likely my pick. I’m just sick of landing hits and getting 100k from it half the time lol
-Firebrand is very strong, though I don’t feel quite so confident with him yet.
-Taskmaster is very good, though after playing him with tatsu, and being able to tatsu+Shield skills at will and even mixup on block, the slower-ness of Cold Star makes an otherwise amazing assist feel a bit lacking. I’d LOVE to be wrong here.
-Wesker is not an obvious choice for Cold Star, but I’ve actually had a blast with them. The delay of the Cold Star actually makes stuff like gunshot+Cold Star ~ L teleport crossups pretty nasty
-Magneto should, in theory, be amazing. But I find it hard to keep the opponent on the ground for a high-low. Like, if I cLcM with Cold Star, his string doesn’t guarantee a grounded lockdown for mixup. Unless Im doing the wrong string. like Task, I’d LOVE to be proven wrong here.
-Akuma I didn’t consider till last night, but he’s great with missiles and Cold Star gives him some cL/fwd+M type stuff. Im weary to use such a fragile character as my point, but he could certainly work. (not interested in Ryu). Calling Cold Star then doing tatsu pushes them too far for the lock… with H tatsu. But I realized in my infinite wisdom, I forgot to try this with L and H tatsus, so it may actually be f’n perfect. Will have to see.
-Spencer is another that could be great, but also have to learn from scratch. Worth it? problably. More so than the rest of this list? Probably not. <shrug>
-Viewtiful Joe is actually kinda perfect for me, being a beast with missiles and having a fast deceptive overhead. He’s one of my best neutral characters, oddly enough, but my main flaw is getting any kind of damage with his combos. : / Perhaps if I can master Doom’s TAC stuff (yeah right) that could be mitigated. And while my point’s main goal is meter building, it would still be nice to be able to, you know, kill someone.
-Morrigan is a slam dunk, too bad I suck at the rapid FB stuff.
-Dante is pretty damn good here, but in the heat of online battle, I’m just not consistent enough with his bold cancel goodness.
-Zero’s a slam dunk too, but I play on a 6-face button pad, so easy come easy go. though I’ve heard unkn0wn plays a busterless Zero. <scratches head>
-Strider could be great, but: a. Id have to learn him from scratch b. Fragile like Akuma c. If Im gonna go to the trouble of learning Strider, might as well abuse Vajra assist.
-Hawkeye I’ll mention cause I love playing him, but calling Cold Star then qcb+H flipping over them can only work so many times lol
-Wolvie so close to being sick, but I couldnt figure out how to OTG pickup with Cold Star, if it’s even possible (like off an air throw or something).
-Felicia would be sweet too, but Id have to learn her from scratch, and her actual GOOD combos are far too difficult to waste my time with when all the above exist.
Yeah, I’m playing xx/doom/ammy as well, so hard to decide on a point character for me as well.
Its such a good team shell that pretty much any character on point would make it a good team, but despite that I still can’t find one I like
I’m actually going to spend my summer learning Doom so I can play Random/Doom/Ammy lol.
Ha! Nice to see Im not along in my pain! Well, if you guys have been thinkin about this shit too, weigh in!! I didnt expect to comment on 3/4 of the roster, but there it was lol
I could help you with that; although Ammy is my favorite, people around me are saying that Felicia is my best character, so I can try my best to help out. I used to use Felicia/Ammy/Doom as a team before, and I know that Felicia/Doom/Ammy is the more correct order, so I have some input to go with that in case you need. I run Felicia/Ammy/Strider now though, but when given the choice of a reserve character I still pick Doom
I still regularly forget to do Felicia’s actual BnBs actually (especially on a stick because I suck on a stick compared to pad), but things still work out for me very well and actually allowed me to beat a big name in the FGC once (…just once, lol)
Is there a passable Felicia BNB that doesn’t involve the rolling buckler into juggle sL etc crap? If she could just ABC launch relaunch Id consider it cause I love getting combos off throws. Here’s a better way to put it: What BNB is Justin Wong using? Cause it damn sure aint the one the hard-cores in the Felicia threads use lol Hes somehow getting to ABCD, but when I do it it ends up whiffing somewhere (been a while since I gave it a shot). Edit: Oh, and Plasma or Missiles? Assuming missiles.
To keep this on topic, I’ll ask what people like to do with Ammy (solo in my case, but in general is fine) vs chicken blockers to get them to behave?
she’s got a rapid-fire :d::l: for a reason, just keep throwing lows until your opponent gets the message, make them block an assist to make them get to the ground or air throw them if they want to advancing guard
Rolling Slide into s.L isn’t even the least of her problems and is probably her second go-to BnB. Even the most basic of practical BnBs have it. You can do the Wolverine-esque combo:
(sorry for fail notations, I’m in a hurry right now)
LMHS->j.MMH->ADK->dash->c.HS->j.MMHS->back dash->Sand Splash->Dancing Flash
But it misses the 600k mark and meter gain. I still occassionally do this though.
