Testing Blacklist Feature for CFN Beta

Blacklisting ragequitters isn’t necessary as the icons now work properly.

Are you sure? Because it said right on one of the CFN menus avoid players in “network battles”.

That would’ve made the most sense to me if you’re actually thinking that there’s people with a working brain employed at Capcom.
Well I guess those retards have me beaten.

Why you’d make it possible to “block” players from playing against for any other reason than connection quality, in a competitive game is beyond me.

Might as well have an option in ranked that says “No Balrog players” or “No good players please”.
Especially at higher ranks this shit is insane.
Just lock out all the players that comfortably beat you and gain ranks by beating worse players all day.

Yeah that’s what I’ve been saying.

I’ll see if I can test this a bit still before the beta ends. Ended up doing other things


That mashiso guy is some dude that I was owning for awhile… we played more than 1 set of ranked. It will take a few ragequits to get on that RQ thing and if you constantly get matched with that player you might have to hold those RQ numbers. Whereas as soon as I blacklisted that dude I never played him again. Fuck waiting for capcom to give him the RQ hell while he steals points from me.

Yeah so I won’t get a chance to really test this since the beta is about to close, but I’ll take Dime’s word for it at least that it does work for blocking people out of all of the network battle modes. I wanted see if I could rack up a list of 200 + blacklisted lol

Yeah but I mean that sooner or later people who regularly leave will have the skull icon. So you just set your matchmaking to ‘ask’ or something and simply refuse playing them when you see the icon. But I suppose blacklisting makes it easier to avoid them because it’s automated.

Is there a limit on the blacklist? Because if not that thing is going to ruin online play.

That’s because that feature is VERY new. Once a few weeks pass afetr its implementation, everything will fall into place and you won’t play ragequietters, considering you aren’t one yourself.

more like denying you your points
he loses 200lp himself

I guess this settles it. They specifically mention that blacklisting will prevent you from being matched with the chosen player.

Well that’s going to ruin online play then.

no its not. it can actually help to give people a better experience.
someone warps around like shit…ban him.

a ineffective way to filter bad connections out…

We all know that’s not going to work out like that. Here’s a few more realistic scenarios:

  • X player loses to Balrog/Laura/Urien player
    ’Screw this cheap shit I’m gonna blacklist you!!!’

  • X player loses to Guile/Dhalsim player
    ’Dumb spamming idiot, I’m gonna blacklist you!!!’

  • X player loses the mirror match
    ’Stupid no-life nerd, I’m gonna blacklist you!!!’

  • X player loses, period.
    ‘I’m gonna blacklist you!!!’

I think it would be an okay feature if it was limited to maybe five or ten entries because there are certainly some users I don’t wanny face again because they’re either afk or teleporting or whatever. But if it’s unlimited it’s just going to boil down to the examples above and that in turn is going to artificially decrease online population and matchmaking speed by a lot.

Pfff… they really did it. :o
What idiocy

If people use it for those reasons they’re idiots. The point of training and fighting online is to grow and improve and you need to learn how to fight every match-up and type of player. Blacklisting tough match-ups/opponents is only going to hurt you in the long run.

I quite like this blacklisting feature. Now I can ban all the laggy connections that register as 5 bars.

Yesterday was having a fit of a time getting matched against the same super rollbacky 5 bar opponents, banned like 3 of them, then the online experience got much better.

For me it’s the same as basically searching for 4-5 bar connections… if you do that, the number of people you can play against decreases, but that’s a sacrifice you have to make when capcoms 5 bar window seems to be 0-200 ping… we have to filter these shitty +150 ping players out ourselves.

Imagine if the matchmaking would actually show real ping values and let you sort by ms instead of bars.
Well fuck it, give em a blacklist…

The “point” of fighting online for about 95% of the user base (probably more) is to get a win. When those people don’t get a W and run into someone better than them, they get salty and now have a way to never fight that person again.

Even if they showed “real” ping values, with this being Capcom, they would not be accurate.

Being a developer myself, I can pretty much guarantee that the way the image that is displayed showing the bars is probably just a range of ping values anyways. But then again, this is Capcom we’re talking about here so they probably wouldn’t do it the way you’re supposed to do it.

As long as it doesn’t become an epidemic where people basically blacklist each other out of people to play I guess it’ll work out. The people that are blacklisting because they are salty probably aren’t the type of players you’d regularly encounter at a tournament any way