The Bob Thread

Hrm… I just thought of boosting into close off the first two hits of picante? Definitely have to play around with that…

One option out of picante is whiff hp-jacker into meaty poundcake. It requires quick-recovery from the opponent, but the cool part is that (I think) meaty poundcakes cause a groundbounce! You’re asking to be reversaled, and it’s gimmicky as hell… But meaty poundcake in general may be worth more exploration, in other setups and stuff… Perhaps against characters with poor reversals?

Nice info about boosting cl.MP. I’m assuming then that boost combo-ing adds 3 frames to your recovery? I always thought they added 7, so I was trying to avoid them. Good to know it works well from f.LK because that’s my go to for hard knockdown pressure in case of rolls.

The only thing I’ll really use for combo-ing after picante midscreen is HK step > apres sweep. Second part doesn’t connect but it might set up for good oki.

Man… there’s some crazy pushback on the 2nd hit of the course picante string! If I do c.LP, s.LP>s.LK>s.MP, I get the close MP, but the pushback makes it whiff completely!

So weird… :looney:

It might be different for each individual move? If you check out the project pandora data, boosted normals actually seem to be completely different moves in themselves, having completely different entries. Launcher and boosted/chained launcher are not the same move for example, each having different juggle properties.

For the record, I came up with the data by recording in training mode, and having both characters (two Bobs) hold up after contact. On block, both entered prejump on exactly the same frame, and on hit the attacking Bob was 4 frames earlier.

Already known by you but as a note, the cl.MP only whiffs if they are not blocking at ideal punch range (ie where you could go into st.MK for Gaufrettes mixups) but hits if you are closer. On block, you will hit with the cl.MP at the ideal range, thus making you safe, but a teensy bit farther ( I guess even more ideal >>) it will go into far.MP. I guess we need to use the first two hits to hit confirm so we do not whiff when we want a launch combo, and go the K route instead.

You’re talking specifically with Course Picante, correct?

Outside of Course Picante… I have never seen it whiff.

Yeah, only talking about what you said in regard to CP.

Anybody been using contorno farce at all? Seems pretty gimmicky at first but I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.

At first I thought it was useless because sweep sucks and you can’t boost into farce. After I’ve started using a lot more low combo beginners like cr.MK in my game though, I try to implement farce more if I have meter.

It’s so funky and has good damage potential. The one downside being the crouch-able attack in the middle. Still, even if they know about the properties of the move it seems tough to quickly block high, then immediately go low for the punish.

I didn’t even know about it being able to be interrupted, c.jab takes away so many nice things for my characters.
I’ve only been in low tier fights, but I start to implement Farce once I peg my opponent as a chronic croucher, and it hits most any time I send it out. One of Bob’s best ways of tag canceling for good damage. If you could get something other than a Jacker off of it, it’d be amazing.

Never thought to use it on the offensive after a low or anything though, interesting to see it is working out. I primarily use it as a sweep or random low punish as it hops right over that stuff. Guess that doesn’t work on Ryu since he can cancel out of his sweep, huh? ; ;

So…dead Bob boards, huh?

I gotta say I’m pretty bummed about it. Not many people using him, but I’m 100% positive he’s a really solid character. So fun too.

Since I’ve been spending most of my time with the game on Bob, I figured I’d throw out some random tactics I’ve been using that have been working pretty well:


  • Both versions of this attack are amazing for beginning pressure. They both have distinct advantages and lead into a load of options.

  • far.LK should be obvious to most bob players, relatively-quick forward moving low. This is very useful for hard knockdown, as it can chase rolls extremely well. It’s made even better due to far.LK catching forward roll using roughly the same spacing and timing that a cl.LK could meaty a regular wake up.

  • Depending on spacing, you can follow far.LK up with various options. LK, cl.MP chain is quick and puts you at neutral (thank you Nos) and in perfect position for st.LP. If you hit you can confirm into launch.

  • You can also chain into s.MK. Spacing is vital here as you can either get cl.MK for a low into ex roll (+1/+6), or you can get far.MK, which leads into more chain shenanigans, or just an overhead for combo. If I’m not confident about my spacing, I often just go into xx ex roll.

  • Another option, and a good one when they’re in the corner, is to straight special cancel it into either lyonnaise breaker or sweep > choppa. Both of these lead into combos in the corner, and can set you up for a giga jacker at


  • Even though it doesn’t seem like much, is just as useful for pressure, especially on wake up. It’s his fastest move at 4 frames, and can combo into cr.LP on meaty/CH.

  • As with f.LK, it can be useful to chain into cl.MP for a hit confirm that ends in neutral.

  • cl.LK immediately puts you at a much further range. Way out of grab range, but it puts you at a great advantage and distance for s.LP. You can also try for f.MK > mix ups.

  • It has the advantage of being one of his normals that you can’t special cancel, making it pretty sweet for option selects.

That’s all for now, as typing this out on my phone has exhausted me >.<

Yup! Tumbleweeds up in here…

I’m curious as to why you’re using s.LP here instead of c.LP/c.LK? I know it’s probably better at beating stuff, but it only leads to far boost chains (no more close MP), course picante (which doesn’t have great combo potential AFAIK), or just-frame links to other light attacks? I like c.LP because it allows for easy links, and c.LK because I can usually go into boosted close MP again.

But actually beating stuff IS way better than getting hit though heh.

