The EVO Commentary - thanks and feedback thread

One thing I forgot to mention. Next year, please look into having live brackets ala the NCAA Basketball tournament brackets. That way even if people can’t watch all of the matches over the stream, they could keep up with who was eliminated and when. Having people show up once and disappear forever is understandable, but at least let us find out what happened to our personal favorites after they were off of the stream. Maybe have the brackets updated every 30 minutes or so.

I’m not sure why everyone is hating on Adam Sessler. You want the community to expand, but you don’t want anything explained to casual viewers. How do you expect them to know all of the terminology that goes on during commentary. If Adam seemed confused to you guys, that should be a sign that you’re going above the head of a casual viewer. You know, the type that could expand the community and make the scene bigger. But I’m sure in the end that all of you don’t really care about spreading out. You’re happy knowing what you know and f* anyone who doesn’t understand.

Chris Hu and Tokido’s commentary at the Salty Suite was the best.

Not gonna lie, Salty Suite’s SSF4 tourney was pretty damn good.

No after Evo wrap up report or anything was dissapointing. Otherwise I enjoyed the program and their commenting. Was not too bad, much better than last year.

I’m pretty sure Keits screens nominations. :rofl:

I’m guessing that’s exactly why he did it. Which would be pretty hilarious.

RoyalFlush loves the people who appreciate his work. Thank you for addressing me by name! This means a lot to me!

I just want to make the game easier to understand to newcomers and seasoned players alike since I have good knowledge of the TvC crowd. I would love to do commentary again!

My only complaint is that there was not enough Aris. Yeah he was biased, but dude is hilarious.

Skisonic could’ve not eaten the microphone (we could see in the cameras that he was adjusting the mic to go closer to his mouth, which was not necessary) while talking and not talk hella fast. I know he’s very informative and has a lot of info he can break down (which makes for good commentary especially for people that aren’t familiar with some of the other games) but he needs to slow down. And once his voice went out he should’ve been off the mic. Really. It was painful to hear him talk and most of the time i had to turn off the volume completely. I understand about hype and all but you really don’t need to be yelling into the mic the entire match.

More Seb please.

I ignore all the outright Keits hate but you have some valid points, so I felt the need to hop on here and tell you like it is.

Yes, Adam does get over excited on the stream sometimes. Live commentating is not as easy as it looks. Let him know he’s talking over people and to tell less (weird) anecdotes. He wants to get better and really takes constructive criticism to heart.

As for wondering what he’s has done to be given the opportunity to commentate, honestly it comes down to being a reliable volunteer who has had commentary experience in the past. No he’s not the most knowledgeable or most funny, or cleanest in language. You would think that there are many great players that would LOVE to help out, but you would be mistaken. MvC3 was in the room, casuals and money matches were going on in the suites, and honestly…we were at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas! Also, you are mistaken about Yipes. He was on the stream team as he was able to demonstrate that he can clean up the language when necessary. However, he was concerned about his MvC2 match and wanted to focus on that instead. Would you really want to sit at a booth all weekend and work for nothing? To commentate for the people at home who endlessly complain about the quality of a free product? Adam was not supposed to commentate as much as he did this weekend, it’s just that other people on the stream team did not show up on time or not at all. But he was there all weekend, from 9 AM to post tournament clean up, ready to help when asked.

Alright, let me set you straight because I’m tired of people blowing this out of proportion.

When Evo staff and Level Up decided on the commentary team, a schedule was also made as to breaks, who would do lead and who would do color for each game, etc. Keits was supposed to lead TVC and Ski was supposed to do color, just as Ski was supposed to lead MvC2 and Yipes was supposed to do color. It’s really not that big of a deal, there’s no salt between them or anything. Get over it.

I really don’t know what he did to you personally to deserve all the hate, and I’m sorry you feel the way you do about him, but he really tries to bring as much hype and insight to the viewers as possible. That’s why he said, “This is the biggest day of my life” - he was just trying to build excitement for the stream. It’s not about getting shine; it’s about gaining experience and getting better. Practice makes perfect and all that. He loves fighting games as much as anyone, and commentating is just one of the ways he can give back to the community.

He hasn’t done anything to me personally. I have nothing against Keits personally. I just think his commentary sucks.

As for the lead/color thing, I know there’s no beef. That’s not the point though. The fact that he cared about lead vs. color with another commentator that would have served just fine for TvC is what I’m pointing out. It’d be one thing if it was Keits/Seth doing commentary or something… but it was two guys whom would handle TvC commentary like pros. The fact that he needed to get his lead there was completely personal. There was no reason to bitch like that, other than a desire to hear his own voice. And the whining exemplified his point of view. It wasn’t “Hey… I should really take lead here. I have X+Y that I want to get across”, it was “Awwwwwww I want to do lead! You had lead for Marvel!!!”.

Come on.

