Tennessee Thread-"Theres Something About Seagulls and Electrolytes....."

ggs to everyone today. any thought I had of dropping Billy is gone forever, carried me in basically every match. Andy is a g too, dumbest looking character in the game but he bulldogs.

Ok yeah the Asura’s Wrath demo is pretty cool.

Also that Moon Diver game is out. 4 player co-op 2D side scroller published by Square Enix. Was on my radar a while back but I since completely forgot about it. Gonna peep it a bit before bed.

I still haven’t peeped NFL Blitz. Damn me.

Edit: Whoa. Nevermind. Moon Diver is kinda whack.

Also Milln - lol i can’t claim that. I adopted Memphis’ unique brand of Fuckouttahere Technologicals. I don’t like seeing Mature on the screen, so she’s got to go asap.

I’m sure the girl talking is one of Floe’s friends…I got a text from him saying one of his friends (female) from Atlanta was at the tourney with Eddie (TooMuchDmg) and when I told him Eddie didn’t win, he automatically assumed he got second, but welcome to the world of SRK Community circa 2012.

It’s not just the “people” you have to blame, it’s the streams since people “watch” this type of behavior from a lot of the actual commentators, people believe it is justified and normal behavior. Clarification = most of the people in the community act like idiots at events. Between salt/shittalk/sidebetting and not paying/acting like you are the king shit because you went to EVO/FR/insert random PS3 tourney of the day here and act like you are all that = (and purposely putting this since we are in SRK circa 2012) epic failure as much as possible. This is nothing new, you guys never saw MVC2 madness back in the day with East Coast vs West Coast and Philly tournaments at University Pinball…that shit is unreal…

I appreciate any out of towners coming to the tournaments, I know it’s tough with money/driving/etc, it’s just that the majority of the TN community does not shit talk/get in your face during tournaments.Unfortunately to “get” more players at times you need either A: big money pots or B: a hype community for money matches/shit talking…forget fairly run efficient tournaments…people don’t like that, but again, a lot of this has to do with streams and conduct on them…

Can you imagine if any sports network CONDONED the behavior going on half the time? It’s appalling…ESPN would never do that, people can shittalk to a “point” but there have to be rules behind it for the sake of the tournament…everyone wants their buddies to win, nothing wrong with that…I mean, I’ve been shittalked to during games offline and online and you know, it’s a video game,…I mean, if you lose to a 36 year old who has a newborn, no sleep, works 50 hours a week and doesn’t play the game very often or watch videos or pay attention to anything in any fighting game these days and talk shit, well, what does that make the person look like talking shit? LOL

The fact of the matter is this will happen and people need headphones when they play if it bothers them. The other rule I have at “bigger” tournaments is people have to stand pretty far back away from the players when they are playing. At older MWCs we had a 5 foot rule and those movie style usher barriers which we will probably implement at EVO/MWC this year again if at all possible.

Anyway, enough rambling…I hope we get more out of towners, but we just have to expect that “most” communities are like that everywhere you go, full of excuses, salty about losing, shittalking, etc…but seriously, blame the commentary style on a lot of streams nowadays and I guarantee you subjecting that to youth is making “lack of respect” popular for some reason.

GGs earlier to Atron9000 and Kinetik

Anyone going to be at GG tomorrow?



I can do them but go ahead and show me it might be better than they way I do it the hardest part to me is not drive canceling the elbow too fast. It’s got a beat to it when doing it right your stick will sound like your doing this sick ass drum beat.

edit: Since my xbox has come back to life like Jesus and I got a free MS 1600 Points card I’ll have a set up with all characters tomorrow.

Man KoF is so good but idk if I will really put in the training mode time to get really good just because Skullgirls is most likely coming out before FR…I’ll be playing it at fight night though.

I’ve always found GA to be annoying. That dude “Clint” from Atlanta was pretty cool. But, his entourage was full of some of the most pathetic examples that the fighting game community has to offer. These people are the reason that fighting-game players are universally considered to be man-children. It’s pretty sad when even FPS gamers are considered to be more mature (seriously, it’s REALLY sad).

TN has something special. TN has a scene of people who know who they are and who are honest, intelligent, and generous people. It’s become increasingly clear just how special that is.

Unfortunately, what I see are people looking for affirmation. They yell and scream under the guise of being hyped for their comrade. However, they’re simply trying to belong to a group for self-affirmation. There is nothing individual whatsoever about their communications. Try to see if you can find anything offered up by an individual and I think that you’ll find that it’s unadulterated group-think. You want to see some shit talk? Look at Memphis. Those guys are fucking professionals. I’m looking at you, Jas. They say some humorous shit that is based on their inter-personal relationships. They’re not up there repeating whatever pathetic fighting-game catch-phrases that people have been using in videos and on the stream lately.

You are not funny by association. You are not funny when you continuously quote movies, no matter how funny the movie was…

Unfortunately, not everyone is confident in themselves enough not to be just an extension of popular ideas.

I think this is the thing that I find most annoying. It’s not that people are shit-talking… It’s that I have to be embarrassed for them. Nobody wants to have to be embarrassed for anyone.


Fresh off the presses. http://wiki.shoryuken.com/The_King_of_Fighters_XIII/Saiki#Frame_Data
I’ve been told that the only error is that it doesn’t list the super grabs as instant.