The easiest BnB that hits 600k and almost pays for itself (it lacks one pixel to get to the next meter) would be:
LMH->Rolling Buckler xx Slide->LMH (3hits) c.H S-> j.H -> ADK -> c.HS->j.MMHS->back dash->Sand Splash->Dancing Flash
Actually it’s supposed to be j.MMH instead of j.H for the first loop, but I modified it a bit so that Sand Splash->Dancing Flash is a bit easier; if you go for the j.MMH variation, the second air combo will just be j.MH->delay->S, and you might actually have to sj back instead of forward
I still do the regular ABC launch relaunch as stated above (Wolverine-esque), but comboing off of the throw doesn’t work that way. You’ll have to use the Toy Touch->MMHS combo for that. If you need notations, I can give it to you
I haven’t watched Wong’s matches using Felicia, sorry. But yeah Felicia’s damage is good, just super underrated, so you can still get away with simple combos and still hit the 600k mark easily
I think Missiles is better for the team since Ammy covers horizontal purposes, but I use Plasma Beam because I fail at covering assists. However, missles + Kitty Helper is stupidly good.
By the way, when revolving Felicia around Kitty Helper, you don’t even need to do complicated combos anymore. At all. Not only can you connect them well anymore, you get so much mileage with relentless lockdown and even more reset potential, and that’s already taking into account that Felicia’s the reset queen on her own. Missiles + Kitty Helper, if you can pull it off = guaranteed hit. The main problem with that is actually setting it up where Doom won’t be hit + Kitty Helper is already pummeling the opponent
Stark, I know you’re an advocate of perma-glaive. Given that I’m anchoring ammy, outside of xf is there an overhead threat in glaive akin to flare jump dash immediate H? That’s slower in glaive, no? Plus given the helpfulness of counters, would you still stick with glaive solo?
Zekira: thanks! Ill have to give her a try! Thought I tried nova at point tonight and loved it! Felicia still gets a tryout tho seems like a jump back delta kick would protect a missile call pretty well, no?
I’m think I’m hating people assuming that I advocate perma-glaive almost as much as being called Stark !
I really wonder where that thought came from, that I play perma-glaive at this point, given that I haven’t espoused anything along those lines since Vanilla, and have said multiple times that I do use Reflector, but that I prefer to stay in Glaive when I can because of the strength of its spacing game. Really, weapon change cancel is way, way too good to ignore.
I use :df:IAD :l: for my fast overhead option. Works in any stance, significantly faster than j.:h: in reflector.
This would be the most basic way, yes. Just watch out for any type of zoning.
[troll]Probably from your avatar[/troll]
I think it’s also partly my fault though, if you check this subforum’s threads
Oh wow, I’m sorry. Though in my defense, I havent frequented these threads like I did in vanilla. And at least back then, you was Glaive-fo-life, yo. “Why would you ever not want to be in glaive?” was the quote, I believe. But now that Im a dedicated xxx Doom Ammy, I’ll be here a lot. OK, Ill have to mess with addf LM in both stances. I really like using Flare’s sM/cM as a pseudo dash (thanks, Honzo!), but also like the relative safety of Glaive’s qcf+L. Both are fun, and the tiebreaker for me tends to be my greater combo consistency in disc. Plus, counters are sick when solo.
And, dear Adelheid (did I spell that right?), with an SRK handle of “Stark,” folks on SRK will prob call you ‘Stark’ for a long time lol I just think its funny how mine gets butchered. “Well, TheGuileKiller, the thing is…” Man, I thought my handle was so clever in 2002. Now I roll my eyes at it.
PS. So far Nova is looking like a front runner for me for the other guys looking for a point for the Doom Ammy shell. Anyone here have any fun ways to incorporate Cold Star into Nova combos? Im assuming it’ll be more about Cold Star opening up and Plasma doing the extending. But would be nice to have an option both ways.
I was pretty sure there was no difference between non-:h: normals for the different weapons!
You very well could be right, and probably are.
hahaha I was hoping you’d be the one to answer, thanks! Ill check this when I get home.
Little Ammy/Nova synergy reset wise…
Ughhh, so for some reason, this vid wont even play on my phone (Ill try again in a lil, but its not workin), and my computer at home is so ass slow on video, I can barely see motion let alone quick intricate motion. So um, yeah, Im really sorry to ask, but would you mind typing out a Nova-using-Cold-Star BNB? The audio works great though, lol. And Ultradavid says something about everyone is TOD-ing. I cant even see if he’s talking about you or unknown (thats how shitty my comp is), but does your Nova BNB w/ Cold STar kill avg health characters? I don’t even need a full kill, but, hey… bonus if it does lol
And if/while I have your attention, what kind of welcome setup/mixup do you use w/ Nova and Cold Star? I’ve been doing Energy Javelin, jump up while calling Cold STar, air H Grav pulse. It def guarantees me a lock, but dunno if it’s the ideal way to force a mixup yet. Having someone in blockstun locked in the corner should be pure gold, but when they’re in stun I can’t throw, and when they’re in the corner I can’t dash under. So I just kinda try to hit them with normals till they fall then do something. Maybe I should hold off on my cold star, do the Javelin and Pulse, then air string til theyre about to land, THEN call Cold Star so it hopefully locks them grounded? I dunno, I’ll shut up and let you answer. Thanks!