I have been trying this like 20 times and the super has never fully connected, despite trying to activate it at differing times. I can sometimes get the 1st hit of the super, but the necessary 2nd hit will constantly whiff.
Same here ,I think I’m going to just opt to tag in and maybe extend the combo rather than waste the meter for 1 hit
Here’s some combos that I came up with last night. These are the more damaging combos Hwoarang seems to have, using his Flamingo Stance. I believe that his Flamingo Stance gives him his most damaging options. Try these out for yourself.
Mp~Lp (ground bounce) > (Flamingo Stance) Mp~Mp > Hk Special Step > Hk Sky Rocket (331 dmg) Best ground bounce combo with no meter.
(Flamingo Stance) Mp~Mp > (Flamingo Stance) Hk > Hk Hunting Hawk (347 dmg) Very good midscreen punish with no meter.
(FS) Mp~Mp > (FS) Hk > EX Hunting Hawk > j.Hk > Hk Sky Rocket (489 dmg) This’ll be your go to punish mid screen. So much damage.
Corner only (FS) Mp~Mp > (FS) Mp~Mp > Hk Hunting Hawk (391 dmg) Great corner punish that sets up for a damaging Tag in.
Again guys, I can’t stress enough how good Flamingo Stance is. In the future, all Hwoarang players will be using it. I’ve started to incorporate it more now because he gets so much more damage off of it.
Ah good point I’ll do that. I guess I’m so used to street fighter that I still try to go for hard knockdowns lol
Is there any practical use for multiple tag ins to extend damage ?,or is it more for flash than anything
I was fooling around with multiple tag ins and the damage scaling is so high it doesnt seem practical.
My only questions are outside of the first combo, how do you land hits standing in Flamingo? Your movement is so cut down is just feels like a sitting duck.
If I understand the system correctly, with Hwoarang it can be somewhat hard to execute multiple tag ins. Several of his moves ground bounce/launch/just outright put the enemy in the air, while multiple tag ins are easier with characters that use multiple hitting attacks but also can keep the enemy on the ground.
Can someone please explain how to do this combo? Because I can’t hit my opponent with the Flamingo MP~MP after the ground bounce
Doesn’t flamingo stance LK hit rather low? Maybe you have to chain.
I can hit the super pretty easily after just throwing out an EX HH, but I can’t connect the 2nd hit from a combo.
I can’t seem to cancel into flamingo stance for some reason. is there such a particular timing for it?
Hold Forward after any moves that can transition. You don’t have to wait to visually see him go into Flamingo either, once you get the timing down you will know he is in it and can proceed with Flamingo moves.
I was wondering which of his regular button strings can cancel into HH? Trying out some combos
MP, MP can be cancelled out of by specials and can be comboed into from light attacks.
There is a combo I came up with using flamingo stance. Im using this as my bnb.
every time i get to the H.Sky Rocket it always whiffs >B(
any ideas?
Edit: Nevermind i got it =)
which special step u using? im using HP.Special Step into sky rocket, just make sure you slightly delay your sky rocket to come out of your special step at the end of the step’s active frames
You have to wait a little after special step. Make sure your using HP.Special step.
yeah i got that…i was doing the wrong thing… after mk>mk instead of special stepping i did st.Hk into special step so it was always whiffing
thanks >B)
P.S anyone find any anti-airs other than the Sky Rocket?
Cr. Med kick is a great anti-air. I cancel it into special step and you’ll end up right in their face for a throw/ high-low mixup. Its pretty awesome.