Kind of. ReXXX asked me to change it and said he made updates. Now, I’d really like him to.
Updates done. I thought I hit save while editing the post. The joys of the new SRK. If anybody has anything to add holla at me or Keits and I’ll get it into the OP.
What’s the easiest way to do IAD? A+B+C? I’ve been using 866, but it still feels kinda clumsy.
Definitely, you can see the difference when you try to do an IAD after each jump doing the ABC style. Getting two IADs in two jumps is pretty awesome.
Here’s a list of all armor-breaking moves that can be used to combat the giants and oni mode Soki. This doesn’t count level 3 supers, because those will always work.
Power Bomb
Stungun Headbutt (super)
Shooting Star Kick
B-friender Call
Giant Swing
Zombie call
Dead Rising (super)
Single-handed vacuum spin (super)
Wild Lasso
Dancing Swan
Mirage Swan (super)
Tobimizuchi (the chain move)
Gatchaman Attack: Lightning Strike (super)
Vector Drain
Tek Win
Crash Intrude(super)
Any tier list on the USA version ?
The game has been out for 2 or 3 days. Stop asking for a tier list.
Tiers come from tournament results. You don’t have tournament results on day 3.
Is Zero really simple? I thought that he was a more advanced character because of his low health and not-so-great strength.
You can still pound out some nice stuff with zero right away. At low levels, your damage is bad with every character anyway, and other players are not fully capitolizing on their opportunities. Work your way up.
I’ve got a question about the button layout. I have a six button custom arcade stick and the buttons have no labels. I know that TVC uses a four button layout like BlazBlue. When I play TVC I use the bottom left button and the top three buttons. In order from left to right starting with the bottom left button, I use the controller configuration P L M H. Is this the same as the arcade button layout? If not, what is the layout suppose to be?
You have it right.
I need some help with combos.
Everybody seems to post combos that start off in the 5 neutral position,but I am just getting pummled when i whif.
is there any way to poke from a crouch and then go up to the magic series 5a 5b 2b 3c
Or what is the best aproach to start those combos off that start in the neutral position.
neutral is just standing you don’t neccesarily have to start it with that you can go low by holding d/b (crouch block)+L attck. Zero will do a short low kick and go into combo from there. Also landing an overhead such as a jump in or IAD attack can go into neutral 5A. You’ll have to mix it up and capitalize on a mistake such as an opponent who got his shoryu blocked or whiffed a move w/ recovery.
Cool. Thanks a lot.
Hey guys, I’m hopefully getting this game in the post tomorrow. I’ve had a quick flick through the start of the post but as its getting late and I’ve been up for about 30hrs and need sleep I figure it’s gonna be quicker to just ask…
As I have no real knowledge of this game (I’ve played it once, but enjoyed it, especially when I busted out Roll’s giant bucket super - please excuse me not knowing the correct name) I was wondering if there are maybe a couple of characters that would be recommended to play with to get to grips with the way the combo system & game mechanics etc work? I know a lot of it will be trial and error and everyone will have an opinion, but if there’s anyone particularly useful in this area, any advice would be appreciated. I’m sure given a bit of time I’ll find a combination of characters to my liking and style, but for the meantime I just want to get off to a good start.
I’m a slightly above average SFIV player and main with Cammy if that would make any difference. Just looking forward to sinking my teeth in TvC and ripping it up at work when I go back on Monday!
You can never go wrong with Chun Li. She will teach you the basics of how to combo and how to do air raves. Also Jun the Swan is a great character for the transition from beginner to intermediate, as she’s simple to control and use, but has doors that lead to interesting new concepts. Batsu is another character you should try. He’s easy and he’ll teach you how to string specials together in an air combo, which a few other more advanced characters are capable of doing too.
Ok guys it may sound stupid ( it IS stupid ) but i don’t know how to break away from PTX’s stupid ugly " loop " throw in the corner. -__-
It’s a normal throw, i know i should tech it with a 4/6 C but… i don’t know, it doesn’t work.
I’m pretty sure you just mash on buttons and you can break out. Be careful not to hit P though because you might accidentally megacrash.
Yup, you can mash out of giants throws.
Thanks dude, that’s exactly what I was after Annoyingly my copy still hasn’t arrived yet, so here’s hoping it will be gracing my doorstep tomorrow morning!