Thanos doesn't suck

The question is: why aren’t YOU? :looney:

lol I had to…you left yourself wide open.

“…best dumb team in marvel.”

i play everybody, i just suck with 55% of the cast.

lol, forgot to mention thanos can ‘stack’ his POWAA balls. so dumb. put it in the bank save some for later. whoever can build 5 meters and do this free is scary.

Also glitch POWAA bombs lock on to targets so sent is scared.

unique teams fuck the world

I don’t understand what you mean. Wow. Stack Power Balls? Glitched Power Bombs?

What do you mean by stack, and how does this glitch work? I just know the Power Ball to arc like this:

  • = Power Ball

oooooooooooo- Thanos

edit: Who else hates the fact that the Marvel Character Specifc Forum Jump is set to Control Panel and not back to Marvel Strat? :confused:

Team Tokyo Breakfast…what’s this, Eczangief? Are you challenging me to a MvC team name creation bonanza?


Because I want to win. >:)

Yeah, that’s pretty annoying. Its always the small stuff. Oh well, We find our way back eventually. :wink:

@ judge:

sorry. what i mean is you can do the glitch multiple times and store the ability to unleash later. To get the glitch you have to POWAA then DHC at the right time. To figure it out so the move and hit pause x10. When you see the orange ball start up very small, thats where you need to have your next super cancel in. Its a pretty tight window, kinda like spidey airdash window but on opium. Doable though. I put the stick to down (for qcf/qcb supers) after the POWAA, then do the motion asap. Maybe an audio or visual cue would help but nothing jumps out. Marvel randomly kills every fourth (or 5th?) frame so a tight execution problem gets dumb at times so you can feasibly do everything right and still miss it sometimes.

When you have the glitch, thanos gets a couple benefits. The most obvious right away is that he has a friggin powaa ball attached to his pelvis. This gives you ghetto/broken hidden low attacks. W/e I’ll allow it. Assists will just slide right in behind it. The other thing you can do is throw out the POWA ball by doing qcf+P, although at times i seem to get it just by dashing. Basically you have Air POWAA now which is pretty boss.

As far as who can make this work, I think a Strider/Thanos squad could use this shat bc Orbs are free. Start Thanos in your sent spot and get some bars then glitch dhc in. S/D with easy bake assist kill.

Ruby is also good on paper with qcf+PP to make glitch dhc safe. Just generally feels like a character that can get it on with Thanos. I’ll investigate some.

Interesting. I’ll play around with this a bit to learn more. I’ve only gotten this glitch once when I DHCed from Thanos to Charlie a while back. I was like, ‘This is the stuff that happens in videos!’ Yeah. Good info.

Edit: Well, I’ve tried it like 15times and haven’t gotten anything. I’m playing on my xbox right now so I can’t pause during DHC frames to notice how small it starts. If it gets to be bothersome I’ll just go on DC and check it out. I noticed that Thanos and Hulk are pretty good partners.


  • lp (plus Hulk), mp xx bubble ?!?
  • Thanos can link his THC when set to capture assist, and allows for a team Vidkill like lvl2 super w/ him and Hulk

Ruby (b)/Thanos (a)/Hulk (b/y) ftw. Nasty stuff w/ this crew.

  • s.hp (+Ruby capture) into bubble is a basic meter builder that says no to dash ins and jump ups/ins and some sjs even…all the while Ruby stays with Thanos for safety

This team can do some stuff when it comes to links and just basic trap reps period. Damage is also no problem as well. Ruby ghost DHC into Thanos PowerBall into free dash in (more like jog lol) on block? The ghosts are still there.

Ruby cross-ups into bubbles. Ruby ACs into bubbles and tag outs to Hulk for free Gamma Crush.

lk (plus Hulk), mk xx air chain capture ?!?

Hulk has some gamma charge cover w/ a bubble trailing just behind him.

Feel like playing the team as Ruby/Hulk/Thanos? Safe Gamma Crush DHC even on block behind ghosts. I like it.

Hail Storm? Ruby qcf+PP into Thanos qcb+KK
HSF? Ruby qcf+PP into Thanos qcb+KK
Proton Cannon? Can Hulk get outta this if he is DHCed in off of Ruby’s qcf+PP and punish IM??? Maybe no? I’m not doubting Thanos’ qcb+KK here, but I don’t particularly like getting hit with PC so…might want to test exactly how quick the Soul Lighting will grab
AHVB? Ruby qcf+PP into Thanos qcb+KK…that’s bad ass…good shit when this is done right…it’s similar to how a Cable beats out another Cable to AHVB but instead you’re not Cable lol
Bad assist call? Ruby qcf+PP into Thanos POWAA into Hulk Gamma Crush for the assist kill. Pretty neat.

