The Asuka Combo thread

I was playing with asuka ex falling rain and the new pandora mode,and I saw that you can combo into ken’s super esaily,you can even combo into int without using the ex version of falling rain (the animation won’t appear in any case,sadly) but I think that you should be able to combo into Julia’s super (wich would be awsome,cuz Julia’s super restand oponent and make tha animation appear always)but I can’t do it,anyone have the frame data of pandora and asuka ex falling rain?,Oh and also found that you can tag from asuka falling rain,so you can combo into anything (you can combo into some super arts from an ex charge move),but it’s very hard to make the tag,I think it’s an 1 frame…uhm…¿link?¿combo? well,whenever
Edit:Ok guys forget it,I did it,it took me some time but I did it,you can do ex falling rain into pandora and then you can use super art with:
Ibuki,Sagat,Julia,Guy,Ken(Just the 3 first hits hit the opponent,the rest whiffs)
In theory you should be able to do it also with Steve,but I can’t do it

Pardon my Q, but what’s the “can can”?

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/14172/Black%20Jesus">Black Jesus</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Pardon my Q, but what’s the “can can”?</div>

Double lift kicks?<br>

Ok,I belive that this can be a great pandora setup (someones are more practical than others)
Anyting XX ex falling rain pandora super (oly corner)
Anything XX ex onikubigari ex falling rain (wherever)
I did a over 700 combo with just one bar and pandora
Ex falling rain pandora super works with:
Guy(Corner/big opponent only), Ibuki, Ken (3hits,no full animation), Sagat, Sakura, Julia, Lei, Ryu(corner/big opponent only), Kuma, Marduk, Raven, Toro (3 hits) and Kuro.
Vid showing some setups and the full list of characters of who this work with:

If you discover something new (as a new super that works) please tell it! I really like this setup,this can be used as a great anti-air into big damage for the cost of 1 bar

Part of my In the Lab video series, a combo video featuring Elena/Asuka: