Hmm, Yeah i see the points. But this is sounding pretty similar to smash theorycrafting right about now. I dunno if thats more legitimate in actual fighters but i dunno :L
You are right it is just a theory, but if we could put it into play over time, I’m certain these points will become true. Lili’s counter is scary, and for Sim he’d have to be thinking about that, as it could shut down his game.
yeah thats true. If you get the predict it would put lili right next to a downed sim. Just make sure you learn his habits though
IDK if people know this, but f+mk~mp, is a great frame trap. It catches everything I’m pretty sure. and after the, you can continue your jab/light kick pressure. I usually do the frame trap, do 2 crouching jabs, then deno dash cancel and mix it up between more cr.jabs or TK EX Divekkick or grab, or overhead, etcetc. The forward mk is great for getting in then you get all that juicy frame trappage afterwards.
Thank me later.
EDIT, just to clarify. the idea of the frametrap is that if the first 2 hits of Peacock Jive hit, you can link into Bedtime and combo. If they block, you go into Left Right Back Strike for the frame trap and then I believe cr.jab will frame trap after the Left right Back Strike. even if it’s not a true frame trap, it stuffs pretty much everyone trying to mash online. So you have 3 potential chances to hit a combo and if they block the whole string, just keep with the pressure. they’ll crack eventually.
Also, I’m new to the Lili section, but I’ve been maining her since day one. I was pairing her with Law, but I switched him out for Vega today and I’m loving that team. team Beautiful.
Glad to be here!
I’ll thank you now! And if I could add any swag to my praise I would. Good find.
f+mk ~ mp is -1 on block and st.lp starts in 4f so you’re leaving a 5f gap where if the other person is mashing cr.lp/lk, you’ll most likely get hit out of it.
Would work though if you conditioned them to stop mashing with counter or if they’re just happy to sit and block
Hmm, that’s true, but for it not to frame trap, they would have to be mashing jab constantly so that it comes out instantly. I tried it on Lili and Vega and it trades with Vega’s cr.jab or it traps him if I’m not mashing it. Lili’s jab can beat it out sometimes but it seemed to get caught more. And I found out something else about it. It’s a true blockstring if you do it right. I was mashing jab and nothing came out, Vega just kept blocking. I’mma keep using the string because it shuts downs most everything unless someone knows to press jab instantly, and even then, barely anyone has a 3 frame jab that will beat it out completely.
Besides you know ryu.
Ugh, hate that character.
me too man. me too.
Big Question: ending a combo with HP Deno on a standing opponent leaves them standing and you at +3. Should we be doing this for the sake of keeping people standing and the pressure game going over damage?
Absolutely not. Lili has no problem pressuring/getting in and the damage difference is too big.
It’s a 130 damage difference, but you don’t knock the guy down, so no roll or backdash or any of that, and you get more opportunities for damage in pressure. Just throwing that out there as a possible option. Don’t just toss it out at first glance.
I would take the damage, as mentioned Lili doesn’t have much problems getting in, you can end the combo in f+mk > st.hp and stand in the middle between the 2 locations where you opponent could be and react accordinly with walk up st.lp or f+hk overhead or just f+mk and pressure on neutral, or even just jump back and then if they roll, do and if they don’t roll, do hk divekick as fast as you can react and you’ll have advantage.
I think you do, lk/mk lance ender, whiff, jump back mk/hk divekick
I’m cool with this response. I’m gonna fiddle with it and see if anything good comes from it. Thanks for explaining what options Lili does have to handle knockdown type situations, she seems like one of the few characters who can take advantage of knockdowns. I already knew about the corner tech and that was no question, take the damage. Neutral just seemed a little tricky.
Yeah, this is the tech I mentioned a couple pages back. You can do it with st.HP too to slightly change the arc of j.MK
Unfortunately, the Sunflower Lance ender isn’t the optimal combo ender for a lot of situations anymore. Only for her max damage combo and fireball punish with EX Sunflower Lance, IIRC. I should hit the lab and try to find something similar for the f.MK~HP ender after the Dendrobium juggle. :S
So I’m thinking of picking up Lili on a team, maybe a sub team or possibly to replace my main, but I can’t come to read past her disadvantages. I see these before I see the awesome and try to find a partner that suits my favorite picks need. I currently run Juri/Hwo because I think the two of them are fun, extend combos to awesome potential, and I saw weirdo Neo beat a bunch of people up with Hwoarang. But thats beside the point. I’ve dabbled with nearly every character on the Tekken side but grapplers, charges, and the same applies to the Street Fighter side. A couple of interesting care to have a chat with me. I see the thread hasn’t gotten any replies since Friday.
Sometimes if a get a random hit confirm I’ll just go into a HP Deno and then You get the +3 afterwards and you can do a free mixup. to ex SL hits a lot of people mashing or just not blocking correctly.
In terms of pressure you def can’t go wrong with peacock jive. is 0 on block and gets you in. If your opponent wants to press something counter them asap. Make them scared. Make them not wanna press buttons then you can start to harass them.
Also you can use> to cover some good space to make up for her slow walk speed and you build meter too, just gdlk.
Usually in knock down situations like this I either wait a bit and delay my jump or react on what my opponents habits have been on those knock downs. If your opponent stands still you gotta go for cross up dive kick or hk dive to continue the pressure. If they roll you can either os ex dive kick which will turn into ex divine step or if they don’t roll you get hella +frames on block. In situations where they do roll I either jump back with them and let them eat a very hella ambiguous mk, or dive kick.
Usually you dun gotta do all the said mentioned above. Its a simple as walking back and forth and watching them roll and doing At this point in the match your opponent should be scared of sunflower lance. You’ll more than likely connect and get some free pressure or open them up.
I really like lili for her luscious thighs, her supple butt and her big tay tays.