6 – Combo Pieces and BnB’s
For this section, I will start slow with very basic BnB’s that as a MODOK player, you want to know how to do, or at least be aware of. Gradually, we will become more advanced and throw in a couple of example of common assists or common classes of assists for combo extension. I just want to quickly note that saving your wallbounce and groundbounce for the end of combos gives you access to extra damage and/or options.
Before I delve into some basic BnB’s, I would also like to mention what you should be thinking when you get a combo rolling. What should be the end goal of this combo? You have three basic options. Those options are to the kill the character, jam the character for a reset/snapback, or simply go for a reset. This decision will be based on a number of factors, including what you can do after your combo starter (it might not be possible to jam), how much meter you have/are willing to spend, the health of the character you are comboing, and the threat level of the other characters on your opponent’s team. Know what you can do with your assists after any touch with MODOK so you can make a smart decision on where your combo should leave your opponent at its end.
Now, time for some combos.
Basic BnB’s and Relaunch Variants/Info
There are two basic combo outlines that, as a MODOK player, you will typically go to. One has 2 sets of basic air combos, while the other has 1. I will show the latter first. Note that when you manage to hit 2 or more characters, these BnBs will hit fully and are your go-to combos. Do not add cubes to these combos in that situation, since cubes only hit one character.
MODOK Basic BnB Structure (1 air combo)
(cr.:h:, jump, adf, j. )x2, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:h: (whiffs), dash, st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:h:, sj.:s:, dash, cr., :l: blaster, hyper
With your starter, this combo will take you corner to corner.
MODOK Basic BnB Structure (2 air combos)
cr.:h:, jump, adf, j., dash, st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:h:, sj.:s:, wave dash twice, cr., st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:s:, dash, cr., :l: blaster, hyper
With your starter, this combo will too take you corner to corner. I recommend learning this combo, or its relaunch variants, as it gives you a good feel for MODOK’s combo pieces and how his normals function, and it saves his wallbounce.
Before I get ahead of myself, I will break down one part that is common to both of these combos, and that is cr.:h:, jump, adf, j.. Knowing to do this is critical to using MODOK. Once cr.:h: hits, just tap up, input a dash, then immediately press . Practice, practice, practice this until you will never drop it.
Once you get that down, the first combo should not be much of a problem. Just make sure you input the air series quickly enough (or shorten it to sj., slight delay, sj.:h:, slight delay, sj.:s:).
For the second combo, for the second air series, super jump up forward immediately after the st.:s:, then wait for a little bit before doing the air series. Going straight into the air series will not give you enough time to OTG afterward to follow up.
There are also a few variants of the second combo regarding relaunching. Some may find it difficult to relaunch by wave dashing twice. Another option is to land, tap :uf:, dash :df:, cr., st.:s:. Note that you are at the minimum dash height when tapping :uf:, so buffering your dash :df: is a good idea. This should be familiar if you are used to Doom relaunches midscreen. Another thing I should mention is that for this combo variation and the original combo, after doing cr., do not mash on st.:s:. Depending on your starter, this might not work. Remember that comboing from cr. to st.:s: is a chain, and that when cr. hits the opponent and OTGs, you can input st.:s:. But this is Mahvel, so you can buffer that st.:s: a little bit before the cr. hits, allowing you to always get your relaunch when hitstun deterioration would make it a tight link off of some starters.
One more variation of the second combo’s relaunch is to preform what you do to combo off of grabs, though this is inconsistent with starters that heavily effect hitstun deterioration (starting off with j.:s:, which groundbounces, for example). Once again, this input is: dash, cr., fly, adf, j.. One more important note about this relaunch is to know your timing. If you input command flight and dash (2 buttons) right away, your command flight will plink into HBR… not what you want. Go into training mode and practice this relaunch off of normal grabs until you do not get HBR often. It is possible to circumvent this issue altogether by tapping forward twice to dash instead of using the normal 2 button dash, but you sacrifice the general ease and speed of the 2 button dash, though by all means, if you can do it, it’s certainly superior for combos in these cases where you must fly, then dash.
