The Fatal Fury Special Thread

Andy and Krauser are hella good.

Yes I’m bringing FF Bat Archives 1 to NEC Shiki…

Great news Geese :wink:

A new vid up at HenaHena, pretty awsome stuff. Really interesting application of Tung’s command grab. Surprised he can get away with ticking it off the lunge punch like that, esp against an SPD equiped opponent!


Andy is simply sick, this is the best game for his Zen Ei Ken (the rushing elbow move) EVER, it’s simply sick as hell.

I disagree on Krauser though. I use him and it’s like an uphil battle compared to when I use Andy, Geese or Laurence. All of his specials are just “Okay”, he has a sick standing B though.

Krauser is better in Real Bout 2 than in Fatal Fury Special. Geese’s normals are beter certainly. I like Krausers far St. C though, its good, but yeah other than that his normals are okay as Airthrow says/

that’s why i wanted you to have real bout 2 then special :rofl:… cray or middle wat’s the Duck’s best set ups for the Break spiral

You wanna money match in Real Bout 2 also Edpachi? We can do that…Money Match in RB2, RBS, FFS, KOFXI, KOF NeoWave…

Updated the first post with links to my Fatal Fury Special YouTube playlists. One for Matchvids and one for instructional/ combo/ misc… The matchvid list already features over 70 videos, so get over there if Ur not uptodate :wink:


Are all Fatal Fury Special matches are dependant on fireballs as the vids posted? Also, is Ryo “legal”?


Kim does good without a fireball. As can Billy. As for Ryo being legal, I am unsure.

ryo is going to be dark geese god when i am done beastin on him. wat’s the teir list in this game again

Ryo isnt legal in FFSpecial for what I am sure.

Kim and Joe are tops Edpachi…get ready…I thought you also wanted money matches in NeoWave dude???

Dont worry all this is getting recorded…I’ll handle that you just play and see if you can handle my Geese, Krauser, Kim.

Get ready for Mai in RBS, and Krauser in RB2…

You dont even know the tiers yet you are ready for a money match??

Hahah Talk is cheap…Dont dissapoint me like you did in Tenka :rofl: :rofl:

Ryo is HELLA LEGAL, Lukus.

please after not playing them game in like 9 months come on. and on top of that you a furbar teach you shit so shut up… neowave is to broking and wack. play me in ffsp and the real bouts and get that ass beat :rofl:… Now don’t dissapoint me in these great game kid

and real bout i do no the tier’s get ready for billy yama and kim bitch boi…, real bout to i know about krauser cuz i play with him and others… don’t do it to your self. the time you played me i had quit playing snk games… you couldn’t handle me then… now that i am back playing it’s all over kid

and like my man xtg said RYO IS LEGAL

Use Ryo or use who you must seriously in FFSp or whatever, do what you gotta do Edpachi…

I couldnt handle you at EVO East? LOL. Wow son you need to check those Tournament results again…Who won those tournaments???

:rofl: :lol:

Also Fubarduck was the BEGINNING of my Amakusa (3 years ago pretty much)…since then I have developed him into my own weapon of torture…

Beyond the initial observation!!!

This thread is going way off topic. I’ve just waded thru two pages of ‘hey dude I’ll kick Ur ass on Garou’ crap. If U wanna talk about RB2 or arrange online matches pls go to the appropriate threads in ‘Other Games’ and ‘Online matchmaking’. This is susposed to be a resources for FFS, if you have something to contribute, pls post, if not, go chat on msn or something…

I agree Crayfish…tell Edpachi to post up the FFS shittalk in my thread so this one can stay what it is…

you started it i finish it, cry i am not going to fuck up this great thread with this bs. keep on posting that great ffsp issh my friend