*a better assist kill option while the point is still alive would probably be:

Ruby qcf+hk xx ghost super xx Power Ball xx Gamma Crush
…or you could just Power Ball again

burly team.

i forgot to mention you lose the glitched powwa bal l whenever you throw.

I’m going to try it on DC tonight when I get the chance…at least I will be able to pause during the HC start-up to get an idea of how fast I have to DHC. I got nothing on the xbox :confused:


its basically as fast as humanly possible

you have to time it so that you dhc before the POwaa ball gets big. To get an idea-- you can’t really see the small by by eye, you just have to get a feel for it. Right now i’m only getting it 1/10 if that, but there’s been a couple times i’ve got it 2-3 times in a row, so its possible to learn.

The difficulty though seems to make it most suitable for those characters that have a safe switch even w/o powerball providing it. In other words you’re safe if you mess up and just get powerball but you also don’t leave yourself open when you get the glitch.

Here is some old news stuff…

1]Power Ball super can link with a second one, and possibly a third
2]Power Ball links to soul super.

Picture this…
Storm hits your full health Sentinel. launch, lp, lk, lightning attack, Lightning super, DHC in Samurai, DHC Powerball, Link Soul, DHC Lightning [or maybe a hailstorm…]. This is a really long combo, and uses ALL of your meter, but your full health Sentinel is DEAD.


Anything you hit with a lightning attack will die without any chance of the player being able to save it usually [even assists]. Lightning attack, Lightning Storm, Reimeken, powerx2, Hail. Your opponent is going to be in blockstun the whole time while the assist is getting assfucked.

I think Thanos is an excellent close fighter. If he had an airthrow he’d be second tier. Possibly even first tier. [Mags, Ironman, Sentinel, Storm, and Cable would be first].

Never mind, he’d be first tier. What’s above is so brutal it’s beyond words. What’s so bad about not having an airthrow? I actually did this. After losing 2-3 games in a row to a real good Thanos, I chose Storm, Cable, Cyclops, Called Cyclops, typhoon XX Hailed the nanosecond the match started, it hit, and from there, I just wasted time and eventually won the match after I killed his Thanos. I don’t mean that it was blocked, I mean it hit clean and half Thanos’ health was gone. It was the worst Hail I’d ever seen on one character in my life.

All I needed to do is guardpush, and maybe exploit some of his attack attempts since I only needed to worry about my character’s ankles. Not good at all.

After Thanos Died, I rushed down and destroyed the rest of the team.

Aang: [after hearing what Ozai was about to do…]
“This is bad, very, very bad”

Yeah, forcing Thanos to chase you is not so good for Thanos. Especially lone Thanos.

I like Akuma DHC to Thanos ftw :slight_smile:

he has dumb options off of sj. dHK dive though. call assist, cancel qcf+p, land throw.

his wake-up throw is borderline broken bc of how he phases on wake-up. throw’s magic.

as mix said, that s.HP is priority to the max. not steppin on that.

I was thinking about this judge, and I think I see where Red was coming from. Like he said, you’ve got two people that eat through meter faster than just about anyone, and Charlie isn’t exactly the best battery in the game. Sure, he doesn’t have to use it, but I don’t know how he would fare against anyone with good zoning, trapping or AAA abilities. For instance, Ian has his team of Amingo, Charlie and Dhalism where Amingo’s BnB is both damaging and builds meter like crazy. Also that Banana kick cross-up won’t fly if someone has a AA not to mention his throw is easy as hell to tech out of. I think Charlie leaves untaped potential for Thanos and Silver Samurai. I think Guile would be a better choice, personally since he can turtle better, spam flash kick and his throws have more priority. His AAA is also better :\

hmmm thats the same reason why as badass as wolvie/Thanos is, it just doesn’t leave you with much meter for thanos sometimes. low tier spectrum an’ he can fly solo pretty damn well actually but vs. tops its another story ya

How well your fighter builds meter is totally up to how much fighting you can do which fares to how tight your blockstrings are (a good horizontal layering is nasty with Charlie as he is very solid), how long your combos are, and your full-screen options whether they be on the ground or in the air. How he would fare against anyone with good zoning, trapping, or aa abilities? How is he worse than anyone else given an assist? No double/triple jump, no air-dash, no beam projectile, no teleport: sounds like a good number of the mvc2 cast to me.

