Tennessee Thread-" Where All of Your Friends Get Killed by Death-Adder" "

good try against wong Jas that tron assist just ate you up. Jas you still got this man

Where’s Sunstone at for the controller converters?

Did Tin Tin happen to make it to ARK?

Thanks for the shoutouts, Jas. Hopefully we get more new blood at fight nights. Rep that shit.

I shopped around for my entertainment center for a month. Ended up buying it at Best Buy.

Same here, got good deal, TV + free bluray player.

HOLY SHIT Memphis hype for TEAMS

Dax, Rukus Gene hot shit vs that Rose. You play Eraser nigga!

Also, Squabbler OCV"d a team from TX. Where you AT! The switch is ON!

Good shit, Memphis.

Bishop is top 8 in Marvel, took 3rd in Blazblue Good Shit GO MEMPHIS!

Wow, just saw the ARK brackets for SF4 singles, fucking bullshit.

Eraser had to play Squabb in his 2nd match, and that was Squabbs 2nd match as well. That’s some BS, I know brackets are brackets, but it seems off to me.

Edit: Also grats to Memphis sweeping grand finals of Tekken! Shin vs Majin grand final.

I hear this about every single tourney, but everyone makes the choice to go to all the ‘hype’ tourneys when most of the people don’t bracket them correctly.

There’s a HUGE reason why I float out of towners as much as I can, you don’t want to come together and play each other so quickly but with all these new tournaments popping up, people think it’s easy to run a bracket because “the computer does it.”

If I have 2 guys from New York and 2 guys from TN playing each other as the only ones left in a bracket or an area of a bracket far enough in the tourney, they WILL be floated.

GGs to everyone in casuals at Cookeville today…I think the results were:

1st-Ragingraven (Rufus/Balrog)
2nd-Zach (Blanka/Gen)
3rd-Boom Cube-(Makoto)
4th-Negro Justice (Bisonopolis)

1st-Boom Cube

Awesome tournament in Cookeville, grats to Josh and Pat for their first place victories.

One thing I want to stress though is PLEASE if you bring a setup have it fully updated

lol I want to play on whatever setup Sentinel doesn’t suck on

Reposting this because it owns


Just thought I’d explain this as the TO. The decision was made to use Tonamento instead of Tio because we could run all the brackets from computers (eliminating the paper trail) and we had all these cool features that we wanted to implement into ARK III (special region-based seeding, pools, online brackets that anyone with a smartphone could view, etc.). The PROBLEM is that 1) we were blindsided by Tonamento changing to Tonamento 2 about 1 week before our event (with Tonamento 2 removing region based seeding, pool play, and various other NECESSARY features) and 2) for what we were using Tonamento for, it really sucked. That’s just some real talk. I’m not gonna shit on the site because it does its job, but I was definitely NOT satisfied with my experience with it and we will NEVER use Tonamento again unless Tonamento 2 fixes all the problems that 1 had.

Anyway, here’s the big issue: You can only enter regions in Tonamento if you preregister YOURSELF and not do it manually via the TO’s account. So we’re stuck here with anywhere between 10-64 entrants to a bigass bracket and we have to manually figure out some way to seed it by location. To say that it was a frustrating experience is an understatement. Anyway, I promise that this will never happen again. The guys who have come to ARK I and II know that we will work with guys on people in the brackets. With Tio, it’s really easy to move people around in the brackets (even as they’re going on). With Tonamento… you have to delete and then regenerate the bracket to do this which potentially screws up every other match. Tio’s region based seeding has always worked for us before and we always try to have everyone review the brackets to remove problem matchups, but our frustration with Tonamento caused quite a few problems with that where honestly we just said “okay, everyone’s clear in the first round, screw it let’s just run with it.” If it were my decision, we’d do what we let the Smash TOs do at our tourney and just recreate the brackets on Tio, but doing so would have literally taken another hour or two and we just didn’t have the time. For later brackets, we did stop using Tonamento however since it had just been giving us problems all day.

tl;dr: I’m really sorry for the location based seeding problems. It’s ONLY because we wanted to try something new (Tonamento) because we wanted to provide cool features for our attendees (like being able to view your bracket on your smartphone at any time). Unfortunately things didn’t work out like we planned and a screwed up bracket resulted. I promise this will never happen again as we will never be using Tonamento again. This doesn’t reflect the quality of our past tournaments/brackets. We understand that people travel and don’t want to play their friends first round. That’s never right. So sorry again guys.

BIG UPS to everyone that came out to Cookeville yesterday for our tourney. Congratulations to everyone that placed, and thanks for the exciting matches. Also thanks to those that came to spectate/play casuals. DreamTR showing up was a nice surprise.

Special shout-outs to Graham and Andrew for running brackets without a hitch, and to Chris, Eddie, and Pwanus for all the help setting up the venue.

If you guys had a good time, we’ll try to work with that convention next year. Seemed to me that it was a mutually beneficial situation.

Sounds like yesterday was great for tournaments all around.

Thanks Max for coming back to explain that situation. Also, great stream. I only got to watch it for about half an our but it was exceptional quality.

Also, is Chat doing that first Monday thing tomorrow? I will go if they are. I didn’t travel to any tournaments or play any fighters in March hardly. Ready to get back into the swing of things.

tl dr: paragraph lol

Would anyone like to make a trip to GG sometime this week like tuesday-thursday to maybe play some MK demo?

Well, you basically stated it, it’s the biggest problem with tournaments today. No one runs brackets properly. They think because tournament maker does it for them and you can separate everyone the first round, you don’t have to “manage” it and following a bracket and making sure everything is done correctly isn’t just “automatic” like everyone thinks unless they are local tournaments. Again, players are just accustomed to this at tournaments and they come back complaining but it’s an easy fix. You just have to manually do the bracket and pay attention to the bracket. It’s not difficult but if the TO has little experience managing brackets, it can be frustrating to the TO and the entrants and very stressful, especially with everyone asking questions and all and even more so if you are trying to enter your own tournament.

Bottom line, each tournament should have one person managing the bracket, not entering the tournament and being able to make region decisions for floating. I know some people don’t like floating/reseeding, but seriously, if people spend $500 on plane tickets and have to play each other even in quarterfinals when it can be avoided, I will float them to avoid playing each other. I’ve been doing it this way since the first MWC I took over for in 1997.

Manually seeding is simple. It’s just a lot of TOs are on automatic and don’t know the ins and outs of a bracket other than at a local tournament. It takes practice. The next part to deal with is actually being efficient. Some people have 90-200 man tournaments and they take 2 days when you can get those things done in a few hours but they DRAG on…like I said, you need to have someone specifically dedicated to doing this at each tournament because with all the gadgetry and technology and hype and players coming in to these tournaments all over the country, the way some of them are run still baffles me.

SmokeMaxx: This isn’t a jab at your tournament, it’s basically tournaments in general. Many people come up to me and tell me all the stuff they disliked about the other tournaments compared to how efficient we run ours and then everything gets compared to it, but seriously, just get one person to manually do brackets with experience for bigger tournaments. It will be a load off of everyone’s shoulders.