The Bama Thread - Monster Creation at it's Finest!

Anyone in the gump want to carpool and split gas?

Also, anyone up for Guardian Heroes (1v1, 2v2, 4P free for all, whatever) as a side game? I’ve been playing the 360 rerelease for the past week and it is pretty sweet.

Well im tired as shit. Had a great time. Lost to PhilChamp, etc etc. Was fun though.
I played Skullgirls for about 12 hours, Ms.Fortune looking broken as shit already, but its understandable since she’s just been released.

I had a good time, played Skullgirls, got bodied on stream by MarlinPie (and again later on off stream so that I could say it wasn’t nerves and justify further training), and found out that Raising Cane’s broke out of the south. Good shit Ohio.

Them out of state cats gon come take that fight money :slight_smile:

I plan on going. Gotta try and get with Rocky and Re to see if they wanna go too.

man raph, why did you have to ruin everything?

i think i’ll be driving down

Let me ask you guys something.

If we pushed the tourney back , would that help any of you guys who may not be able to make it this weekend? Mainly asking because we have some leeway or is this weekend str8? I don’t wanna fuck over the peeps who got this weekend free but can’t get another one.

I’m good either way.

we were planning on coming but mayor said my team is too cheap so he might not give me a ride

I’m good also

I’m working the next 2 Saturdays after this, so yeeeeeah.

Honestly, I haven’t played consistently in a while. I’m used to an actual arcade, but GGPO should do…since it’s pretty much our only choice, and all.

That would be cool, since I have to work this weekend, but at the same time, I can’t guarantee I’d be off next weekend. Not sure about Paul either (said he couldn’t make this weekend), but are there really that many people who can’t make it as to move it?

It’ll suck for me, but if it bothers the majority I guess you could re schedule. I work from 11-3 on Saturdays and this week is the only time I get to work an earlier shift so I can have enough time to get there.

I’ll be driving a “late” car down with some more 256 people since a few people can’t leave here until 11am. Any weekend works for me. Want me to bring any setups or monitors?

This is my only free weekend Ike. Really would like for it to be this weekend. And is we really gonna play fukin GG this weekend this time ?

Changing the date would screw me since there’s a 99% chance I couldn’t make a later date. I had to put in a request just to get this one off, so I probably won’t be able to get off another Saturday for a while.

I vote for no change. Waiting the week of is way too last minute (as evidenced by posts in the thread, myself included) and it’s not fair to the people who already asked off/made arrangements to try changing it to accommodate people who had weeks to get their schedule straight.

EDIT: Also, SFxT confirmed for fucking joke. Right when I was starting to actually get excited, too. I think Capcom should have its own Sonic Cycle for fighting games.

this week would be best for me cuz in november wrestling season starts and imma be busy till like, february

Wrestling season never stops.

Every Monday and Friday, and every other Sunday for the past forever.

lol i c wat u did there.