Thanks, will add to the OP tomorrow, will also link to that fingercramp tutorial that had a lot of Lili… does anyone know if that’s on youtube?
wait did i miss something here when was this?
Can someone post some recent Lili vids in HD or something? I need to see more of her unique combos in action and start working on memorization.~ She seriously looks like a cannon. <3
Are there any vids showin’ Lili’s moves individually yo? or any new tutorials? I wanna’ see some more Lili, n’ btw as far as I see her health doesn’t matter since she has such a good moveset.
Its so weird to see her overhead not ground bounce in this game -_-
Meh I’d rather they do that then complain about the gems. The vagina tax doesn’t stop people from buying the game and playing the characters, the gems will. Nice to see the gem complaining has died down.
Is there a video or a stream recorded where we can see her trials? IIRC there was one but I dont remember which one was
yesterdays team tekken after jins trials
Quicks: thanks man
4:07:56 Lili’s Trials for those interested:
I don’t want to see them yet, I want to discover the trials by myself when the game is out. =)
can you tk her dive kick?
if you can she is.going to be beast of.a rush down, she’s already fast as shit aswell
She can but the the speed of the dive kick…
its not really that fast. Think of Dhalsim’s divekick in SF4 series, is kinda like that
well apart from rufus , it seems like one of the better ones so far
cammys looks slower to me
Yeah the dive kick speed isn’t that great, but I guess it could be useful in some situations.
She also has a tracking “headstomp” to deal with turtlers (Ex Divine Step).
But one thing I noticed yesterday, her spinning forward move (Feisty Rabbit) has some kind of invincibility or armor?
Here I found it in the archive:
Go to 6:32:48
It happens at 6:32:53
So i played a lot of lili during the shadowloo showdown qualifiers. She’s fantastic with meter due to her wall juggles but she has pretty limited combo ability after the wall bounce unless you’re willing to burn another meter. Her has a fantastic start up so its great for air to air and it’s hitbox is huge making it easy to setup some pretty abiguious crossups. The issue she has is her pretty awful pokesnd walk speed meaning you can’t really footsie with her.
Disregard what I said. I thought this was the cammy thread. I’m not sure if she can do instant dive kicks
This right here is the reason why I’m not maining Lili anymore:

She looks so.fucking.stupid! OMG Everytime she does her super art I keep focusing on her face and she keeps staring at the camera with that dumb bitch look. It’s like she’s looking at me and I’m like: Why the fuck are you staring at me like that in mid air aren’t you supposed to be fighting?!
The game’s not even out yet and I’m already sick of her.
There, I said it.
Sounding a bit too upset over virtually nothing there bro. I’ll still play her cause she looks fun?
oh my god dude that is so funny you said that, because I was thinking along the same lines when she does that super art. It also doesn’t help that she has dialogue while her face is frozen like that too.