The Firebrand Mix up/Reset thread

Something I’ve been derping around with lately online (I haven’t played with my usual sparring partner, and everyone I’ve played with online has been pretty… stupid, so take this with a grain of salt).

I was hitting the lab after getting my usual H-M Helldive and L Helldive resets stopped 24/7 I tried out H-L-M Helldive, while slightly better than the simpler H-M reset, you can stop at the L dive, and go for a mix-up, while they’re just about to hit the ground.

Nothing ground breaking, but something to consider.

Why not just Helldive L and then go behind them and jump?

Firebrand Frankwest technology,
easy offence with easy hitconfirm,
when out of footsie range i like to dash in

dash+cr.L+A1,cr.M (hit confirm the cart into ) qcf+S, Dash Back, L,M,H,S, j.M,j,M,j,H,d+H, qcb+L (fly down) d+H,S, j.M,j.M.j.H,D+S(exchange to Frank) M, qcf+L, M, qcf+L, M, qcf+L, S, take photo. (this leaves frank at lvl 3.

If you have someone with a long assist like dr. strange eye of agomato, then you can do
(exchange to Frank) M, qcf+L, M, qcf+L, M, qcf+L, S, Dash+A2(i press M+H+A2 and wait for the end of dash to take photo), qcf+s, pcf+s
This makes frank lvl 5! in one combo with no meters!

Crossup technology,
This is a Throw/Hit/whiff option select setup to use a close range
u/f+H+A1 (call Frank)
if u/f+H+A1 whiffs, then do qcb+M you will land behind opponent and Frank’s cart will crossup
If u/f+H+A1 Hits, then go into qcf+S and go into combo
If you throw, go into otg combo.

Ill work on more stuff and try to get video once i get my new phone.

I guess I was a bit vague in my post, but the H and L dives are canceled ASAP, so you basically move down off screen and swoop back in with the M dive to grab them just before they land, so you never touch the ground.

link to the video


I play Wesker/Firebrand/Doom ATM so I can talk about the mixups on this team.

Samurai edge is a very good assist for firebrand’s mixups, cr L, cr M, cr H, samurai edge, flight, S is damn good, also leaves a setup for tick throws (firebrand’s tick throws are amazing) and is safe on adv guard, in luminous body is faster so is way more effective, and you can spit after adv guards too, but that depends on the matchup.

Air spits on luminous body are so damn good for potential mixups, H version is multi hit on block so then you can get creative, but I hadn’t discovered anything godlike yet.

DHCing after Doom’s sphere flame into luminous body leaves room for de unblockable dp motion with H (sorry don’t know the name) is not guaranteed, but it is preety good.

This char’s mixup potential is sick, I think I’m going to try using him with sentinel drones assist.

you can easily do j.214M j.236H after a backwards air throw to set them up for another combo.
heres my comparison (all been done out of a corner, like a dark flame reset):

air throw, Dark Flame 351200 ~5% super
air throw, Dark Flame (mashed) 405500
air backthrow, solo relaunch, shortened bnb, dark flame 370100 ~75% super
air backthrow, solo relaunch, shortened bnb, dark flame (mashed) 405100
air backthrow, wesker relaunch, shortened bnb, dark flame 461800 ~75% super
air backthrow, wesker relaunch, shortened bnb, dark flame (mashed) 492200

the shortened bnb is S, j.MMH2H, 214L, S, j.MMH236S, backdash, S, j.HS
the last air series needs to be shortened or else hit stun scaling lets them escape, most probably this can be tweaked for a little more damage

the damage is pretty much the same, but the 75% super are a big difference
also the combo can easily be tweaked for another reset.

assist relaunch is of course superior

I’ve been messing around with him a lot in training mode. Trying to find ways to get unblockable resets after combos and convert them into more damage. I run FB 2nd and Doom missiles 3rd. I haven’t come up with any unescapable ones, but I’ve come up with some that are hard to escape.

