The 707 Sonoma County Thread

How often are those effing TS tourneys in SF? And when’s the next Fairfield tournament?

Either how, we should totally get some games in some time soon. Preferrably Wednesdaynight or something…

I have 2 new Yoroi Doushi set-ups that are nizzice.

And man, Shake FINALLY changed his name to Shake. Now people won’t be confused.

Hugo is hard to play.

And I brought my T5 controller to Shakes so we can practice with Joysticks… goddangit. I’m also practicing some CVS2 BS… heh heh heh…

I’m down for some wed gaming, I don’t get off till 8pm though. A_rival, you down?

Shit I don’t know. I have so much that needs to be done before thursday.

I can give it a shot but it doesn’t really look likely. maybe later on in the night?

I’ll see what I can do.


Wait till you come back my ken is the shit now!

Tilt tourney next weekend! I hope everyone shows up for 3S. Ive added another 100% stun reset to my arsenal so now Ive got to work on my mixups.

been practice’n my ken, got some new trixs! I won’t be able to make any tournys until next month, so good luck to ya. I’m sure A_Rival and lintrix will be there though

o for sure

Anyone down to play friday?

we’re all going to SFSU this friday. Twelve represent.

If you drive I will go!

any one down to play this weekend, ill be up there from friday to sunday in santa rosa. I play marvel, suck at 3s and cvs2, but i guess i could play those too. Dont expect too much out of me, cause i really dont play those other 2 games. peace

we can play at my house on sunday.

Everyone game? We’re going to SF tomorrow.


Hey KillaKelly, ya down to play TONIGHT? We can gather at my house as long as someone brings a DC for MvC2; that game is just BUTT on the playstation2. Let me know before it gets much later.


SO anyone down for some 3s or fighting games in gerneral tonight? LETS DO IT!!!

Im learning to drive yay! 2 months til I can roll out whenever.


GG’s last night, everyone down to play again tonight?

I’m down to play every fucking night.

Fatty Nerf wars! We should get our war on tonight as well!!!


Us catz should really be playing EVERY NIGHT up until this next Friday so we can storm Esefesyou and take all the gold there… 707 topping the charts like whipped cream and whatnots.

Seriously… lets try to represent madstyle, all who can. No… All YOU Can!

Rival (since you’re SO cool now you don’t use the “A” half the time) post some good nights to get practice in at your house. Stupid joysticks. Next time we play, i’m going to trick myself and be PRO Joystick…

Alex u should be helping DS get rid of his bad habits when u guys play!