Ok, all this stuff is great, I don’t play rogue, or not a lot, but I will check this out, and why not?? May be i will learn rogue too. Also got another question, what do u think about thanos and sentinel?? Sentinel is my best char, I can play him in a high level, u know, fast fly, unfly, refly stuff, and also I do plenty of unblockable setups, so I feel like this guys can do a great team.
Yesterday a found that u can do: f.hk+thanos assist, unfly hk, lp.rp, bubble connects, fly again hk, unfly hk, pause, s.rp, into HSF, and dhc for a kill or continue into air combo and take almost a full cable’s life lol, this is mid screen stuff, just imagine what thanos and sent would do when opponent is cornered.
Also I found that when starting fron thanos in corner: launch call sent drones, sj.pl sj.lk sj.hk, drones hit and when fallin down do a lk, which will keep enemy in normal jump weight, from here is possible to launch again, connect into power or u can go for a reset, wait until enemy grounds, hp throw unrollable xx titan crush xx any super.
Thanos goes well with any char, for example with storm I even noticed that is possible to land 3 hail storms with thanos help, and when in corner u can land and air combo after third hail storm… keep the destruction going lol.