The Gamer’s Lounge is located in Puyallup, WA. We have 8 Gaming PC’s that are connected to 2 50mg high speed internet lines:smokin:. These PC’s have over 100 games on them. All PC’s have Steam accounts.

We also have 2 XBOX 360’s that have XBOX LIVE. For the XBOX we have several games. UFC, Halo, Street Fighter, etc.

For those not interested in gaming we have Beer Pong, PPV’s like UFC/Boxing/WWE, Sports packages like NFL Ticket, and we’re a BAR:wow:! (no minors:lame: sorry)

More Info can be found below:



We don’t give a shit

This is not a very helpful post good sir, I’ll let you off with a warning this time.

~SRK Posting Police~

Boel on patroel.

We need more upstanding folk like you around

you done been deputized

Too bad it’s in Washington

pssh we all know its not a real gamers lounge without this [media=youtube]dAVdFsjjJXY"[/media]

boel filled a hoel.

…on his enforcement staff.


Too bad it’s in Puyallup, :frowning:

I’d hop from CS to SF4 every 5 minutes.

so whats the catch here…? how much is it to play there…?