(although, anything can be coded and balanced in the long run).

(although, anything can be coded and balanced in the long run).
Knew it. All those great characters, but 4 girlies get picked. Oh well, I guess I’ll have fun with the PC beta.
The people who chargeback because of this can go fuck themselves, but to be clear, I do respect the chargeback people more than, say, the people who have already started creating hentai for the new characters though. lol
I am surprised that Panzer or Beowulf didn’t make it. Aeon’s the only one who really surprises me. I mean…out of all the characters that have advanced in this vote, she seemed among the least likely to win; and now she’s a prime candidate for being a character?! Huh. Don’t underestimate dark horses, I guess.
Regardless, I’ll still put in my vote, even if none of my picks made it this far. I’m not sure who I’ll vote for, though…
So you give more respect to people who would pull their money out of a DONATION drive then people who draw porn of characters they like?
Did a Hentai artist kill your mother or something? I don’t understand the hate.
So you respect the people fucking things up for Lab zero more than power that draw porn.
The fuck are you on.
haha, take that metavoting fgts. A male didn’t even make it! Guess it’s time to go #TeamEliza
(sarcasm/)Stanley didn’t make it…excuse me me while I get my money back. I didn’t not make a hentai comic featuring him with all the girls for nothing.(/sarcasm)
All joking aside, I’m sad that Panzerfaust or Stanley didn’t make it but I’m use to being disappointed so whatever. Now I’m gonna vote for Eliza since Annie looks like a rushdown type and they have two of those characters types already while the other two I don’t like.
Same here, I had no clue her following was so strong.
I still disagree with ur usage of the F word tho.
My mother was NTR’ed by a tentacle monster, don’t joke about that shit.
I’m voting Annie. But I’m happy for anyone, except Aeon as I feel it’s too early for her.
People who didn’t donated just for the voting asking for refunds are retards and have no love for the cause whatsoever. I can understand if people donated under $5 for the voting. But if you donated for Squigly and all other extra stuff (it’s a fucking looooong list) and before we even KNEW we would get to the voting, asking for a refund makes you nothing short than a scumbag.
Next voting, I’m campaigning hard for D.Violet, Mrs Vicoria and B.Dahlia. Badass women and mechanics FTW!
Force crouching for the dirtiest mixups you’ve ever seen! Vote D.Violet!!!
The case for Minette: Having influences from awesome characters like Roll, Multi and Manaka along with Hisui and Kohaku seems too awesome to pass up. She’s cute, and seems like a very fun character to play. She doesn’t seem like a straight rush down character which I feel the game has a little too much of right now. Instead she has a very creative and clever delivery concept. I have great confidence that the team can make the level up mechanic really work well in Skullgirls. I also think because she is one of the River King’s daughters she can provide interesting additions to the story of the Skullgirls universe.
I’m voting for Minette! Who else is with me?
Did you draw this?
The case for Minette: Having influences from awesome characters like Roll, Multi and Manaka along with Hisui and Kohaku seems too awesome to pass up. She’s cute, and seems like a very fun character to play. She doesn’t seem like a straight rush down character which I feel the game has a little too much of right now. Instead she has a very creative and clever delivery concept. I have great confidence that the team can make the level up mechanic really work well in Skullgirls. I also think because she is one of the River King’s daughters she can provide interesting additions to the story of the Skullgirls universe.
I’m voting for Minette! Who else is with me?
I’m also voting Minette. I think only Aeon has a more interesting concept, but with Aeon I’m not fully sure what to expect.
Minette sounds kind of like a momentum-based trap character, similar to AH3 Maori with better pressure and less versatile zoning, who can keep the opponent cornered and level up when she gets space. Her playstyle will be unique among the cast and there’s no way Lab Zero will make her a joke or throwaway character. She wasn’t my first choice, but I’m now pretty excited by the prospect of her winning.
The case for Minette: Having influences from awesome characters like Roll, Multi and Manaka along with Hisui and Kohaku seems too awesome to pass up. She’s cute, and seems like a very fun character to play. She doesn’t seem like a straight rush down character which I feel the game has a little too much of right now. Instead she has a very creative and clever delivery concept. I have great confidence that the team can make the level up mechanic really work well in Skullgirls. I also think because she is one of the River King’s daughters she can provide interesting additions to the story of the Skullgirls universe.
I’m voting for Minette! Who else is with me?
You know I am Honor, team Minette lets go!
The case for Minette: Having influences from awesome characters like Roll, Multi and Manaka along with Hisui and Kohaku seems too awesome to pass up. She’s cute, and seems like a very fun character to play. She doesn’t seem like a straight rush down character which I feel the game has a little too much of right now. Instead she has a very creative and clever delivery concept. I have great confidence that the team can make the level up mechanic really work well in Skullgirls. I also think because she is one of the River King’s daughters she can provide interesting additions to the story of the Skullgirls universe.
I’m voting for Minette! Who else is with me?
Sadly I’m still voting for Annie. She’s the only one of the original 4 I’ve been voting on since Round 1 and even if I didn’t vote her, I’d probably vote Eliza instead.
That said I do honestly take back everything I’ve ever said about Minette not being a good character. Because at least I know she won’t be a nightmare of a character like possible SNK-boss Aeon would end up being. Yes I know this is only speculation w/ Aeon but considering how Mike keeps going on about how hard it would be to balance her, I don’t have the greatest of opinions.
Besides, she’s a goddess w/ the power to control alternate timelines and summon alternate Skullgirl versions of existing characters. How do you implement something like that as anything other than either a boss-type character or possibly a retread of Double?
So, it shouldn’t surprise me that the fans of an all girl fighter chose all girls…but it does.
That said, any guesses as to the best bet for team #AnyoneButAeon? Annie? Minette?
So, it shouldn’t surprise me that the fans of an all girl fighter chose all girls…but it does.
That said, any guesses as to the best bet for team #AnyoneButAeon? Annie? Minette?
Eliza would be your best bet. She’s been mad popular since her move ideas were revealed. People who wanted other non-kid characters are very likely to vote for her. Also she looks cool as all hell.
The case for Annie:
What are the odds of any other company ever coming up with a character like her? Someone else may come around using a folding chair properly or even implementing time travel, but a jaded demon hunter x pre-teen magical girl w/ one of her eyes inside a stuffed rabbit? With the spot-on voice acting, “trope savvy” and attention to detail Lab Zero has demonstrated?
IMO Annie embodies the very essence of Skullgirls: an affectionate parody of several genres, that can still stand on its own.