Колин выходит на Каток! The Character Discussion Thread

Neck yourself for being a jabroni.

Come on, the thread title is cute. You’re just jealous because you didn’t think of that pun first.

I want to see more of her projectile, especially since Art said she’s a zoning character.

Kolin GD “Ice see what you did there”.

Her theme is trash I think… first two listens and I am sitting here thinking where is the rest.

I really like it. It’s got a perfect Illuminati spooky cult vibe.

I think they should’ve cut or considerably shortened the first part before the actual theme with guitars comes in. I actually like what comes after that, it has a very eerie and cold feeling to it.

Love this from @marconelor on Twitter.

You, accidentally, found out the perfect name for this thread. :clap:

Vesper doing Gill’s work as always.


No matter the wording of Capcom or if it was mistranslated, Kolin confirms what they meant. Characters we’ve seen before but could never play in Street Fighter are fair game. Haggar, that girl that hangs around Necro, EAGLE.

Rare footage of SFV music not sucking.

I thought Capcom said that they never appeared in a fighting game before. That was a lie. So, I guess that means that anyone that has appeared in a fighting game, where cameo or not will be some of the remaining 4 characters. Any guesses who the remaining 4 characters are?

Bet one of them is Sagat!!!

Oh really, we have a female cryomancer.

Is this Capcom testing the waters for a possible Mortal Kombat VS Street Fighter game?

They said they had never been playable in a Street Fighter title before, specifically.

Then that one guy is wrong about Eagle, because Eagle is in SF1. Although, he isn’t playable in SF1. Does this also mean that the all Final Fight characters can be one of the other four as long as it is not Guy, Cody, Maki? Haggar, was never in an SF game either…

He is wrong about Eagle for S2, yes, because Eagle was in Alpha 3 MAX.

Haggar is definitely possible, and he’s my guess for the big guy silhouette personally.

Still not completely used to Kolin’a new face, but I have to admit her hair movement looks really good.
Hopefully we’ll get another outfit with her loose hair.

capcom like…we give a fuck about clipping…

Meh. I’ve already have a developer (from an unrelated studio) state that clipping is one of the lowest priority items when it comes to things to fix.


It was Mike Z

Isn’t it always

as we can see. but i would at least try to avoid it to be visible for promo stuff.

Her CA is so weak. Zero impact. Aesthetically speaking.

But other than that she gets 10s across the board from me.