If a Raiden vs Elizabeth matchup occurs, Raiden is not allowed to perform the super.
That sounds like a really big disadvantage for poor Raiden, silly SNK game testers
Look like I’ll be shipped out of town for training at my new job in October, so I more than likely won’t be able to make this. Unless I somehow get fired my first month at the job. knock on wood
According to the KoF forums, the new patch fixed raiden’s super glitch:tup:
This isn’t in columbus, but at WABA games? That’s a shame, I haven’t been to columbus since diamond jim’s closed.
I couldn’t find a venue at Columbus =/
what time would the tournament start…also i have a spare tv ,copy of sf4 and console if you guys need one to hold a sf4 tournament(360)
Tournament starts at 1:00pm (Or at least, that’s my plan). Yes, bring your stuff. It’s supposed to be a PS3 tourney, but in the even that we MUST use the 360, it may prove convenient. Only IF we use the 360 set up will you get the deduced fee.
WABA has 3/4 360 set ups there already; it would make sense to utilize those. Plus, I bring my set up to every tourney for casuals, but if we run that with the PS3’s we can really run through the matches on the SF4 side. Eitherway:
dark ballinjin
volunteer: record main matches / run brackets / etc
thats what im talkin about :wgrin: :tup:
ill also be bringing my 360 setup & an xtra crt or 2
hope ppl will show up for this!
Why is Marvel being run on PS3? Shit is glitchy, man:
Wouldn’t it be better to run it on Dreamcast, as has been standard?
I appreciate this greatly =]
Do bring your 360’s just in case we have a problem with the PS3’s. My intention is to use those, but I guess it would be nice to have incase anything goes wrong.
I appreciate having you help me run brackets and such =]
I’m fully aware of the glitches on the downloadable marvel, but I wasn’t certain if anybody had sticks and/or converters for the DC. Although, you’re more than welcome to bring a DC setup for marvel. I just figured, “Why not use 1 console to run this whole thing?” That was my mindset, hoping that most PS3’s would also be backwards compatible.
I agree. It should still be on the DC until the PS3/360 versions get fixed. Most of the game freezing glitches happen during online play, but there are still less on the DC than the other two consoles for regular matches.
If it’s still going to be on the PS3, can someone tell me if they’ve noticed any differences between the PS3 and the 360 version? I’ve played every version (PS2, DC, & 360) except for the PS3.
Yeah, I can bring Marvel and a Dreamcast.
I think most people that would be interested in entering a Marvel tournament are more likely to have a DC stick than a PS3 stick, to be honest. But we can let everyone else chime in and see what they prefer if you want.
Bring the DC setup, this goes for anybody else. I’ll also bring my DC and Marvel. But we’ll have a vote
I’ve played the PS3 version thoroughly, my biggest irk is the change/glitch with Cyclops’ infinite. Something funny happened to it, but other than that, I personally haven’t had any problems.
Combo changes have happened to a lot of characters, apparently. I read something about Wolverine’s combos missing, and a friend of mine that’s really heavy into Chun said about half of her shit isn’t possible anymore.
I’ll bring my DC as well.
Dewayne"Undying" Gainey
Monticello, Ga and also is this going on PS3 or 360 for the SFIV. If so I will still try it out on the PS3 and pwn. XD
What’s up Alternate? I put in the request for this day off if I am able to get this day off then by all means I will swing by and if I do I’ll have a PS3 w/ a TV along with SFIV.
Well if it’s PS3 well then scratch me out. I can’t too much help with that area. I forgot about the byoc policy. Plus I don’t have a PS3. Well there goes my chance. Pew pew pew.