Alex is the master of all risky-as-fuck Jedi-esque gimmicks. So, why not list them?
Cross up Stomp on wakeup. Charge down, neutral followed by stMK or crLK, LK or MK Stomp.
crHP whiff, SA1 or 2.
LP Flashchop on hit, Kara throw or LP Powerbomb or bHP.
MP/HP Flashchop, bHP followup, crHK or EX Shoulder or HK Stomp (can cross up on everyone except the Twins, Q, and Dudley) or walk forward slightly and bHP.
LP Flashchop (or combo into LP Flashchop) on block or hit, charge down as you do Flashchop, followed by MK/HK Stomp. EX is too slow and LK will whiff.
Super Jump cancel MP Flashchop.
jLP, stMP/stMK, LP/EX Flashchop. Even if MP/MK doesn’t combo they still can’t throw you. You’re tricking them into thinking you’re going to do LP Powerbomb or throw.
Charge-Partition empty jump Stomp. Hold down, jump in and quickly hold down again, when you land quickly LK Stomp.
On opponent’s wakeup, stLP, stMP, LP/EX Flashchop or EX Shoulder.
jLP (hits deep), EX Air Knee Smash. Only works if they’re standing.
jHP/HK, bHP. Only works if standing. Delivers about 50% stun. Not practical at all because jump in HP/HK, sMK, LP Flashchop will do almost the same amount of stun and puts Alex in a better situation (see LP Flashchop gimmicks above).
LP Stungun on wakeup counters Denjin Ryu.
HP Stungun (opposite direction) after blocking Oro Chicken Wing.
Hugo jumps in, stMP AA, HP Stungun.
bHP at max range of Necro’s wakeup. Necro cannot punish unless he has Super.