One last note about relaunching: you might be noticing that cr. does not consistently OTG against small characters (and for some reason, Dorm) after a hard knockdown in the corner. This is especially noticeable when that hard knockdown is caused by a throw, since more normal sized characters become affected by this. This is easily corrected by wave dashing back first before doing cr., st.:s:. MODOK’s launcher has a great hitbox, so though it might look like you are too far back, it will always combo. Though you do not always have to wave dash back before relaunching in the corner, it is a good habit to get into, since it will always work.
Optimizing damage on the Last Air Series
Now at this point, you should have enough information to get your basic BnB of choice going. Before I get into assist combo extensions, I will mention a quick combo optimization to your basic BnBs. If you end up in the corner or very close to the corner, you can add an extra :l: blaster at the end of your last air series. This is great, since at times, doing sj.:s: for the last air series will whiff if your combo starter was horrendously long. For the last air series, what you do instead is: sj., sj., :l: blaster, add or addf, sj.:s:. For this blaster air series, you want the opponent as high as possible, so after doing st.:s:, wait a bit on the ground before super jumping up forward. sj. also floats the opponent higher, which is useful for this purpose as well. Also, be aware that you go back to neutral before tapping sj.:s: after doing add(f), or you will get a TAC. The main thing to learn here is when you recover from :l: blaster to add(f) (ie. mash j.:l: after doing :l: blaster to see when you recover). Once you figure out the timing for doing add(f) afterwards :l: blaster, practice.
Tagging on an Extra Cube (2nd BnB Structure)
It is possible to put a cube in the very beginning of your combo without sacrificing much damage, though there are different combo routes to be taken depending on where you are on screen. In the corner, to get a cube quickly, do cr.:h:, :l: cube, st.:s:, etc. At midscreen, you have two options. The easier one is: cr.:h:, :h: cube, dash, st.:s:, etc. The harder one is: cr.:h:, cube, dash, cr.:l:, st.:s:, etc. It is good to know both, since the second one can be done almost anywhere.
Basic Assist Combo Extension and Combo Enders
Now, it’s time for combo extensions with assists. This is where you will build cubes for resets, do jamming bombs without sacrificing much damage, and/or optimize your damage for the kill. Usually, you want to have assists that ignore hitstun deterioration for easy combo-ability and allow you to continue the combo off of a hard knockdown in the corner. So let’s say :a1: is your generic combo extending assist. After your basic BnB, do something like: dash back and call :a1:, cr., :l: blaster. If your assist is fast enough, it may be possible to do an :l: cube instead of an :l: blaster. From there, let your assist juggle the opponent, then tag on your wallbounce ( :f::h:) or your groundbounce (j.:s:) at the end. Generally, try using up your wallbounce first before your groundbounce. You want to have at least one assist that allows you to get a :f::h: after a hard knockdown in the corner to have MODOK at his full combo potential. If both the wallbounce and groundbounce are already used, do :f::h:, blaster, hyper, for your typical combo ender into damage. If you wish to snap back, a typical ender has a snapback instead of a hyper (doing :l: blaster instead may be easier to time). During the time your assist juggles the opponent, see if you can do extra damage by adding an :l: blaster or bomb. So when your :a1: call is finished, do :f::h: to wallbounce. From there, you can do :l: cube or :l: bomb before calling out your next assist. The next step is to incorporate :a2:, another generic combo extending assist. You probably want to do :f::h: and :a2: at the same time, then see what can work. Try jamming bomb, dashing up and doing :l: bombs, or if :a2: does not hit in time after :f::h:, try calling it before :f::h: or doing an :l: or blaster after :f::h:. After finding what works, try getting in another :f::h: at the end, jump, adf, j.:s: to use your groundbounce, :f::h:, into one of the enders mentioned earlier or the resets that are to be discussed later. If your :a2: just won’t cooperate, try finding a way to be creative with your groundbounce to add it in. One quick optimization note: after using the groundbounce, it is possible to do :l: bomb, :f::h:, ender, but that doing :f::h: after the extra :l: bomb is very strict.
I will now give you a few sample enders using various assists. These combos pick up off from your basic BnB combo, and you are now in the corner, with your opponent in a hard knockdown state unless I mention otherwise.
