THE all inclusive Blackheart thread

Thanks, dude. :slight_smile:

Would Blackheart/Cyclops/Commando be a decent team at all? I’m been messing with this team online for now (my Sentinel is garbage, somehow more so on stick compared to pad) and my problems have been Storm and a little bit of Strider. I’ve gotten a few lucky wins with this team, but nothing to brag about.

I was also thinking of Blackheart/XX/Cyclops, with Ironman thrown in, but my Ironman is bad too.

I’ve seen your vids Blackheartking and my god I hate you lol jk. Blackheart for me is the most frustrating character. I love using him, but I hate playing against him. Thanks for all the input though. Its definitely gonna help me touch up my Blkhrt

BH/Cyc/CapCom is a good for BH b/c of the different anti airs but there’s no damaging cancels…
Plus your cyclops really has to be on point since he’s your middle man.

Always glad to help funguy. BH isn’t that hard to play against if you’re patient. Most people just spam sj demons and inferno to HoD. That’s actually easy to get around.

Thanx BHK. The knowledge man lol.

What is a low-mid tier team that I can use BH in? They are too much fun can’t let them go lol.

Can BH/Doom/MM work? BH/Ken/Doom?

Yo, BHK. I need some advice here.
What do you normally do in a situation where it’s just your solo Blackheart against another top tier one on one. I seem to fail miserably at this.

More than welcome. Sorry or this late reply.
BH/Doom/MM is an OG team lol You’d probably want to play it in the order of MM/doom/bh though. This is where you use rockball shennanigans along with bh-b and doom to wreck their team. It also gives you the best cancels. I’m sure you can find gameplay on this if you search youtube.

I’d need to know the matchups. Who’s giving you the most trouble?


I know BHK will give you some good advice, and I’ll just add something too. With BH in a solo battle, it kinda sucks because no matter who hes facing, he will be at a disadvantage. Versus the Gods, its unlikely BH can pull off the win (IMO) and the mid-tiers can even frustrate BH because of his lack of offense. Versus say Doom, Cyclops, Shotos, Capcom, Psylocke, Tron and others have a lot in their offensive attack compared to BH. In these battles, you have to be patient and look for whiffs to punish your opponents with. Sounds kinda hopeless, but there are times where there is a matchup that seems one-sided, can change (like JWong Cyclops vs Yipes full MSP) That is an example of Cyclops being an underdog, but staying patient and focusing on your opponent’s mishaps. BH has to do several things to stay active, like dark thunder or inferno. I mention this because its something to keep your opponent on the defensive, rather than licking their chops on offense. For opponents who jump in a lot, use hp DT xxx HOD for range and chip damage. Something simple, but all contributed to a win. Or the lp DT xxx HOD if opponents are far away. Spamming demons are an obvious tactic, but in doing so you want to look for openings. Like the HP bats coming down overhead and hoping for your opponent to commit so the bats can connect. Commiting in the sense that they decide to ignore the bats, and try to attack you coming in, and just defend and wait for the bats to connect. Takes a nice amount of life, and you can connect hp launcher if positioned right. The bats are nicer than the demons in a solo battle, because it has more range and the bats zone to the opponents area. Also it protects BH because they surround BH in close range. You can also pushblock the opponents into the bats that may be behind them. Check out Youtube, there is a series of BH vids called “Blackheart Explored”. I suggest part 1 of that series, because it has a lot of solo stuff with BH to work on. Here’s the link: [media=youtube]tMyv1OwLVvA"[/media]

I watched this years ago, and Im not really a BH guy cause I always thought he was too limited. But these vids really showed me that even though a character doesnt have the pizazz of combo superiority, you can really do some great things. Take notes on whats being done in this vid, cause it is relevant in a solo battle.

I refuse to read that for many reasons.

BHK: It’s pretty much all of them except Magneto.

Why was this so funny to me lol
…I thought I made that tutorial less than a year ago…

Okay, on to the solo strategies…

Vs. Cable
You should be at an advantage unless he’s just loaded with meter. In that case you’ll just have to play it a bit safer. You should constantly be pressuring him with your demons, focusing on getting him in the corner. Most Cables will just keep moving back until they get to the corner, at which point they’ll try to get around you. Be sure not to let them. Keep them locked with your (s)j.RH AND j.FP to build meter while preventing them from building meter. This involves trying to get pokes in wherever you can. If their defense is anywhere near decent you probably won’t get through it so you’ll be using that meter to chip them with JDs. If you get them in the corner, and you really know your spacing, you can go for the inescapable jp inferno into HoD. If you’re lucky, they’ll try to get out, and you’ll get good damage + followups. If they’re playing TOO defensive, I’ll try to incorporate a fake overhead into a throw to keep them guessing.

Vs. Storm
This is definitely the hardest matchup IMHO. You don’t want to get into a chip war with her b/c she’s going to beat you easily. Instead, make it known that you’re covering the ground with j.FP til they start trying to get in by (super)jump + air dashes. Once you get them to this point you’ll want to try to pick her off with your air RH. Get that and you’re in luck. Other than that, what 9revolta said concerning the FP demons is good advice. If they’re not getting baited into the RHs use of the FP demons are key. You’ll want to get good and landing,, ad.F,,, combos from obvious FP demon hits. Get that and you’ll actually have a chance to pressure them, which most people aren’t expecting.

