The Asuka Matchup/Strategy Thread

Its a really tough MU since she has to take big risks to get in, i sometimes try full screen counters to make him scared of using his longs limbs and make him come to me rather me going through the whole trouble of getting in, seeing as you play Lili you should switch to her she does alot better in the MU.

does anyone have any advice for xiaoyu I’m losing to a player a ton and I looked up some of the data and it seems she is like always at + on block. her over head is so frustrating since she is + on block too. makes me sad that asuka’s over head is such ass. =[

I really don’t think that her counter is a strong part of her footsies game.

I used to think that landing one or two counters at close/mid range would scare people from pressing buttons. However, after playing with some friends, when they see the counters, they jump 2 or 3 times in a row. I can’t anti air consistently with her so it’s really hard to get people to respect Asuka.

I don’t find Dhalsim too bad, actually. I think Asuka might win that matchup for similar reasons to why Makoto won it in SF4.

Basically Asuka plays against every character as if she were playing against Dhalsim, so the real thing isn’t much different except that he can’t really jump at you and he has low health and poor walk speed. Dhalsim outranges everyone, so Asuka isn’t worse off than they are. You either get in with someone else and use your mixup to kill him, or you play aggressive turtle and use counterpokes or actual counters against his limbs until you get an opportunity to do offense.

Yeah, if I was picking between her and a dive kick character the other character might be better against Dhalsim, but I think I’d rather have Asuka in that matchup than, say, Nina. Her counter isn’t something that you would use liberally, but it does more damage than a Dhalsim limb and you only need to land one to bring him close to you.

I’m not going to pretend I have experience against a master Xiaoyu player but generally the basic Xiaoyu focuses on a small set of moves:

-chained low
-jump fierce

You might see some other moves in blockstrings (phoenix P for example) but it’s basically all the same, frametraps with roughly the same range as her jab. She doesn’t really have long pokes so if she’s out of point-blank you’re mostly only concerned about the overhead/jumps.

The big thing is just not getting hit by the overhead because that’s how she gets her damage. It has 22f startup with an obvious hopping animation, so it’s not the most deceptive ever, and you might be able to punish it if you anticipate it with backdash/neutral jump.

She’s one of the few characters with worse poke range than Asuka, so if you can keep her at that range and get a knockdown it’d be ideal, but she usually uses her walkspeed to stay away if she can while looking for a chance to get close. Sometimes hopkicks/crossup jump fierce can lead to big damage if you correctly guess her approach timing but take care with that.

Shooting star (her command jump dive kick thing) is slow enough that you might be able to grab it with regular falling rain but it’s also vulnerable to anything else that would make it whiff.

Her anti-air against regular jump angles is pretty decent, but crossup fierce might still give Xiaoyu trouble although she does have invincible moves from stances.

When being pressured the best scenario is to make her deviate from jab/overhead so you can punish the low/throw. She doesn’t have links from lows (aside from one short-range EX move in phoenix stance somewhere) and all of her lows are notably negative on block (low short is -3) which is why she gets to have a good overhead. If she chains from a low you may be able to punish it, or at least you’ll be at heavy advantage. So this is roughly the same as dealing with jab pressure from other characters - Asuka at least has a meterless reversal so she does better than most in that area, and then Xiaoyu has 900 health and no real reversals from a knocked down position.

She has a tag cancel move which does 3 consecutive cartwheel kicks leaving you in blockstun for a while, and I think there are gaps in the blockstring so you can be mixed up. Normally it’s difficult to punish Xiaoyu for doing this and it’s airborne so your counter doesn’t work, but I think you can EX AA grab during the first gap if the opponent tries to jump over you and prevent you from getting out. Can probably test that later.

You’ll have to learn her anti-air anyway. It’s like that for every character, until you can stop the jumps you won’t get to use your ground game.

Xiayou can do a into pheonixt stance into elbow into phoenix talon (her upkicks) and people usually tag cancel that. And the elbow is safe on block against most people because of the pushback, and it’s pretty safe vs Asuka.

Her cartwheel “Flower Power” has 26 startup frames she cant combo into it and its pretty easy to jab her out of it. You should try to keep pressure on Xiao at all times she does very poor against due to not having any reversal to break pressure.

(Hi all!)

I’ve noticed that vs. on a cross rush into Asuka vs Hugo, f+LK hits twice, causing f+LP to whiff. So a different ender is needed.

St mp oni st mk falling rain sweep.

you can swap the st mp for st hk but it has strict timing also this combo does more damage than the regular fl lk lp combo.

Yes, Hugo is so fat that both legs hit him, however, if you do f+LK really fast, or while Hugo is still very high in the air, it will only hit once.
You can mash it to make it easier.

I know its pretty early seens as he’s not even been release yet but have any of you thought about how much of an absolute pain in the ass its gona be to get in on blanka ?.. Best bet would be counters but I doubt her counter would work against his roll :frowning: even cross ups on wake up would become useless because of his electricity

I guess we should breath a bit of life back into this forum :stuck_out_tongue:

How do you all handle Asuka/Gief? I think this could be Asuka’s worst matchup.

Find an opening to tag in your other character.

Aye that’s always an option, but sometimes, you just gotta fight him with Asuka if your other character is low on health and needs to recover.

i’m going to wait for the patch

I haven’t run into any Giefs yet with Asuka but just thinking about it makes me want to crawl into a little ball and cry lol. I really don’t see what she can do vs him except try to catch his green hands or get a lucky cross-up on him…

But Gief can probably just hold forward while mashing his standing jabs/short and rape Asuka for free. :frowning:

does asuka have anything that she can reset with? been trying to find anything that will reset on a ground/ wall bounce, but have not had any luck. i have seen the ch. cr.hp reset but its not practical for my team (bison/asuka).

as it sits right now, i usually can land a tag combo into a mixup after for good damage, then mixup again. this usually ends the match or puts it very close to over. if i had a reliable reset i could probably end it with one mixup + restet after the tag combo, instead of my opponent having to guess wrong twice for me to close it out.

Ok matchup info vs Gief.

Pick a different character.

Basically this. I neutral jump a lot fighting Giefs as Asuka, trying to bait out a lariat. Her jump isn’t super floaty so she can go for a cross-up before his lariat is finishing up giving her a chance for a free combo or blockstring. Either way it’s better than nothing.

The worst part is when Gief uses his goofy jump arc to mash out a quick EX SPD…absolutely nothing you can do there except take it in the face.

I basically look for the first opportunity to get my partner out.

I fought a Gief like 8 times today who had 3 damage gems on…that was stupid how fast he would KO me. One poke would lead to a 50% boost combo so literally 2 boost combos and I’d be dead. Such a dumb match-up. If his Lariat wasn’t so easymode he’d be free like Hugo.