Tension Pulse 2009 ** Atlanta, GA ~ October 10th

I wish you the best, I’ve been lousy at getting out to events in the last year or so but I’m hoping soon that won’t be a problem!

I see some of you already found out I moved the location from GameLink/Columbus to Waba/Atlanta =P

Thanks much. Here’s hoping for a good turnout! :woot:

Josh “Nitrox” Ohana, GA
Nato, AL
Eugene Johnson II, TN
Minister Of Defense, GA
Rizzo, GA
Tsu, GA
Isaac Nicholson “raekw0n187”, AL
Isaac Bell “spud”, AL

Rizzo, GA

Rizzo, GA
Tsu, GA
Isaac Nicholson “raekw0n187”, AL
Isaac Bell “spud”, AL

Eugene Johnson II, TN
Isaac Nicholson “raekw0n187”, AL

Minister Of Defense, GA
Tsu, GA
Isaac Nicholson “raekw0n187”, AL

Same issue for me, I’d love to come but that won’t happen unless I can use my stick.

I wonder if it’s possible I can run this using both consoles :xeye:

No dual system, just do ps3…
Larry tried dual systems at SEB and it was a wreck

Just to answer your question, no it will not work. PS3 has shown to be the standard at most tournaments since most players (especially prior to the release of the Madcatz fightstick) already had PS2 sticks.

Inavailiability of a PS3 compatible stick has been one of the things keeping me out of playing, since I don’t really have to the funds to mod one, or buy a new one at this point.

I’ll be heading down assuming i’m not still broke when Oct. rolls around:sweat:
Augusta, GA
Volunteer: Can bring GGAC/BB/SF4 (PS versions), probably a PS2, and might be able to get a ps3 (ill get ahold of u when i get my plans for that week in order). Also, are there size requirements for TV’s (besides test for lag)? i might b able to bring 1 or 2

You moved to bama ernesto?!?!?!:wow:

No size requirements. Make sure the TVs don’t lag :china:
I would prefer that they aren’t LCD or HD, but if they are, they will have to be tested for lag obviously.


Well, more than likely they are HD tvs… They are flat screens y’know…

Actually it would be less than likely as how HDs have caused input issues for most players, especially for those who often play on the last generation consoles (PS2, Xbox, etc). That, and as how most tournies I’ve been to, players usually brought in their own TVs, usually which were CRT.

EDIT: I’m going to address the button shouldering issue. For SFIV, players WILL be allowed to map “PPP” and “KKK” to a single button. But that’s the only button sequence I will allow for as a button shoulder in SFIV.

Dude, I’m gonna do my best to make it and drag some friends with me.

Hope to see you there! :tup:

Yeah, he disappeared and didn’t tell anybody :lame:

He told everyone at Revival in July he was moving there. I found out straight from him.

Eternal Champions added =D

Isaac Nicholson
B’Ham and Rye, AL

raekw0n187, good to see you again! =D

Isaac Bell
SF 4, BB

Ok, so like I guess this doesn’t matter since apparently nobody is playing Kof XII so far but me…

But how would you “ban” Raiden’s handcuff glitch when all you have to do is land the super? Does that mean you just can’t play with Elizabeth since Raiden was there on the original version of the game? lol?