Lamar is an asshole to Derrell. Why am I not suprised? Good shit on the super vids Phoeynx.
“Man Sagat prolly getting buffed again.”
Lamar is an asshole to Derrell. Why am I not suprised? Good shit on the super vids Phoeynx.
“Man Sagat prolly getting buffed again.”
Lol at yall getting lamar head gassed up cause he beating yall scrubs on video. NIGGAH I KNOW U TRASH in SUPER! Ima take ur moneyz next time i come over in that super.
u aint nobody waren know your fuckin role
wow, You guys like it. You really like it. lol
Also I’ve been thinking about the channel all night. And I came to a very real and serious conclusion that no matter what i do. No matter how hype I am. No matter how much effort I put toward uploading vids and hearing peoples views on the direction of the channel. The fact will still remain that Haters Gonna Hate. People, even within the scene, are going to write it off and/or disregard it. I saw it coming, I see it setting up. I’m gonna just do me and we just gonna do us.
herp derp We some monsters.
thank you for not naming this thread “Bama Thread : Hide ya kids Hide ya wife”
So who’s confirmed for going to AWA? BBCS tourney is in the game room at 10pm on Friday. They’re going to have a SSF4 tourney too but I don’t know what time (I think it’s on Saturday).
Looking forward to meeting up with some of you guys and getting some GGs in on BBCS. I’ll most likely be in the game room almost the entire weekend, so just look out for the Purple/Black color Hakumen player (since I’m the only person I know that actually likes that color enough to play it, haha).
Edit: Also, new av. Infinite hours in MS Paint.
same always up for customs
I can’t get to AWA man, but I guess after AWA week-hype is over, any one up for some games next weekend. my Blazblue game is garbage but I’ll play that and of course I’ll play SSF4
how much does it cost to get into AWA?
man yun and yang are coming to ssf4 in december for arcades and probably free dlc for xbox and ps3
The SSFIV tourney is Saturday at 2pm
$45 for all three days
$35 for 2 days
$25 for just 1 day
Really? They charge money for costumes and two full-fledged characters are supposed to be free?
thats how DLC should be utilized, for optional stuff
heres a description of a pic i saw on 4chan
how DLC should feel like:
guy in restaurant about to get dessert “Would you like some more pie?”
the reality of DLC:
“Would you like the REST of your pie?”
lol, I just picked her up, gonna learn it tho.
Also, anybody meeting up in Birmingham anytime soon? I still wanna get some games in with you guys some time.
@Wes(skeletal minion): I’ll be working in the gameroom all this weekend at AWA and will probably be playing BBCS right along with you the majority of the weekend.
I’ve seen that pic and it drives me nuts every time someone posts it. There’s a lot of stuff I could say about the logistics of the business end of DLC, but I’m not going to go into it right now. I’ll just say that yes, some DLC is overpriced, but the vast majority of people being pissed about paid DLC are overly demanding (no offense meant to anyone in this thread, just commenting on the pic).
An accurate/realistic version of the pic would say:
How DLC works:
Waiter: “Would you like some more pie?”
How most people think DLC should work:
Entitlists gonna feel entitled.
Sweet I’ll see you there.
Dynasty Warriors Online is taking up closed beta signups for the October CB.
Phantasy Star Online 2 has just been announced from Sega JP at TGS; slated for a spring '11 release.
Dungeon Fighter released Act IVs “Tower of Death” to America almost a few days ago.
Vindictus continues its closed beta phase from yesterday until October.
…my life is fucked gentlemen. I officially quit fighting games when PSO2 drops.
very true, i only get mad when DLC comes out right when the game gets released OR BEFOREHAND grr
plus i’ve noticed most people who hate DLC play lots of valve games like TF2 (which practically gets free dlc so methinks they = spoiled little brats)