The BK cross-up won’t fly? Why not? Are you calling your assist on the way down after launch? I doubt it. If you want to mash an assist, Charlie can anticipate this and just block, counter assist for the double snap. It’s not as fail as you make it seem.

ALL THROWS ARE EASY AS HELL TO TECH–not just Charlie’s. It merely depends on when and where you throw for the surprise factor. :looney:

Guile really is only different from Charlie in the aspect of:
-speed of projectiles
-some normals
-flash kick in the air
-throw inputs

So…how can Guile turtle better than Charlie??? If anything, I would think you would say Charlie could turtle better given his qcf+PP super alone… Charlie also does better of off sj. hk xx bk, repeat alone for some quick meter building/stalling. If your Guile is spamming flash kicks, he will die. How have you confirmed that Guile has more throw priority than Charlie? What makes his near identical aa better…?:wonder:

edit: I almost forgot that this is the Thanos thread. :confused:



who cares, free for all action.

lookin back at some matches i played with Gief/Wolvie/Thanos i’m not convinced after all that 2 heavy meter users can’t work together if you can freestyle your focus thru the match.

with this particular team i’m startin gief so wolvie gets in with between 4.25 bars ~> rainbow depending (lol at wolvie gaining meter whenever he activates-- good deal). This is if things go according to plan, if not its another story, but this is optimum.

from this point i’ve got 2 good assists to have behind S-Up wolvie–

– gief when they jump in, then either a quick dash back and react, or use slippery spd-up tactics to cross-up.

–thanos bubble whenever i establish a pin. SPD-Up dashing sHK + Bubble is a 2 in 1 option where on block you work a relayer string or on hit you can tap up and immediately either Drill Claw down or dHK quickdrop style straight into a sandwich situation. dHK might be the better option because of the ability to call assist xx Drill Claw xx dpKK.


slight tangent but w/e

with Thanos on point with that team i set Wolvie to Drill Claw assist-- strictly bait for assist POWAAA kill though since he’s too fragile to get worked liek that. No need for the fanciness though, at least for me Thanos takes a back seat and looks for stray Lariat assists into big life.

Can anyone confirm that Thanos is invincible while getting up longer than other characters bc of that “phase” effect??? Regardless I’m still getting cheap throws on wakeup that keep surprising me.


Very versatile. Some tracking going on with FLame bubble when they jump so in only a couple sessions i’ve seen some screwey garbage.

For 3 bars Powaa DHC wolvie dpPP ~> Spd-Up is pretty satisfying

man apologies for garbled message. i feel like beethoven scawlin knowledge on the walls

There are much better batteries for Thanos, that’s all I’m saying. I just don’t think Charlie can build it fast enough. I don’t think he can get away with spamming BK if someone has a decent AA or even a timed AA themselves. Maybe True Grave could tell us how he makes him team work; I’m just saying the way you place Charlie you make it seem like its a done deal and Thanos and SS will have all the meter they need. You make him sound like the truth or something; I’m just not convinced.

I think Guile turtles better and gains meter beter because his throw does have more priority; I don’t know how to explain it, I just know it does. His normals do as well. Flash kick is safer than BK. It has a wider arc in the air and doesn’t Guile recover before its over? He’s also got that air super that he can DHC out of.

vid that shows proper dhc timing to get the glitch POWAA, and a funny wolvie/thanos combo after.

[media=youtube]6YInYp3CoYM[/media] :lovin:

So you get a free POWAA super whenever you summon Thanos after activating the glitch? Everytime until he does the super on point again??? :amazed:

nah. not quite like that. you get it one time only after you activate the glitch.

shit, that would be top tier though.

but as you can see that homing action is wtf-style. that shit gets runaway sim lol

in conclusion though, the glitch is pretty nasty WHEN you can pull it off. also its bound to happen eventually so its worth it to mess around so you know whats up when you wind up gettin it. when he has bubble assist its pretty weak though, his sprite is half covered with powaa ball sprite which looks dumb but it stays there.

ha, and i totally forgot how nasty its gotta be when you alpha counter Thanos in. get the glitch, but it in the bank for later then, counter Double POWAA death. Worth mastering glitch timing to pull this shit off though

another weird thing about the glitch is that sometimes the POWAA sprite shows up all the way in the bottom right corner. the hitbox isnt active ever i don’t think, but i dunno what would happen if you alpha countered him in from that corner. double POWAA??? i dunno.

thanos definitely one of my mains at this point. i love how stupid-simple his gameplan is. just mess around, s.FP to counter, if that puts you in a sticky sitch xx POWAA, option to DHC in your friends if they block, otherwise POWAA until your meters out.