The first rule of Clone Saga... - Spider-Man General Discussion

If you only qcb+KK+tag your partner will tag in just as spidey starts the maximum spider. I haven’t really gotten around to figuring out what you can do after that though

Off raw MS I’ve gotten tag to hit afterwards. Seems to be screen dependent, since I wasn’t getting it consistently, but I need to test it some more. For sure if you tag + MS you can get something, but it would also be nice if you can save your tag to see if MS hit.

So I guess this was missed. How do you cancel out of web swing. I know this is basic shit but this is the first time I have ever used Spiderman

Any specific scenario you’re refering to? Because you don’t cancel out of it, you can link something after the move is done, just a matter of getting used with the timing.

Oh god. I wish I knew this 2 days ago. Instead of fighting the damn auto launch this is how you make the system work for you.

Thank you very much for this

You can turn off the auto launch you know.

So I haven’t set with a 2nd character yet, since I’m still struggling to pick up spiderman as it is, not having played marvel 3 much and all.

Thinking about his strong points, web zip is completely unique and lets you approach from some insane angles. With power stone you can completly halt your momentum with a good hitbox so I’m set on that so far (although reality and time should work as well).

Web ball enders offer pressure and I think web throw is up there among the moves with longest animation, so there’s team sinergy with both. Either set up mixups or gain time to setup zoning (I’m thinking dormammu charges, traps, dr. strange).

His downsides are the average damage, bad theme and not so amazing supers. Also unless you get an actual hit there’s not much setting for a tag cancel.

How do you guys feel about him so far.

I think Spiderman is pretty dope in this game, Im currently pairing him with Jedah but there doesnt seem to be a whole lot of synergy that Ive found, idk maybe Im just dumb. I feel like he is really solid against a lot of the clearly early game top tiers with the exception of Gamora, I just dont feel like I can do anything to jump back guns hop forward guns guns. Dante also seems to be a rough time due entirely to range on normals but no where near as frustrating as Gamora

So, power storm…anyone else finding that it makes things worse when it comes to combos? Those bounces really mess with me when I’m just trying to do a bnb. I’ve done a little experimenting for some storm-specific combos, but didn’t find anything amazing. Anyone got something good?

Time storm let’s you chain f+HP into itself like 27 times in a row

Theres definately some extended air combo you can do with time stone. But I don’t know how to go about it.

Enjoying mind right now since its simple. Tack it on to a combo involving Spider canon or Hp Web ball, even at half gauge, and continue it. You’ll get the same or more damage damage using the free lvl 3 and get 4 free bars to work with.

Reality storm BnB by Rynge:

Web ball reset off the loop by Mamespider:

I’m also using spidey/jedah. All I can manage in terms of tech is locking down with jedahs qcf.lp xx tag then pressure with web zip into overhead/low with spiderman. Thought about messing with web zip xx tag but it’s potentially very unsafe. It feels like a double point character team. Perhaps reality stone can compensate for the lack of support?

Im rocking Spidey/Captain Marvel with power stone if any one else is rocking that team. I saw a guy really doing well with spidey ironman but I feel as though you can do similar things with captain marvel. Though her beam problem doesn’t lock down as long.

I’ve seen some cool things from Nemesis and Rocket Raccoon, so I’m gonna experiment with them for a bit.

I was trying Spidey/Marvel for a bit, but decided to replace her with strider. I did have a hard time keeping people locked down, but was able to pull off an Ultimate web throw reset combo with her.

Tip that helped me and maybe other spider beginners, for the ‘Comin At cha’ loops, be sure to have the Lp+lk set to a button instead of having to press both into hp. Went from only hitting one loop to consistently 3-4.

If anyone needs a non ‘coming atcha’ loop that does decent damage (I consider 6715 1 bar decent lol) ive been using this and I think it’s very easy (I didn’t discover this and I apologize if it’s been posted I’m too lazy to check):

Airdash j.hp, magic series, f.hp xx lk.webswing, j.hp, j.fhk, st.lp, xx hp.webball, xx hp.webball, xx hk.spidercannon, cr.hp, air series, j.fhk, xx maximum.

It’s ugly and basic but will get you going at least off of an airdash confirm which is a very common method of opening people up with spidey. Works everywhere

Time Stone Skill also counters Reality Stone Ball nicely I find, and that thing is everywhere. And with the Time Stone Spidey’s mobility becomes even more crazy. However. Reality Storm has crazy Web Ball/Ice loops.
Kinda stumped on which stone to use with Spidey. As Power Stone also works really well.