I suck at spacing the far s.MK after far LK… Then I end up boost chaining into close s.HP instead of overhead which is BAD… :sad:

You got it exactly right, I just use it over cr.LP because of the risk. s.LP just seems to beat everything, including a lot of reversals. Plus it doesn’t make me vulnerable to launcher. I just want to make it so they have very limited options to get out of my pressure, and converting into the biggest damage possible is kind of secondary for me. He has such a good amount of chain/target combo options that I don’t feel too bad sacrificing damage potential. You can always go into launch if you connect a gaufrettes string, ex roll cancel into a BnB, or special cancel out of s.LP, b.MP. However…a lot of that stuff is pretty vulnerable to alpha counter >.<.

This! I really suck at it too, it feels so difficult to space. Occasionally I’ve been trying to use f.LK, MK xx EX roll (with LK+MK.) I think it’s somewhat worth it if you have the meter. If the close MK comes out, then you will automatically cancel into the EX roll. If you get far MK instead, the second hit of gaufrettes kick will come out. You can confirm whether it was close or not then go into the last hit of gaufrettes kick for a launch.

Yo Swoops!

You’re in my SFxT pool at EVO! Small world eh?

However! My partner also registered, and it’s not at freakin’ 8AM, so I’ll probably just play that pool instead. It also doesn’t have Eita in it… lol!

Oh damn, shit’s about to get real :p. I’m super pumped for xT, although I’m still trying to figure how to be a better partner than a solo player lol.

It’ll be a bit of a bummer if you’re not playing in my pool though :(. You should still stop by the pool sometime at least so we can exchange info or get some games in. I’m dying to get in on a SFxT room or something. What else are you playing?

I entered SFxT, Marvel, SF4, and KOF (just for the T-shirt though heh)

I don’t really expect to do all that well, but it’ll be fun all the same. I also haven’t been playing SFxT much at all… I can’t find anyone to play with. :sad:

A little dead here…anyways, with the new patch coming out I thought I’d look back into xTekken and I always did like Bob and felt he was underrated. Swoops was on one of our local streams here and I really liked his unique Bob/Zangief duo. I was wondering, aside from obvious goodys like Chun-Li and Ryu, who do you guys feel is the best possible partner for Bob? I’m looking at Kazuya myself, but I’d love to get a discussion going.

Ryan Hunter uses HeiBobchi (Bob on Point), and I can never fault anything that man does when it comes to SFxT.
In general Bob is a strong point character. Deceptively good pokes (though not great, and a bit slow), very strong BnB and safe strings, covers ground quickly, some unorthodox mixups to lead into damage/tags, and is not a meter whore. So in that sense I see Bob/Kazuya working fine. I wouldn’t think he’d be too big on being paired with a mixup character, but Heihachi is one, so maybe it’s a thing.

If you want more I’d check out the Team Synergy thread, though it could certainly use an update.

I’d say that bob is a solid point character, but nowhere near on kazuya’s level. I like to think that Bob on point is good, but Bob on anchor is so much better.

He can do a lot of pressuring and mix ups on his own, but it is so much scarier when you get someone else to build his meter and get him in for you. Usually by the time you get bob in you have the meter to go for EX roll shenanigans, have alpha counter available, tag off of BnB, or blow meter on ex dash rocky spiral xx tag cancel.

I think he can struggle on point, not so much as anchor. Plus kaz is already beast

After playing him a lot at otakon I am starting to consider himself as an anchor. He is by no means a bad point, with the range of his pokes and damage, but he just deals with pressure so badly, so if he starts off against a hwoarang or the like he can be lit up easily, at least for me.

Even so, I do not think Bob specifically excels as an anchor. His ideal range is where he can, and anchors generally work at closer ranges than that. You have to give up a little advantage on the tag in to work into your range. At the same time, he does suffer a little fullscreen against many characters. I guess it really depends on your partner.

Mind if I ask what ex ball shenanigans are? I have grown to be a little disenchanted with the ball as of late.

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It’s a very general statement to say that “most anchors operate at this range, so bob must be a weaker anchor.” The game is still a bit early to make general statements like that, considering characters like yoshi operate at very odd ranges and still manage to be played as anchor characters.

Bob has the advantage of his BnBs, both solo and off launch, putting him into the position to do whatever the hell he wants on wake up. I mean his main combos give him a CH store every time, then give him positioning for mix ups. Plus I think he does great at more ranges than you might think. Full screen gives him the option for ambiguous belly flop tag cancel or panini flip/spiral rocky tag, and he has solid normals for every other range (, st.hp,

When you are doing gaufrettes mix ups or even closing in with a chain like, mk, you can boost into cr.HP xx ex roll. If it hits you’re at +6, and you’re +1 on block. That sets you up for neutral jump overheads, standing lows (st.MK, beats launchers,) and grabs. So, there’s a lot to do with ex roll. Regular spinner ball is okay to mix in, but not great

Edit: anyone know Bob’s jump frames? I forgot them.

I always thought Yoshi was a point, since he has so many ways to tag into people and benefits from being partnered with a high damage output.
My hesitance with Bob as anchor is that there are more specialized anchors. Of course, there are more specialized points too. His well-roundedness (ha), can be quite the double-edged sword.

It is true he has fantastic positioning with his knockdowns, but what exactly is his oki game? It seems limited compared to some other tekken characters. I suppose rather then stay on top of them with a variety of special mixups he can take a step back and pressure with low pokes or into gaufrettes again. Not as effective but keeps you away from obvious reversals and mitigates their rolls. So his oki pressure is largely the same as his standing, plus his fast jump has its uses there, so maybe better than I first thought.

Damn, being away from my PSN for August sucks! I want to experiment to see if he has any auto-correct moves to help against rolls: I am envisioning a sweep/contarno farce os where both moves can catch due to roll. Also if it works early enough them finishing their roll and getting up mitigates the startup on farce and could it reduce the - on sweep if it was meaty?
Still, I wish there was something he could do on counterhit. Have people tried all his strings on ch?

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