"That's it? That all you've got?" The Hwoarang Combo Thread

i think it becomes important to go st lp, CR lp, then mp,lp. that string is unsafe, and the extra cr lp gives u good enough time to confirm.
if the opp blocks, u can go st lp, crlp,mp (confirm block) mp again (which is canceable).

Dynamite Heel is +1 on block
lk hunting hawk is -4 (which is not bad either)

And remember that lk hunting being -4 is probably point blank, and if you are a little further from the opponent, it is probably close to neutral on block.

s.lp~s.mk~s.mk xx flamingo stance > s.lk~s.mp(2 hits)~s.hk~launch (243 damage)
s.lp~s.mk~s.mk xx flamingo stance > s.lk~s.mp(2 hits)~s.hk xx ex hunting kick > j.hk > hk sky rocket (347 damage)
corner : s.lp~s.mk~s.mk xx flamingo stance > s.lk~s.mp(2 hits)~s.hk xx ex hunting kick > hk sky rocket (332 damage)

Ooo interesting stuff with flamingo stance. Im excited to see tech developed with that.

Meter less combo : j.mp, st.mp~st.lp, G!, cr.mp xx H hunting hawk. About 302 damage and a good no meter bnb. Also sets up for a nice switch cancel.

Combo after partners launcher: cr.mp or cr.mk xx H Hunting Hawk. This is the most effective combo after partners launcher I have found out for now.

Was playing around with Hwoarang today, and he seems to be able to cancel into Flamenco by holding forward after some moves, MP,MP+F will cancel into flamenco for example. You can switch into Flamenco by pressing KKK after his F+HK overhead and you have enough time to combo afterwards.

This works in the corner otherwise you get pushed out to far for the third hit of Flamenco MP,MP, but I don’t know the maximum damage I can get off of it, and I think you may be able to do something similar off of MP,LP:
F+HK~KKK>MP,MP > HK Hawk for 338,meterless off an overhead isn’t bad.

342 if you use EX, and maybe you can get a jHK, SR in there too

that damage is high because of the gems I had on, sorry, but the combo still works.

Not that I’m complaining because his normals have some great speed and priority in them, but his damage output is really on the low-end of the food chain right now. Or maybe that’s just because I’ve been playing Steve who hits in the 500’s with a bar, and Nina who can get into the 400’s with some pretty simple BnBs. Still he’s so fun to play ;-;

For a simple starting light you can do:
s.:lp:, s.:mp:, s.:lp:, c.:mk:, :qcb::hk: for about 244 damage

with 1 bar you can EX Hunting Hawk at the end to extend into a few more hits.

Anyone got any combos for when Hwoarang gets tagged in from a launch?

lk, mp, mp xx Sky Rocket
c.mp xx hk.HH/ex.HH/Super

Is there a specific reason why I do not see j.hp? Is it unsafe option for a jump in,because I notice if you do j.hp,s.mp,s.lp,b.mk,ex hh,j.hk,h.sky rocket you can manage 455 one meter…

I’ve just been doing cr.MP xx EX Hunting Hawk, j.HK, cr.HK

any combos into the full super outside of using EX HH

another interesting use for hk hunting hawk in a combo:
for 2 bars–tag in partner at the very first hit of hk hunting hawk, partner charges ex move-> turns into super.

Ibuki & Juri can net a 466 dmg combo of it, Hugo 500 something. better damage than just doing hwao’s super.

I was doing this earlier this morning I used s.lp,s.mp,s.lp,b.mk,ex.hh team tag into heihachi’s ex qcf.hp,super for 562

^ but that 3 bars :). try it without the ex hh, for 2

Will do,I was just notating what option I was able to do with heihachi after I did the tag option,without ex I believe will tagging in heihachi you can land s.h,xx dp.mp,s.h xx dp.mp…but have to test this out though,so don’t quote me yet,but thanks for the knowledge about the damage you found with hugo

What are some good strings into Dynamite Heel?

Finish with j. HK > land > sky rocket for a bit more damage. Just letting you know it does more. But if you had a gem that activates after normal moves connection, I could see using sweep instead.

playing around with Chainsaw kick I got this to work:

MP xx LP > st.LP ~ st.MP xx MP xx ex HH > j.HK > HK SR

I couldn’t get full damage, you have to late cancel the ex Hawk otherwise not all of the hits connect (they bounce up and only the top hits ex Hawk hit, so it’s 4 hits instead of 8), but if you try and link it it won’t combo at all. I was getting around 350 damage with this, no gems this time. It works as long as you’re close enough so that the LP will hit after Chainsaw kick, you don’t have to be right next to them, but can’t be at the very edge of Chainsaw’s range. Otherwise, cr. MP into ex HH also works. You can probably combo into this off of a j.HK or link into it off of st. LP. If you can hit confirm a st. LP > MP link, you could do st. LP > MP xx MP xx DH to stay safe on block.