Vs. Sentinel
When you’re both solo, you definitely don’t want to get in a run & chip war with him since you won’t be able to keep him away from you very well and every touch is going to chip you.
Instead of this, try a rarely used tactic. Rush him down. Pressure the hell out of him with awkward entry and make them go for stuff that you can capitalize on. In the tutorial you see a couple of block strings on Sentinel. The same idea applies when you’re solo, just be more careful. Get in on him (shouldn’t be hard since they’re surely trying to get close to you) and pester the hell out of him with, ad.F,, Doing this should help to keep him grounded and throw off anything they’d want to do in flight mode since this tactic will have you switching between both sides. This will greatly help in giving you a bit of an advantage in meter building while stopping him from chipping you. In many cases they’re get anxious and start trying to pick you off when launchers and/or Know where you opening are so that you can avoid getting hit by these and punish if they’re way off. Mix between this and sj.RH to keep them honest on trying to stop your pestering.

Overall, your strategy is going to be “immobilize, build meter, and chip.” If you’re good/lucky you’ll be able to frustrate them (due to not flat out killing your solo BH) into making mistakes at which point you can take a huge lead. I doubt I have to say this but, any time you land RH on them, you should be going for your THC HoD. Infinite first if possible as you can get one meter in addition to the ones you hopefully have already. Any infinite opportunity is great encouraged as you can get close to 100% life on them if you already have a meter upon starting. Hope this helps.

If there are any other characters you had in mind, just let me know.

Thanks for the help with the team. The zoning is incredible. I never had this much fun with MM or Blackheart (hell, even doom lol). I might not even use the team in my signature lol.

I have a problem with Ironman and Spiral/Sent though. Any help from anyone?

Thanks BHK. The Sent tactic proved worthwhile the other night.
You hitting up EVO this year?

You refuse to read it, heh? Well, apparently you dont WANT help because it offers tactics in a solo battle AND it offered a BH tutorial vid for you to watch so you can get better in a solo battle. So, bottom line is dont waste your time here cause youre not really trying to get better…

If I seem agitated, is because you claim to want help with your BH solo strats and yet you deny someone who helps you. That is pathetic, and it shows that either youre retarded or you dont like that person. But you cant dislike someone you dont interact with, can you? Unless you have heard about that person and you have jumped to a conclusion. But this is a mindset of a child, because any adult will evaluate that person from experience rather than listening to what someone told you about them. So, lets grow up people, this isnt highschool.

Glad to hear it.
Not sure to be honest. Got all kinds of other business to take care of. Might go to the Florida tourney though.

Which assist do you use? For IM, you should be able to keep him away with sj.FP to delayed ad.B+FP. Also use sj.RH to keep them honest on their ADs.
Spiral is a bit more precision based. You can pick off he sword calling attempts with you tracking inferno. You worry less about getting her and more about the swords that she’s throwing if she does get them. Throw sj.RH and (s)j.FP to block off her swords when she’s trying to chip, all the while looking for opening. This at least allows you to build meter in return for what she’s doing. If they get teleport happy, it can be beneficial to throw out and inferno to Armageddon super.

All anti air. I might switch MM to Proj when I find out how to do BH’s Cr. jabs to air combo. Maybe its my execution but idk.

Thanks for the help. Spiral is still giving me trouble, but I’ll work on it.

I’d say to switch MM to projectile. That gives you a way to combo BH stuff into super through either, s.RH, JD or Hod.
The projectile will also help you to cut away at some of the swords. If you’ve got Doom-B you should be able to stop all that sword nonsense with jb.FP and doom-B. Just wait for them to try to get in another way via teleport. I tend to just negate swords and punish their assists at every opportunity. She can’t really trap you if she assistless =P

I am really late to this party but nice posts BHKing and Company.

No problem!
Remember, your questions and/or findings are more than welcome.

I’m an average BH player, and I alternate between BH/Cable/cyke and BH/sent/Capcom.

Just thought I’d share my favourite “trick” with blackheart.

in the corner, on a juggle (be it off capcom/cyke/demon hit into launch/or just air to airing someone, cause they’re trying to jump out).

sj.lp, lk AD lp lk lp lk (slowly) fp.

the pigs come out off screen and after a second or so will come back from behind the opponent, and most people won’t even see the animation for you releasing them.

you can now wait and watch them press a button and try and combo off their hit, or pressure them with a short string, demons hit, another short string, assist pressures, another short string in to demons and you’ve got nasty corner pressure.

I’m sure some of the longer time BH players have seen/abused this before, but I think it’s so much fun that I’d share that everyone might now.

Anyone else have favourite BH tricks?

My favorite stuff is anything that involves throwing characters into assists. One that I didn’t put in the video (sorry there’s so much that I didn’t have room for) but I really like to do is…

When close to the corner (like within a third of the screen) I’ll launch+Sent-Y, sj.lp (either hit or whiff), ad.F, pause, air throw (into drones), fall with sj.RH into infinite.

Another thing I like to do (that didn’t make it into the video) is another type of assist kill.

When you catch the point and their assist with a HoD, nj.F.RH, land, c.FP.
If you can time this right it’s the hardest version for your opponent to get out of. The first set of c.FP demons with combo from the nj.F.RH. The second set of c.FP demons will reset the assist and point the point character in block stun while they’re still in the air, unless they were mashing, at which point they’ll just get hit. From that you’ll then have your assist free for being called and you can safely call it into another inferno to HoD.