The Atlanta Revival April 3rd RESULTS THREAD

I want to give a big thanks to the community that continues to stay loyal, no matter what or where the location is you all continue to show your interest, your thirst/drive to be the best.

Pretty solid turn out but we still would like to continue to grow.

1: Issac Greene 
2: Druseph 
3: Bananas8462 
4: Kirk Li
5: JTO Da' Showboat
5: Socomleo
7: Joey
7: Pokchop
9: Inflames
9: VSR
9: Delphikiwiggin
9: Casey Rich
13: Papa Boga
13: Daniel S.
13: John Locke
13: Wizzlecroff
17: Lord-Iceman
25: Dr.eek

Congratulations to Issac Greene, My homie Nighty a.k.a Cyber Akuma, it’s been a long time coming bro’, you took what was there all along, this is an example of how you put it all together.

Druseph, evilest (is that even a word??) Honda on the east coast, you gotta teach me that slide technique lol, good games sir’ that Sagat match up slowed down your momentum but you aced all competitors who stood in your way, great job representing not only Augusta but yourself as well, Hope you role with us to M.T.G in a few weeks!!

Kirk-Li & Joey, you guys are continuing to rise, keep up with your training, stay in close contact with JasonL and those in your surrounding areas fellas, you are reaching levels even our most played competition has not.

Good job to the brazilians as well, you guys seem to have learned from your mistakes at the previous tournament, which means you are growing, hope to see you all again in May/June!!

1: Anakin 
2: Pokchop
3: Travis Scolb
4: Antoine
5: Infinite Spawn
5: LOC Asylum
7: Damon Johnson
7: Blitzkrieg
9: Reaper

Sooooo Anakin that’s what you do… you switch characters on em’???
I know you were depressed and all but dang yo lol
Good Shhh as always sir’
Pokchop… yea whatever lmao!!!

1: Pokchop 
2: Daniel S.
3: Infinite Spawn
4: Reaper

Coos-Coos didn’t enter Marval… this is a sad sad day, Neither did Bananas8462… this is some ole bull mularky right here, NEXT MARVAL TOURNAMENT NEEDS TO BE 15 PEOPLE PLUS…

3rd Strike:
1: JTO Da' Showboat 
2: Delphikiwiggin
3: Pokchop
4: Dr.eek
5: Druseph
6: Casey Rich 

MPR thanks for coming out but…
Glad to see there was a 3rd Strike tournament period after 3 previous canceled tournaments lol

Ladies & Gentlemen be sure to contact us via email and skype with your questions,suggestions and updated info in regards to up coming tournaments in state and out of state.

Remember GA is planning on attending M.T.G. in a few weeks (April 24th-25th) Hosted by EXIST,MAGNICIOUS and me Lord-Iceman.
$1,000 guaranteed pot for SF4 & Tekken 6

Also a chance for SF4 Teams as well as Tekken 6 teams.

ATL Revival video footage was streamed last night on Lord-Iceman’s profile so for those who missed out…
well send an email to, let us know your interested in that and other things so we can better suit you all. :tup:

Sucks that SAV couldn’t show ;( oh well. We’ll try to make it out to the next one.

any video’s of this tourney?

Remember GA is planning on attending M.T.G. in a few weeks (April 24th-25th) Hosted by EXIST/GPX/MAGNICIOUS and me Lord-Iceman.
$1,000 guaranteed pot for SF4 & Tekken 6

Yeah we having teams for sure…see you guys real soon…

WOW, you guys actually played 3s when I wasn’t there. This is a sad a weekend for me…Hopefully at the next monthly more people will play. Play more games everyone, not just going Super, broaden your horizons.

Iceman, I can’t find you profile. Link?

Good shit to Isaac! Long time coming and completely expected.

Dru: Good stuff man! I told my buddy that no one was going to take your wins from you easy, and it definitely wasn’t.

Kirk, dude, you’re doing it! YOU’RE DOING IT! Keep doing it and get better at it. Also, 360+P beats lp+lk.


Chris Barnes: Good shit punishing Honda’s headbutt with ultra… oh, wait…

Good Shit to everyone I played in the tourney: No match was an easy one!
As always good seeing Eddie, John, Kirk, Juan, Derek, Ice, the “Wood” lol, Athens Crew, big ups to Issac beating my ass in finals, Ricky, Larry for a brief moment
and it was good to finally put some names on some faces aka Wizzlecroft and Joey, hope to see you guys more in the later SSF4 tourneys
and to anyone I forgot, ggs and good seeing you all
Augusta is a pretty busy city and we hope to try and have atleast some sort of representation at each tourney - hopefully when SSF4 comes out our community will boost in interest again and will grow bigger

oh, and good shit for no Steak and Shake lol


special good shit to brazilian sagat taking out pokchop with 3 moves uuuuugggggghhhhh

morrigan/tron is gdlk fuck what ya heard


Ewww, obviously not stoked about how I did, hopefully I’ll be able to shake some of the rust off this saturday! :tup:

Anyway, I had a great time. The venue was great, and the tourney was well run.

First off, THANKS for people playing 3s! That game is for real men. I’m actually impressed with how I did, considering I only picked Dudley up about two or three weeks ago. It feels good to play a good character for once.

Shoutouts to everyone I saw. Ricky, JTO, and Juan for giving me some really fun and really tense 3S matches, and Dru for showing me the true power of SAI Yun! YO HOU!

Shoutouts to to Kirk and Joey for good games, and to Eddie for being GDLK at Marvel, and for allowing me to massage it in.

Shoutouts to Marty and Dogy for being awesome.

Shoutouts to Juan for knowing what a good game is.

Shoutouts to Marvel for being too hilarious.

how about coming to the tournaments fool & stop looking for vids:razzy:

how about callin a brotha and seeing if he can make it…

Good shit as usual from everyone, we’re all getting better consistently. It’s great that we can’t sleep on anyone:razzy:

Dru, you’re a great and strong player. Your ability to use Honda the way you do is awesome and even in bad match ups beat ass. I look forward to playing you again soon:pray:

Kirk dude, you might have not played that much these past weeks but you’ve gotten so much better. It’s one thing to respect a player but never idolize one because you have the ability to beat anyone. Pretty much saying to never doubt yourself:nono:

Eddie, it’s good seeing you Bro like always. We had some good matches, your rushdown and mixup are as scary as usual:pray: But great stuff, hope to see you next week.

John, didn’t get to play you but we’ll do so a good bit Saturday:razzy:

Iceman, you were playing in the finals as much as I was, I think:rofl: But I honestly thank you for sticking up for me and Athens as much you as you do. We really appreciate everything Bro. I’ll hit you up soon.

Overall great shit guys, great tournament and venue. Mag, good stuff like always dude. I also just want to say nice talking to and meeting everyone:tup:


GGs to everyone. I’ll be @ Homer this Sat. I’ll continue to practice until I’m confident in my skills.

BTW I wanted to see how I landed that ultra against John. The vid cut off!!! Is there a hard copy file?

Yeah, actually there is only like 1 match from the grand finals. Anyway to fix this Iceman? Sorry, I know I am being a douche about it, but we really want to lab it.