:a1: = Doom’s Hidden Missiles, :a2: = Magneto’s Hyper Grav
cr. and :a2:, :l: blaster, dash back, :f::h:, :l: bomb, :f::h:, jump, adf and :a1:, j.:s:, :l: bomb, st.:s:, sj.:l:, (missiles hit), bomb, :l: blaster, add, sj.:s:, cr., :l: blaster, hyper/snapback
:a1: = Doom’s Hidden Missiles, :a2: = Magneto’s Hyper Grav (Full combo)
cr.:h:, jump, adf, j., dash, st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:h:, sj.:s:, wave dash twice and call :a1:, cr., st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:s:, (missiles OTG), :l: bomb, :l: bomb, dash back, :f::h:, :l: bomb, :f::h: and :a2:, blaster, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:s:, :f::h:, blaster, hyper/snapback
:a1: = Doom’s Hidden Missiles, :a2: = Magneto’s Hyper Grav (Full combo)
cr.:h:, jump, adf, j., dash, st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:h:, sj.:s:, wave dash twice and call :a1:, cr., st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:s:, (missiles OTG), jamming bomb, dash back, :f::h:, :l: bomb, :f::h: and :a2:, blaster, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:s:, :f::h:, blaster, hyper/snapback
:a1: = Doom’s Hidden Missiles, :a2: = Magneto’s Hyper Grav (Full combo)
cr.:h:, jump, adf, j., dash, st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:h:, sj.:s:, wave dash twice and call :a1:, cr., st.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:s:, (missiles OTG), :l: bomb, :l: cube, dash back, :f::h:, :l: cube, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:s:, :a2:, :f::h:, jamming bomb, snapback/reset
:a1: = Viper’s Burn Kick, :a2: = Hsien Ko’s Senpu Bu
dash back and :a2:, cr., :l: blaster, :l: bomb, :f::h:, :l: cube, :f::h:, :a1:, jamming bomb, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:s:, :f::h:, blaster, hyper/snapback
:a1: = Strange’s Eye of Avocado, :a2: = Sentinel’s Drones (Charge)
dash back and :a1:, cr., :l: blaster, :l: blaster, :f::h:, :l: cube, :a2:, :f::h:, blaster, dash, jamming bomb, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:s:, :f::h:, blaster, hyper/snapback
:a1: = Firebrand’s Demon Missile (Charge), :a2: = Dante’s Jam Session
dash back and :a1:, cr., :l: blaster, :f::h:, :l: bomb, :f::h:, jump, adf, j.:s:, :f::h:, pause, st.:s: and :a2:, sj.:l:, fly, blaster, add, sj.:s:, cr., :l: blaster, hyper
Find out what you can do with your assists and get creative!
Corner Combos – Optimizing Damage
Even though your basic BnB with adjustable enders will be your staple BnB, you should know that your combos can be optimized for damage when in or near the corner before you do your assist based combo ender. Here are two sample combo starters that go for optimal damage (provided by Caveman).
(cr.:h:, jump and float up for a moment, j.:h:, adf, j.:h: )x2, cr.:h:, jump, j.:h:, add, cr.:h:, st.:s:, sj., sj., :l: blaster, add(f), sj.:s:, ender
(cr.:h:, jump, adf, j. )x2, cr.:h:, jump and float up for a moment, j.:h:, adf, j.:h:, cr.:h:, jump, j.:h:, add, cr.:h:, st.:s:, sj., sj., :l: blaster, add(f), sj.:s:, ender
This combo works from the match start position.
Note that you must float up for a moment after doing cr.:h:, so you can do j.:h:, adf, j.:h:. Simply tapping up and doing adf, j.:h: whiffs. By floating up for a moment, adf, j.:h: can hit if you input j.:h: quickly after dashing forward.
