The Emilie de Rochefort (Lili) Thread

Tier list are not definite, you can still win with a low tier.
That said, I doubt she will be low tier. I think she will be upper-mid.

Or u can make that character top tier.


wats going on people? ill list a couple properties of certain moves i noticed whilst trying her out. still grinding it out tho. ill basically add on a little more to wat was mentioned above and so on

-Dive kicks cannot be TKed except for the EX version. All regular versions seem to be bad on block and even on hit o_O tried to link a toe tipped dive kick into cr.LP,s.LP,cr.LK,st.LK, cr.MP but did not work. EX ver. will combo on hit however on block i have tested yet if its a true blockstring into cr.LP

-All st.LP,f.MP chains -> extension of (cr.LK or f.MK) are special cancellable into angel knee or sunflower lance and almost all ex moves however angel knee whiffs on crouching opponents :C

-Divine step seems to be a jumping divekick grab kind of thing. EDIT: (it can be) blocked interestingly enough. EX version will still track the opponent even after you do a crossup jump. so it will go backwards kind of and land. It doesnt seem like you can follow into a combo after it and you cannot tag cancel it :C

-Her overhead kick does combo into st.LP, F.MP, ->extension of your choice though it does seem difficult feels like a 1 frame link but im not entirely sure.

ill update more info later possibly im still running through the cast- B-Rai

Capcom obviously doesn’t give a fuck about Lili, video incoming. But i’m sticking with Lili for the long run hopefully they’ll fix a few NOTICEABLE things…

Lili as Poison has to be the sexiest thing in this game.

Some Day0 Stuff/Facts/Combos I found after hours of PMode.

Sunflower Dance and cr.HK = Hard Knockdown (no Quick Stand, just Roll or normal Stand)

BnBs so far against STANDING enemies:
s.LP-f.MP-s.MK xx LK Angel Knee, LK Angel Knee, c.MK xx LK Sunflower Dance+Followup
s.LP-f.MP-d.LK xx LK Angel Knee, LK Angel Knee, c.MK xx LK Sunflower Dance+Followuplow Hit in the target combo.

s.LP-f.MP-d.LK xx LK Sunflower Dance+Followup - d.LK is low, LK Sunflower is Overhead. Hard to block and works against Crouchers.
s.LP-f.MP-s.MK-c.HP xx EX Angel Knee, cr.HK (c.HP forces stand)
s.LP-f.MP-s.MK xx EX Dendrobium, j.MP~HP, cr.HK
f+HK, s.LP-f.MP-s.MK xx LK Angel Knee, LK Angel Knee, c.MK xx LK Sunflower Dance+Followup (f+HK forces stand)

Waste your meter for Super/Team Super:
You can followup your c.MK with Super or Team Super.
You can Super after Wallbounce (EX Dendrobium or Rabbit Thorn)

Combo from Tags:
LK Angel Knee, cr.MK xx LK Sunflower Dance

Setup your Pandora after EX Dendrobium or Rabbit Thorn and Super right away.
With Lili you can loop cr.MK to Rabbit Thorn until your meter runs out.

After Hard Knockdown, walk back a step to crossup with j.MK or do a meaty Divekick or EX Divekick to keep the enemy guessing. Jump back to counter Roll.

Found no use for Divine Step yet. Have you?

Divine step can be used to catch rolling opponents.

My short video about thing’s that whiff on large and small characters that shouldn’t. Angel Knee Sunflower Lance/EX


there’s no normals that cause standing?

Pretty sure that’s intentional, and not unique to Lili. Moves that whiff crouchers are mostly attached to Tekken characters in this game.

In Tekken there are 3 categories of attacks, low (blocked crouching), mid (blocked standing), and high (whiffs crouchers, can be blocked standing.)

It seems like they represent the “high” moves in that way. Other examples are Paul’s hopkicks, King’s knee, Asuka’s standing roundhouse, Jin’s Spin Hook Kick, and a bunch of Tekken “command grabs” that either whiff against crouchers or can be blocked crouching (most grabs in Tekken can be ducked.)

Meanwhile SF characters that used to whiff jabs against crouchers and such don’t seem to do that anymore, with exceptions.

I guess Tekken characters are supposed to use their superior overheads to make them stand-block so your highs don’t whiff. I wouldn’t expect major “fixes” unless there’s a change of design intent – maybe a move here and there.

yeah, this sort of thing only makes sense when you have fast, rewarding overheads (plus crouch-whiffing moves in tekken are more often + on block and stuff)
i hope the tekken characters’ pressure is strong as fuck

Lili is a pretty solidly build character, But her health is really really low

Her health must be around 900 (30 Jabs on her for 30 damage each)
Hugo has 1200 (40 jabs on him)

she still looks really good im not really botherd about the wiffing even more so if you can force stand

it dose seem to be design choice

You can hitconfirm for 3 hits if it hits and if he is crouching and decide from there, what you do.

Hit against Standing: Meterless Combo.
Hit against Crouching: Launcher Combo or EX Move or Super
On Block: Mixup with the Rabbit Moves(?)

EDIT: Sunflower Dance whiffs with its first hit on Crouching, so it ain’t viable against crouchers…

so what dose she like do for pressure?

i asumed you could end strings in knee but thats out the window lol

Her divine step is an over head and the ex version has to be block high than low

i’ve found the most damaging way to begin her combo is not the s.lp,, target combo, but rather to use her peacock waltz (, and follow that up with a link (difficult link) into two tiger knees, c.hp xx sunflower. you can substitute link with s.lp (easier link, lower damage).