that walkthrough was a good start, but eh, it seems like there’s a little more to her. if not, i don’t see this character working out too well. her damage doesn’t look great, and considering she’s a female, her stamina will probably be on the lower end. she reminds me a lot of cvs2 yuri/yun…a character with solid tools but will have to work harder than other characters to accomplish the same goals b/c she lacks power behind her options. maybe that means her mixup game is stronger than it appears at the moment. we’ll see. but i do like that j.fierce.
I’d like to see her other jumping normals. Maybe they’re in other videos somewhere.
Not sure what you’re talking about in regards to damage, though. The staple combo started from jabs, used no meter, and still seemed to do plenty of damage. Even for the jump-in combo he went to jabs instead of roundhouse, which is special cancelable.
Yeah, she definitely has plenty of damage. This is what she was able to do off of a crossup, by herself, with no meter:

And that last rekka wall-bounces on EX for more opportunities.
Edit: Muchos gracias to R-D for the updated pic. It actually does more damage than I thought it did. If Chun has 900 health, then that’s damn near 350 damage.
she hurts , but damage isn’t everything , even more now since you can tech roll ,
I know. That was in response to the comment that “her damage doesn’t look great.”
that who I was talking to lol
we’ll see, but compared to some of the other damage we’ve seen thus far, her damage looks comparatively less from what i’ve noticed. we don’t have stamina totals yet, but keep in mind, the training dummy is chun-li…not the worst health character in recent games, but she is a female character in a capcom game…you already know how that typically pans out. damage probably won’t be her forte but mixups and counters instead. like i mentioned, maybe there’s more to her than was displayed. time will tell.
i dunno about mixups , she has a overhead that she cant combo off , id just take it tbh lol
The game isn’t out yet. You’re making it sound like she’s impossible to play.
Use a tag and you can combo… and depending what character you bring in (Kazuya) that could be a heap of dmg… That 1 meter alone will do more dmg than her Ex Sweep Throw.
Judging by measuring lifebars in ms paint (scientifically rigorous) the regular combo from 2x jab does around 250 damage for no meter, assuming Chun Li has 900 health.
That’s with two 100% scaled jabs at the start of the combo. Any type of link combo or cancelable tekken chain would easily go over 300 damage. Probably closer to 400 meterless if you landed jump fierce -> stand roundhouse -> lift kicks -> etc.
But besides the damage it’s important to note that it’s hitconfirmable damage. For example, a lot of people are going crazy over King’s knee juggles but he can’t combo into them without jumping or spending meter, and he can’t do them at all against crouching characters.
Then if you want to spend meter you have a wallbounce, supers, tag cancels. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could link off her onikubigari special move either, it wasn’t shown on hit.
When you get that from meterless combos I wouldn’t mind spending meter on overhead combos and such. Anything that helps you get in and start doing damage.
yer but that also means there are times when she isnt threating at all
Updated the pic. She does more damage than I thought.
i wouldn’t jump to that conclusion so fast. the walkthru vid didn’t showcase one of kazama family’s main moves…white heron, which has been shown in other vids. lpn’s walkthru’s in general neglect certain things (no hate, maybe he overlooked it because it’s notation is very likely jab + forward, atypical for a sf game), so i’m hedging white heron will easily allow asuka to combo after cartwheel overhead. besides, it makes no sense for this character to have the move without it having reasonable followups, in addition to a large portion of the rest of the cast being able to combo off their OH’s rather easily.
oh no im not disputing that at all , im just commenting on what I’ve seen, and it looks to me that shes not ment to get in a mixup and rush down ,
Ended up making a couple images after all from screencaps using the power of layers and the eraser tool, it’s probably easier to see this way.
This is the damage on the gamesradar combo that started from 2x jab (the gray section) –

And this is the combo that started with crossup fierce -> crouch jab -> stand strong -> lift kicks:

Would do more if you did something other than jab after the jump-in.
I think if you actually go through the cast there aren’t as many of these as people think. There’s a good amount of characters who can’t combo or need a counterhit to combo, particularly on the SF side. Plus some of the overheads that you can combo from are unsafe on block.
Regardless, damage is damage, and a knockdown is better than most. The point is to make people press buttons eventually, it’s not like it’s Marvel where you can push people away by blocking. And also keep in mind that everyone has charge cancel -> grab so even with short range the grab option is still a threat.
Is it known yet if Asuka’s overhead is safe on block? At a glance it looked to me like it might be, but that doesn’t really mean much.
Hard to tell from 30fps video even with individual frames but it looks safe at worst. Could be wrong though.
While I’m in frame mode, I’ll say it’s probably not the fastest overhead but it’s not SF4 Ibuki slow either. Also more deceptive/unreactable than the speed would indicate because the first half of the animation is basically a crouch.
This image is from roughly 8-9 frames into the move:
i’m not gonna address a lot of this because it has nothing to do with asuka or the point i’m making. my point is that asuka’s cartwheel overhead likely won’t require a meter for a tag cancel to combo after it. that’s all that’s relevant to the discussion at hand.
she has low into a launch, OH (which goes over lows) into a combo, ex-upkicks to blow thru attacks and combo, AA counter, j.fierce hits on both sides, etc. i don’t see how anyone could think any tekken character in this game isn’t meant to mixup
I’m seeing Asuka as a damage in the back character like King, Marduk, or even Hugo- where you mostly want to juggle tag into them from a point character who is good at opening people up and then hitting the AA throw off that juggle.
Asuka’s AA throw looks like it might be an untechable knock down (guessing, but it leaves the opponent face down), so it should be very good at giving her a variety of mix-up possibilities on the opponents wake-up.