Testing with PStick

Cammy Frame Data Study Air qcb+K
All testing done cammy vs. cammy with fastest execution (except where noted) and pressed up against her.
Tested using my own 2P programmable stick. Details are in the tech talk forum. Generally accurate.

Best execution
4 commands total
With fastest execution

  • Can input commands on F25 after whiff LK,MK,HK version

  • Can input commands on F24 after whiff EX version

  • LK,MK,HK,EX are all blocked on F18.

  • Can input commands on F39 after having LK,MK,HK blocked. Opponent can input commands at 47,47,49F after blocking LK,MK,HK.

  • Can input commands on F38 after EX blocked. Opponent can input commands on F52.

  • Can input commands on F39 after having LK,MK,HK hit. Opponent can input commands at F50 after blocking LK,MK,HK.

  • Can input commands after F38 after having EX hit. Opponent can input commands at F56 after blocking EX.

Jumping frames
uf on F1.
d,db,b+K on F38 is the last frame that you can do the move. (Note, this means b+K comes out on F40). Any later will result in a ground attack.
Normal attacks can be done up until F40.

In the corner d,db,b+LK on F12 lands her on the same side, on F13 lands her on the other side.
In the corner d,db,b+MK on F11 lands her on the same side, on F12 lands her on the other side.
In the corner d,db,b+HK on F10 lands her on the same side, on F11 lands her on the other side.
In the corner d,db,b+KK on F10 lands her on the same side, on F11 lands her on the other side.

EX from F1 then EX from F38 or F39 will combo. Any earlier will not give the EX move (HK from F35-37) and any later will not combo. [Note, using qcb,uf+KK qcb,uf+KK will combo on these same frames, but no normal moves come out for early inputs. Strange++]
Jabs will combo input up until F50. Will not combo on F51.

Timing for later inputs
uf on F1. Then, the following apply - column 1 = input of d,db,b+K - column 2 = first frame post whiff when another attack can be input


Applies for all kicks. Subtract 1 from column 2 for EX version.

Alternative inputs
d,db,b,ub,u,uf+K or d,db,b,uf+K are both slower than the first mentioned notation. Both are blockable on F21 (vs.18) Both allow for the first command on F28 (vs. 25). Essentially, they are 3 frames slower. This could be due to waiting for jump frames to take effect. Note the above with regards to comboing qcb,uf+KK however, which might make it more consistent? Would like someone to explain this.

Which is faster in human hands is a different question.