So, I’m trying to revitalize my local FGC with our new plan to have online weeklies. It’s open to anyone in the eastern time zone but please note that rewards for winning are mostly just bragging rights and an invite to our next CFC offline event.
We’re mostly focusing on Street Fighter V right now but will soon open up more games based on turn outs of the SF5 weeklies.
As of right now, there’s no lobbies in SF5 so the only way any matches will be streamed is if you can do it yourself, but when lobbies get patched in we’ll definitely have streams for top8.
If you’re in the eastern time zone and don’t have a local event to go to, or just wanna throw down online with us I encourage you to sign up!
Rules are in the tournament description, the first even will be March 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Check in starts 30 minutes prior, so if you’re participating make sure to check in!