The main talkers in GA are Raccoon, TMD, and Pokchop. The rest of them generally just play. Honestly, I don’t remember them being that bad at the last RCR. I know after our first RCR we had a few people in our scene thinking we should act like them (you can probably guess what side I took there). AL in general is a very respectful group down here. Duckie even complemented us on it last RCR.

I know I did a little bit of shittalking because Raccoon asked me to shittalk him during his match in SF4 (which I still don’t know why he entered…). He was pretty bad, so that was easy. Otherwise, I don’t do it except as an honest one-line joke.

I usually only hear that much talk with Marvel or Tekken though, and I don’t play those games seriously.

I remember reading crap on here back when I did well at one of the TN tourneys that people lost their manhood. So don’t say you all are saints, either. :wink:

You are the girl that beat Joker in Guile v. Guile. I think honestly he was the only one and that was because he was butt hurt from you beating his Guile. That was our first AE tourney.

So I got Kang the other day and I have been playing til like 5am in the morning for the past 2 days in it. Now I see why this game is crack for some of yall. Good thing I live like 5 min from the best Kang player in Memphis (debatable) so I can level up real fast when I need to. I have been busy with work, getting rest and playing too much Kang so I this is why I’m postng now. Anyway GGs to everyone at the tourney in Nashville on Saturday. Things to note:
-Nashville McDonald’s does NOT sell chocolate chip cookies…WTF!?
-Sorry for waking up late again and making Dax call me 20 times. Thanks for the epic ride to and from Nashville
-FT3 in SF4 to see who gets to take a shit first…only Jas would do this
-Good shit defending Marville for TN Astaroth with Papa Smurf
-Chris B asking for the “goods” during the tourney
-Phil getting hit by Flymike’s Maxima Kamehameha from fullscreen
-Richard dealing with long ass Kang finals
-Runback with J Spark in Marville from MWC
-Seeing Panda’s serious game face
-Everything Flymike said at the hotel LMAO
-TooMuchDMG bringing asian cheerleaders
-Waiting 2 hours for Marcus to finish grand finals in Kang just to find out I play him next in Marville
-Doing Dante links but dropping ez mode combos
-Lastly, eating pizza using the pizza maker at the hotel

Dax and Woot:$10 MM in SF4 tonight if yall can make it…hope you guys can see the real “reason” behind this.

Hey, don’t know if anyone gives a shit. But, Justin and I have been working on this new site a bit and I just launched it.


It’s far from perfect, we didn’t get to put the level of design polish on last night that we wanted. But, I’m not really the kind of person who waits for everything to be perfect before launch.

Ya, Joker is from Jersey too, that doesn’t count for TN =P


You ignored the winky, didn’t you?

Nah, there were maybe 2 pages of crap from different people. I didn’t care then or now. Some of it was funny, actually.

Most people mature which is a point to remember.

I think I am pretty well respected for just being me, and that’s all I have ever cared about.

I wont lie. I got butt hurt when i lost to Eugene at my first tourney and that is only because I hate Elf. I also did not know that Eugene was not laughing at me the entire match. Eugene just laughs all the time. I came to the FGC from the competitive Magic the Gathering community. Trash talking and junk like that would get you DQ’d and barred from tourneys. Hell if a judge sees you talking shit between matches they will card you there. It was hella strict on sportsmanship. I never heard someone called a tim (scrub) unless it was online on forums or just during casuals.

Josh you slaw!! Where are you with the Haters goin Hate gifs??? LOL! We need you to get on your job son!

Welp, as much of a douchebag as I am, I must say these GA cats are slick taking the cake. Making it rain salt in the Tennessee thread! lol You cats are just going to have to deal with it. Your milk and cookies were taken at lunch time. Just keep those heads hung and keep moving! Astaroth obviously is going to keep taking cake and stacking bread so get used to it.

I’m always running my mouth, but I tend to give credit where its due and homeboy just outplayed somebrown kid.

I do think this rivalry is good though. Keep things interesting. Just don’t get petty and personal though!

Good stuff on making the front page though on eventhubs, Astaroth.

And as for everyone else…stay free!

You’re right on the affirmation thing. In addition to that though, I feel like it stems from confidence issues. I’m proud that I don’t have to stand right behind players like Patrick and Chris and distract or demean their opponent to help them win. They don’t need cheerleaders. They don’t need me or anyone else constantly whispering sweet, sweet nothings into their ears. Just standing behind them tells them, “You’ve got my support, win or lose,” and that’s all they need.

Saturday, during grand finals, my thoughts were, “Okay, if they need to do this to help him win, then they’re afraid of him losing.” Plus, they were adding a layer of nervousness to him. Somebrownkid won four games in a row, and he was sweating and shaking more than I was, even though I was the target of the shit talk. If it’s not apparent that they did in fact hinder their own player, then there’s not much else I can say.

And like you mentioned, it wasn’t even good shit-talk. The girl’s voice was just loud and piercing, and Eddie was standing directly behind me.

If anyone wants some of these games before I send them off to GameStop / Ebay / Craigslist, let me know … send me a PM and I’ll send you the current list (PS3, 360, and PS2).