I just killed a Rashid with a stolen Eagle Spike. That almost makes up for that piece of shit being annoying for 4+ years.
I think he likes it
Not right now. But it was also mentioned that G was final boss in that playstation article about CE: https://blog.us.playstation.com/2020/02/13/street-fighter-v-champion-edition-and-new-character-seth-available-now-on-ps4/
You wrong for that man
Cookies on Pizza? That’s how you Canadians get down ?
He doesn’t speak for the rest of us. Remember, he’s an evil Canadian
I always knew Canada was a fake country.
He knows good and damn well you are not supposed to put the cookies on top of the pizza.
I figured Necalli was supposed to be the boss of SFV, he’s got the logo on his chest.
925 is definitely excessive
If I had to guess I’d say Capcom played it extra safe with the character because of the move stealing. His damage with Tandem Install can get pretty nutty but that’s the only outrageous thing the character can do it seems.
His practical damage is actually pretty average.
Jeah I was thinking the same. It reminds me when Sakura came out in s3 at the time I really felt Capcom was scared she was going to end up as the best versions of Akuma and Cammy, so they gimped all her tools and she just ended up in the trash can the whole season.
I just thought Cammy and Karin needed a new person to invite to the tea parties they have a 9:25am each morning.
Is that also why she has ghost ankles?
Hide that from any remaining Nash players. Damn he got bopped hard by Seth.
I think the best part of Seth is using the VT1 followup to Hecatoncheires and then he shouts “DOWNLOADED!”