TFNS Toronto Singles Tekken and Super Street Fighter 4 Tournament June 12 2010

When: June 12
Where: 1444 Dupont St. Unit 15, Toronto On M6P 4H3


If you are coming by TTC you have either the option to get off and Lansdown STN and take the 47 north to Dupont and just walk 2 mins west or you can get off at Dupont STN and take the 47 going west and get off 1 stop after Lansdown.

PARKING: Parking is available right in front of the venue so all is good.

June 12th
1:00pm - Registration begins
2:00pm - Tekken Singles begin (PS3)
3:00pm - Super Street Fighter 4 (Xbox)

Tekken Singles Tournament (PS3)

Double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Super Street Fighter IV Tournament (X-Box360)
$10 entry
(Xbox only)

double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals (players may choose to make it 3/5 if they Agree to)

We are aware there are other events planned but for those in the City you are more than welcome to come join in the fiending.

Fix the Date.

blah blah blah

EDIT: My post was basically wondering why this was booked on the same date as POWNZ, and each tournament would probably draw more if they were held on separate dates.

Hey guys?Im not trying to rock the boat.

It was a suggestion because we have a Tekken thing going on the same weekend. Its a open call because venue was already booked for the Tekken so we thought some people might be open to it .

If everyone is against, we’ll remove based on the feed back.

Hell i wanted to go the the Hamilton one myself.

DaDesiCanadian I would never want anyone to silence themselves, your comments are welcomed.

Like I were have something happening for the tekken guys…it was a idea.

Joseph; is there no room in the TFNS schedule to move the combined event to 06/19?

Ah, so it was because a Tekken event was booked on the same weekend. That makes much more sense now.
Thanks for taking my opinion seriously, but just keep in mind that I don’t speak for everyone in my position. Even so, there’s a few of us in the middle who would go to both tournaments, and even some people from Hamilton that would be willing to make the trek down to Toronto if the tournaments were held on a different date.

The tournament community for Street Fighter is pretty small, so it’s just my opinion that having the tournaments on different dates would get you the larger numbers. The Tekken and Street Fighter communities are actually quite separated, so I would think it would be better to cater to the existing crowd and try to nurture that, rather than attempt to get some extra entrants from the Tekken scene.

It’s better to get feedback from everyone else in my position to see what’s good though. Thanks for the prompt reply.

I assume this one has to do with the limitations of the TFNS schedule. They usually go by which dates the place is availiable, as I can tell, so I assume this was the only date they could do it this weekend.

Or maybe Dice wants to troll the shit out of the Pownz crowd, which would also be a good show.

I apologize in the sense that we only confirmed the venue for the Tekken guys yesterday…so like I said if the consensus is don’t have it. NP.

edit: we’ll re-edit the post name and details to include a better description of the event vs calling it a SSF event.

I wasn’t planning on having another till the end of month or early into next month overall until I got the call from the tekken guys.

Thanks. I’ll edit my post out to prevent any silliness from happening.

I applaud the efforts of the TFN staff, keep up the good work guys.

Wish I could make it out there more.

DaDesiCanadian there’s no need to edit your comment, this is a open community and the more dialog the better.

This is more based on the Tekken guys, that’s the date they needed.

The SSF thing came as a natural suggestion.

Why doesn’t pownz move their event.


I like Turtles.

I’ma be there.


also, shouldn’t this thread be a little stickier?

c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker

Dice & Vaughn: Thanks for accommodating us every 2 weeks. I made the pot Bonus for our Tekken Tournament $100 so there should be a good showing. I’ll remind people again.

Tekken Community basically wants a lot of Tekken Tournies before EVO. We want to be ready. Every week they say. Crazy bastards. So we asked TFNS to have one every 2 weeks. I still can’t believe i’m actually putting so much time in Tekken right now just to be ready EVO. I hope SF community represents well in EVO as well.

I’m sure you’ll have enough people for an SFIV tournament. Even if there was no tournament announced, you guys usually get 12 or more playing SF. Play it by ear i guess.
