The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited PS4 and Xbox One console release 6/9/15

I think ESO deserves a 2nd chance, just like FFXIV and especially Diablo III got a second chance
(PC gamers still butthurt that consoles have superior version.)

It could be a more replayable and longer lasting than Skyrim for, at least some TES and MMORPG fans.
Of course it should not be expected to be a traditional TES, and it’s confirmed to not be a WoW clone either
(FFXIV actually has more in relation to WoW than ESO.)

And without requiring CD key nor a fee, offsets any rants towards ESO not being perfect.

Read there’s free PS4 prize for PSN Store preorder,( yeah sure, winning the lottery is more likely.)
there will be 10 winners, that is nice winning a $429 PS4.

ESO sure has a lot more freedom, and customization than FFXIV

there’s a livestream demo on June 4

ESO has more immersion and more depth too, could turn out really amazing!! :slight_smile:

Well just sharing the news for those interested. In some ways, ESO is better than a TES VI, the console version
just gotta make sure to be stable enough, though some played PS3 Skyrim hiccups without much fuss.

Just preordered today.

Tell us the truth, how much do they pay you to make those threads?

Word this nigga comes off as the biggest shill.

IMO they took way too long to bring this over to console. Pretty much all the hype that was created for it is more or less gone. It wouldn’t surprise me if more or less everyone who plays on console forgot this game even existed. Add to the fact that it’s mostly casuals that would play this on console (the hardcores usually get a PC for games like this) and all the negative press that the game received. They aren’t getting many sales for this.

Ya not even gonna lie…totally forgot about this shit. Bloodborne is life >>>>>