The FINAL FANTASY XIV™ Thread: SRKGD's Goin' Balls Deep #Kreygasm

sonofabitch cant buy digital download until the servers get stable

what am i gonna do go buy a disc like a damn caveman

I bought my digital download from amazon, because the square site would not accept my account password, can you still get it from amazon?

oh sweet i am idiot thank you cactuar

GODDAMIT I WAS TRICKED haha amazon puttin the kibosh on it too

It’ll take some time, but I’m slowly figuring out keyboard only, its awkward compared to XI.

Num pad is used to access main menu and navigate menus, while movement and targetting is controlled with F’s/tab and wasd/arrows. I’m not a huge fan of numpad 0 being the confirm button.

I think I’m gonna make chatting T so that I can make enter the confirm button.

Oh my nigga. :rofl: :rofl: I’mma come to your place and hide your cords.

How do I get out of this city, I just want to fight some ladybugs!

Ok I’m not 100% sure how I feel about the multiple solo players on enemies thing, I read in a forum, that someone claiming wasn’t getting 100% of the xp every time…

Ran into a Aya Brea and Rally Vincent last night. I’m able to log on fine and everything now.

Some times you gotta get your cro-magnon on

Is there anyone in the Leviathan SRK free company that actually is interested in being in the maelstrom or adder Grand company’s?

We seem to be lacking influence in those areas, not marginally but it seems everyone flooded to the flames.

Hit lvl 4 Glad, definitely enjoying a streamlined MMO. Reminds of SWTOR in how they give you gear during your class quests.

This time I’ll have people to play with!

You claim 100% of the exp so long as you hit the target long enough or you have first claim. This is so someone can’t wait for you to take 90% off a mob’s HP, swoop in with the killing blow, and get the same amount of exp you got for doing all the work. That person gets no exp.

Immortal Flames is the Grand Company for real niggas. You sayin’ you ain’t a real nigga, busta?

@crotchpuncha is white as fuck-- he’s still a real nigga for joined the Flames. What does that say about you, son? Get yo weight up

Ok virtual function call again, this time after 2 hours of relatively smooth gameplay

The game started that pausing crap as i tried to move through the zone, hit lvl 6, half of my lvl1 hunting log complete, heading over to cactuars/ladybugs and crash. Sounds like it may be server related.

Lol, I’m gonna join the flames because That’s what I fuck with, but the problem is that I equally want our Ranking to improve.

I joined maelstrom this time because I wanted to see if there was Any real difference .

not really so far

Anyone else waiting 2-3 minutes on EU servers for important npcs to load while all the unimportant npcs load first?

These server issues are getting bad.
In Siren, fuck man… shit reads 5 second delays on my commands. Apparently, that’s a global issue with NA servers being all fucked up.

I dunno, this game is getting harder to play with all these issues.

Should I reroll, or continue using my EU character?

Ok rerolled, leviathan was out again, but I’m on Ultros now, so maybe Ill have a better connection, we’ll just have to figure out server transfers mid sept. Hoping to get a free one at least

Lol nvm, Ultros busting at the seems, I finally got a 1017 error!

I joined the immortal flames to protect the taru princess because Raubaughn is a freaking badass.