Corner Combos – Building Up Your LoU (Cube Combos)
When in the corner, you can also opt to build up your LoU and go for a cube corner combo. Doing this however is heavily reliant on your assists and what characters you are performing the combo on (read: these only work on normal sized characters), so I will give you two basic combo parts that one typically sees at the start of cube combos as guidelines before you need to find a way for your assists to contribute in tandem with your wallbounce and groundbounce. Both your wallbounce and groundbounce should usually net you one more cube (ie. :f::h:, :l: cube and j.:s:, :l: cube).
The first basic combo part is simply cr.:h:, :l: cube. You can usually get at least two reps in before you have to use your assists.
The second basic combo part is the one I usually turn to and seems more consistent. It goes like this: cr.:h:, jump, (j., j.:h:, :l: cube)x3, j., j.:s:, assist extension
Now, I will give you a sample cube corner combo. See what your assists can do for you.
:a1: = Doom’s Hidden Missiles, :a2: = Magneto’s Hyper Grav
(8 cubes and does 1,239,200 damage with 2 bars, builds over a bar)
cr.:h:, jump, (j., j.:h:, :l: cube)x3, j. and :a2:, j., cube, (hyper grav connects), :l: cube, j.:s:, wave dash back, :l: cube, :f::h:, :l: cube, :f::h: and :a1:, jump, addf, st.:s:, sj.:l:, cube (when missiles hit), :l: blaster, add(f), sj.:s:, cr., :l: blaster, HPB, cr., :l: blaster, HBR
Corner TAC Combos
As you probably already know, MODOK has some crazy TAC combos. These combos have the goal of getting 9 cubes to have a fully powered HPB and make MODOK a serious threat in the second slot. I will write down notations for simple up, down, and side TACs in the corner that maximize damage while minimizing difficulty.
pause for a moment, :l: cube, sj.:l:, sj., adu, sj.:l:, :l: cube, sj.:l:, sj., fly, (sj., :h: cube)x4, cube, cube, :l: cube, sj.:l:, sj.:s:, assist based combo ender (if assists ignore hitstun deterioration)
You want to pause for a split second at the beginning to ensure that you are close enough at the end to connect sj.:l: after all the cubes. You can always just try dashing forward first, then sj.:l: instead.
Down TAC (takes away groundbounce)
sj., sj., adu, sj.:l:, :l: cube, sj.:l:, :l: cube, sj.:l:, sj., fly, (sj., :h: cube)x4, cube, cube, :l: cube, sj.:l:, sj.:s:, assist based combo ender (if assists ignore hitstun deterioration)
Side TAC (takes away wallbounce)
sj.:h: (delayed), :l: cube (delayed), sj.:l: (1 hit), :l: cube, sj.:l: (1 hit), sj., dash, sj., fly, (sj., :h: cube)x4, cube, cube, :l: cube, sj.:l:, sj.:s:, assist based combo ender (if assists ignore hitstun deterioration)
These TACs, of course, are adjustable to whatever you feel more comfortable with. One thing you can do instead is plink an :h: cube after you activate fly. What this means is that you are getting an :h: cube with the same 214 motion (quarter circle back) that you use to get flight. Your inputs look like this: :qcb::s:, :h:. The :h: must be added on quickly. Though this is harder, it does give you more freedom in your TAC, since you now have 10 cubes. You can add in an extra sj. during your cube reps, if you notice the opponent is not floating high enough, or you have more time to delay them, since you can scrap one of them. You could also opt to do an :l: bomb in the start of the up TAC, then find a way to get one more cube, and then plink into another cube from flight mode.
Other Important Combo Notes
If you can hit the opponent with the top of HPB, you can always follow up with your assist based combo extender if your assist ignore hitstun deterioration. This builds meter and does more damage than going into HBR.
Instead of the basic cr.:h:, jump, adf, j. loop, you can try the execution heavy cr.:h:, jump, addf, cr.:h:, loop. Once mastered, this is more damaging and a very scary technique to have for opening up opponents, since it abuses one of his 2 lows and can beat advancing guard. Simply doing add is far easier and works only in the corner, but it won’t beat advancing guard.
You can loop the HBR. In the corner, you can do: cr., :l: blaster, slight pause, HBR, forward (automatically goes forward for the first burst), down forward, down forward, down back, forward. Once you go upright, you can do another HBR with the same motion to do another rep.