TerrorDrome Tier List?

I was just wondering what a tier list would be like for this game, For those of you that don’t know TerrorDrome is a fighting game with all horror Icon movie villains in it.

Here is a video of Jason Playthrough = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5ozp5ZJYLo

So yeah if anyone can come up with one it would help, Thanks!


I dont know if there’s a tier list for it but it would be in that thread

I checked & although someone did mention it no one ever responded to which is why I made a separate one solely for Terror Drome here.

oh ok, well, either you can make one, or someone else will eventually get around to it

Ash is seriously stupid for the amount of shit he can have on the screen. That much I do know.

I love this game, but I can’t play it. Everytime I do, I go on a horror movie marathon and waste my whole weekend.

so is ASH Top Tier?