The Goddess gets picked first. (Amaterasu team compilation and team strategy)

Not bad. Storm’s assists aren’t all that great though. A better team composition would be Ammy/Storm/Wesker or Wesker/Storm/Ammy. The configuration gives you a DHC glitch team order (Storm/Ammy ; Storm/Wesker)

With Wesker/Storm, you can TAC into Storm and go into Elemental Rage -> Rhino Charge for the DHC glitch and get easy cleanup. Ammy/Storm/Wesker allows you to DHC glitch from anywhere on the screen in 3 meters with Okami Shuffle -> Elemental Rage -> Rhino Charge. Wesker and Ammy are also better anchors with and without XF. Storm is only really fearsome in XF3 but once that’s gone, her lackluster damage becomes noticeable again. With Storm second, you can do insane assist sniping with Okami Shuffle -> Hailstorm or Rhino Charge/Phantom Dance -> Hailstorm.

The thing is, I was planning to start this team for ultimate so the dhc glitch will be gone. However I like Wesker/Storm/Ammy I think that sounds better.

That changes things then. In that case, maximizing the value of your assists and DHC damage potential is key. Storm and Ammy don’t really need OTG assists and Wesker can definitely use Cold Star and Whirlwind for teleport mixups.

Wesker/Storm/Ammy seems like the logical choice. Wesker/Ammy/Storm works as well with Storm ending the DHC with Hailstorm.

What Wesker assist do you reccomend then?

That’s actually an interesting question since no one has really touched on Wesker’s assists. Most people go “Samurai Edge” and done.

Ghost Butterfly can be used to extend your combos since Ammy doesn’t have a wall bounce and Storm’s only wall bounce is from Elemental Rage (IIRC).
Jaguar Kick is pretty much another combo extender since it knocks them up in the air.

Very few people have used those assists outside of combo videos. You’d have to develop some of your own.

Well I think other than samurai edge, wesker doesn’t really have any other good assists. As good as wesker is he wasn’t really blessed with versatile assists(imo), I mean samurai edge is pretty versatile, it helps any character without a consistent otg(like ammy in some situations) and paired with slow and the glaive it can set-up some ugly unblockables so I personally don’t see any reason to go with anything else.


the Original. have fun spending large portions of the match underwater. haha


wicked cheap. i still prefer nemesis here instead of wesker for a non-human trio. -_-


simple. straight-forward. extremely effective.


this is phoenix wright’s best team IMO.





nice…VERY nice!

Yea I was thinking bout pairing ammy with frank.

Frank is looking like a great partner. When I get my hands on ultimate I’ll be going into the lab with him for sure.

Going to main Nova, want to also use the pup, but not sure if 2nd or anchor would be better for her, and not sure about a third character, any ideas???

Ammy is more or less the same as she was in Vanilla. There were some nerfs to be sure, but overall I don’t think they drastically affect her gameplan. That considered she is still going to be one of the most self-reliant characters in the game. Ammy does not need assists like many other characters do. The change in X Factor is immediately noticeable and a great thing for us. All that said, I still think Ammy is one of the best anchors in the game. She really can work anywhere but I’d definately say anchor.

…Are we distant cousins or something?(Not literally) When I was playing the PS(ew)3 setup at gamestop last night I was trying him out. He is fun to use, no doubt. It’ll be a little while before I manage to settle on a team in Ultimate it seems. Need to try a lot of different things.

Yea it took me like 7 months to pick my vanilla team, I doubt it’ll take that long with ultimate but its prolly gonna take a while.

Everyone is jumping on that Frank West bandwagon and who can blame them? Shopping Cart assist is too strong to ignore and when powered up, he’s a monster. Frank/Ammy THC should give him enough time to take 3-4 pictures.

I’ve already made a small combo with Frank/Ammy, and I got two photos from a THC. It got me to Lv.4.

Yeah I also think this combo will be solid, however I dislike the fact that Frank West lvl 1 is very lacking. After poking around though I found that lvling him up via a DHC instead isn’t too difficuilt:

Sure It costs 2 meter, but you can now use frank from the get go with roll and his third super, also he gets the benefits of cold star aswell. Anyone think this is practical?

How do you guys feel about Ammy/Nemmy/Dorm? I don’t have UMvC3 yet, but I plan on running this team and just wanted some feedback.

Doesn’t seem half bad, I don’t know much about nemmy’s assists(or nemmy as whole tbh) but dark hole isn’t a bad assist for ammy and you have 2 really strong point characters and a third I don’t know shit about. Try it out and see how it works, don’t be afraid to experiment with different set-ups and stuff to see if your team combination allows for crazy stuff that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. You never know in marvel.

On a side note, I think i’ve settled on my umvc 3 ammy team, gonna be running a modified version of clocks team but with storm in the middle as opposed to strider. So far it doesn’t seem half bad but my doom is sorely lacking in terms of execution. Also I can switch up the order to ammy/storm/doom depending on the match-up.

His only worthwhile assists give you a groundbounce or a wallbounce