The Bama Thread - Aka "Monster Garage"!

A lot of Lili’s strings are SS-able or backdash-able. Just don’t be too eager to punis.h

yo ike…props for the tourney win in carolina…hey, thanks for telling me about that tourney too, btw…good lookin’ out bro…

solidtrash is that sarcasm?!! :smiley: rdy for starcraft 2?

Anyone wanna do stuff this weekend?

Also, when is the next monthly?

Lookin like the last weekend of november or early december bro.

Raph and Thomas, looks like they might be a-having a 3v3 at IC5. I just wanted to confirm if we were going to be a team.

I’m not positive but I remember Raph saying he really dislikes team events… if he’s up for it though then me too, depends on him

that shits not coming for a while man
beta will be in 2010 so we’re looking at Q3 2010 release at the earliest

shit will be like sf4 when it comes out
easy ass game compared to the old ones, first tournaments will be won by gimmicks too

what up homez…maaaaaan…i was ready for starcraft 2 about 2 damn years ago…i try to keep up with updates and battle reports and stuff but i’m not righteously hype for it anymore…negroez is takin’ too long

@Thomas, he told me like a week ago that he was up for it, You, Me, and Raph…i was just trying to see if he still wants to do it because before the 3v3 was just a thought but it looks more like a reality at IC now…Sagat,Ryu, and Gief, i think that makes a killer 3 lol

anyone going to impact clash in atlanta?? its this weekend…

yes me and raph for sure and maybe some other people

I might go for casuals.

alright i expected the game room people to be too scrubby for this to be even applicable but actually this was exactly what i needed + switching my main to Bryan… thanks guys. same shit worked on alisa too i just needed to work sidestep into my game more… some dude that the last time he was in the game room he went on a 35 winning streak against all 5 of the rest of us who were there with alisa, now he would play and beat some guy and then I would immediately beat him with bryan i think he got salty because he was muttering something and he left pretty fast

I switched to Bryan, and after like an hour of reading his stuff about him on tekkenzaibatsu I was already better with him than my other characters this dude is cheap :cool::nunchuck:


My car



oh my god.

I feel like a fucking wingless bird. Life is ended. I’m in shit-soup now.

Isaac, smoov, and peepz. LETS TRY TO HIT UP NEC! Lets take that amiilion hour drive! I NEED TO GO TO A TOURNY~!!!

^Im down for that. easy


^lolz call me

I been calling yo ass since I got out foo :annoy:

mothafucka is you for real this time? cuz i’d be down to link up with you cats.