As for general stream shit… please. There were players capable and willing. I don’t buy that Keits was the best option to commentate SSF4. I just don’t. This isn’t “hate”. I have zero reason to hate Keits. I do hate his commentary though… but that’s because I don’t think it’s good. There is nothing else driving this.

I hated this during the SSFIV stream.

I got the feeling that some people were more wrapped up in getting their microphone time than providing solid commentary. Some of the commentators were about as natural as plastic, too. Generally, if Seth and James Chen weren’t commenting together, I muted the stream. I watched the best HD Remix and SSF4 matches with the sound off because I didn’t want the commentary to spoil the excitement.

Sessler and S-kill were a great combo IMO. Sessler was representing the part of the crowd that wasn’t really super knowledgeable about the game, and whenever he had a question or a comment about something that was going on, S-kill was there to build upon it or answer with a professional mannerism.

Personally I loved it. Great job, guys!

Hi everybody !
I just came back to France and i?m so tiireeed right now ! ?
But wanted to let a message to say thanks to everybody because i have been really well welcomed (can we say that ? lol) I mean that I?m new to this community, I started seriously the game when SSFIV came out , and just played 1month in entire to SFIV (I had to give it up for Soul Calibur IV because of a world tournament in France) , and I really didn?t think that people would be that nice with me there. I came alone from France, it?s my first trip alone in a foreign country and it was more a mental test for me, I wanted to see if I was able to be solid enough to win even if I?m not in france, in front of all those people watching me playing, and without my friends to advice or cheer me. (And, I also wanted to see if my sense of direction is that bad when I?m alone hahaha, I almost missed my flight?haha)

Fortunately, there were some Guyanese players that I met there who cheered me, I was reassured to hear French haha and I thank them to have totally used their voices for me. ? On the stream you can hear ?ALLEZ KAYANE!? that means ?GO KAYANE!? haha ?
I thank them for that ! It?s the first time I met them, and they are really really nice people, it was a pleasure !

Yes for some people who were wondering, I?m the Soul Calibur player too. And I?m French, but my parents origins are Vietnamese and Laotian. Lol
I really enjoyed my trip, the atmosphere was soooo godlike (yeah ! i learnt a new word during this trip haha)
I think my chun is not strong enough, I still begin the game but I learnt so many things at EVO. I want to thank especially Porto Ricans players like Eduardo and Ricardo for their advice and tips. Also Lud that is a Chun li?s player that I really wanted to meet and he?s able to speak in French a bit haha so sometimes he translated for me when I don?t understand. ?
I did so many mistakes in my game, I missed many combos in the finale. I wasn?t nervous at all on the scene (I?m used to pressure a lot), I was just too excited to play on the stage so I did my links sometimes too fast. It?s something I have to be used to. In Soul Calibur we don?t have such close timings in combos, I need to improve my execution !
Since I don?t know the game really well and I lack of a lot of things, I tried to win by zoning a lot. It seems to work ! :smiley:
I really wanna play again right now ! I feel like I didn?t play enough during this trip lol, I?m going to learn more and more about Chun Li so that I hope to be a reference with her someday.

Anyway, I met so much nice people, I?m really happy and I feel like I lived something incredible, I have no words to explain how this evo was amazing.

So, I have one year to improve and be really strong so that I hope to make top 8 in the mixte tournament next time !!! And this time I wont be alone, frenchies will come !!! So be ready !!
PS : About what I think of the female tournament in general, I?m going to post it later in the thread that is already created for that since some persons asked me to say what I think.

PS 2 : Here is my album picture :
Welcome to Facebook

And my money match against Daigo :

Just curious Kayane, but how long have you been playing the game?

I played SFIV a bit in October 2009 for just one month seriously, but after i had to totally stop playing at this game until March because I had a Soul Calibur world tournament to train for. And then i waited for SSFIV to come out to play it and train seriously. So I think it’s been 3-4months of serious training at SFIV/SSFIV.
I’m really new to this game for the moment…

Yo, I saw you play in the room against Dagger G/Leviathan, Hawaii’s top players. I’m a chun player too in the states and was impressed with your zoning. Also the fact that you could also “dash ultra” which I can’t even do myself makes your game strong. The only thing I wish you would do more is take advantage of Chun’s amazing “throw” since it has such great range and adds alot to her mixup. I saw you do that in the finals, when you ticked threw burnyourbra in the corner a bunch. Mixing up jab jab throw or jab jab fierce is really effective. Can you speak Vietnamese at all?


Is Dagger G the Guile player i fight against ? I was surprised myself to be able to dash ultra his sonic blooms in reaction lol, i always used U2 against Guile but it seems U1 is better to make him stop spamming SB.
Yes I learnt thanks to Eduardo the mixups I can do with the throw. I’m going to train that and then my pressing game will be stronger.

I dont speak Vietnamese, my parents always talked to me in french =x