Idk if it would be better to try and set up a normal wake up game using doom missiles instead of always trying to go for the unblockable swoop. I guess I’ll find out eventually cuz today is my first day with the character really.

Lots of fun using him, and he really helps my 1st character with his own oki setups. I enjoy him, even though he’s complex and difficult to control intelligently through all of the chaos that is marvel.

For anyone that uses Doom’s Hidden Missiles, there is a really easy unblockable reset, fairly sure it is totally inescapable but if someone can prove me wrong, go ahead.

Basically, at the end of any combo, you can
:s:+:a2: > sj.:h: (1 hit) xx :qcf::l: you want to do it a little slowly because if they tech forward in the corner and you did it quickly, they will tech into the last few missiles making it not tight.

Basically jsut land, see which way they teched and do your :dp::h: and charge, should connect just as the last few rockets are landing on your opponent. The evil thing is you can then just do the exact same that at the end of this combo.

Like I said I’m pretty sure it’s inescapable, I’ve tested it with all teching options and tried a few things, but I guess there could be some way out of it (maybe an invincible move or something somewhere in there)

This is what I do. I got the idea from Osbjorn in the general thread. I just watch which way they tech and dash in the right direction and start charging the H demon missile, and if they tech into the missiles I let go of the H charge and go for another mixup. Either another H demon missile for a crossup, a bon voyage into pressure, or an overhead to a fuzzy or more pressure.

edit: I don’t do fireball, I do j.H xx qcb+L and land on the ground. I watch which way they tech so I can be sure to hit with the unblockable swoop.

I didn’t think someone like me could be the first to figure out such an easy reset haha.

I’m not having trouble with people teching into it, assuming I time it correctly, the missiles should be gone before they pass through the space. That’s why I sort of delay everything in the sequence, not particularly tight timing though

can someone post a video of this?

I’m trying to visually understand this in my mind, so u end with an air fireball, and they tech in the air, u charge H demon missile, they land, forced to block hidden missiles, hit them with unblockable? they can’t activate flight and dash away from this or anything? or am I thinking of something else…

Hmm actually flight may be possible, but they would of course get hit by the rockets, air dash, I think even 8 way, should get caught. If they stay in the air too long it’s possible they might avoid the swoop, but you should at least get a mixup after it.

Flight is definitely something I didn’t consider. If they knew the reset was coming, they could probably avoid it from being an infinite there, but it should give you a left/right mixup at the least.

All it is, is ending the combo with a light fireball but with Hidden Missiles already launched, I time it with the last launcher of the combo, this way they are forced to block the missiles after they tech and you have enough time to see where they tech and react with the unblockable swoop.

EDIT: I can’t test this properly, because the positioning of the unblockable demon missile requires, well positioning properly in accordance to what the opponent does after they tech. It’s possible they could fly away and block the missiles high in the air or air dash up back and block maybe, but I can’t say for sure. Either way it still seems pretty potent, even in those situations there could be an ambiguous cross up.

Oops is that his setup? I do H xx qcb+L (down command dash) and land, then I watch the way they tech.

nah it’s what you are doing, the last air dash isn’t exactly necessary though, you have more than enough time to position after falling from the fireball. I guess it gives you more time though.

thanks for the info, i’ve been testing firebrand/frank west/amaterasu but would much rather have doom in the back (although amaterasu sounds like best friends with firebrand…)

Dunno if this is practical (I haven’t tested it exclusively), but if you have a meter to spare. You can do random ground Bon Voyage. If it’s blocked, you can cancel to Luminous Body. Then you get a free mixup, since you’re right next to them. Throws, Lows, and instant overhead xx air bon voyage.

wouldnt you still be at frame disadvantage doing that? You would just be burning a meter if your opponent mashes out of it(which is likely)

I don’t know how many of you guys know about this, but we were talking about it in the balance thread several days ago. Anyways, Firebrand has a snap-back trap that can very well kill an entire team: