So those Predators played like shit tonight. I’m not happy to say the least.
What?!? Besides the fact once he gets meter you can’t zone him because he can EX Ball right though them!? That kills me everytime. I fail at trying to throw off his charge too especially against ball happy Jan. I try block strings but Im just now learning them so I fail pretty bad at trying to pull them off. Sagat does have the advantage in that match-up but I wouldn’t call it easy cakes.
I got some, no lie. Ren Fair impulse buy, leather or faux leather, not sure.
To put things in perspective: Cylus pretty much tooled my Blanka. Even if we had switched over to the PS3 I only would have delayed the inevitable. A good Sagat is a hard matchup for (everyone) me. Sagat has *more *than enough tools to deal with Blanka hijinx.
I always knew you were a man of taste.
Oh, and apologies for not mentioning this earlier, but ggs tonight to Krayzee and Eraser. Sorry i wasn’t at my A-game, but you can ask Cylus… we use the same ISP and they’ve been really shitty lately. He keeps getting disconnects and I’m getting 1.5mbps right now. Supposed to get 10. Yeesh.
I agree Sagat has the advantage but I don’t believe its that huge. Im still learning the match-up so I know I don’t know all the ins and outs of the match-up so we will see. Just know your day is coming Jan.
And I don’t know why I rep Sagat so much. I have a higher win percentage with Akuma…weird.
I just checked my play clock… 19 hours since what? Sunday?
I will be very honest with you GDbell…first off…I used like 17 different characters the day we played. I took non of those games seriously…ESPECIALLY ONLINE…let me repeat that… especially on a shitty connection online… Never, ever, ever, base your playing ability, or anyone’s, online.
As far as skill level goes, you have much potential, meaning, you have yet to use all the tools in you character choice arsenal. I have only played your Sagat and Akuma, online, and most of their BnB’s you didn’t do! This was a while back and, ONLINE! So in conculsion, I can’t really tell you how well or not so well you play if I have never played you offline.
Example…you get Sagat vs my Akuma…Ask anyone form Memphis how fucking Loopy i am, and I never hit you with one Loop!!! Hence the online crap!
holy shit…get a life!
Never, and don’t get to thinkin I’m the only one. SF4 was just a dry run. Nashville doesn’t sleep.
hahahahaha…I think Squabbler and Flymike have around the same amount of hours of playtime. I can only imagine how I will probably not sleep Tuesday!!!
Hiryu: Do you cook Filipino food? I hope the answer is yes. If not, do you know of any Filipino food stores in the Memphis area? I know there’s one in Germantown, but that’s it.
Hey, so far Max, Dimo (at least Max told me), and I are heading up there around noon, so be up there around 1. SOMEONE BE UP THERE TO TEACH ME JURI!
Finally played super today. One of my BG buddies got a call from someone in his hometown. They were selling it at their kmart, so we made the drive and got the last 2 copies.
Hopefully my gamertag doesnt get banned for playing before release.
Watch the movie District B13 if you like action flicks. It’s good.
Typical smash player
yes, thats the sound of a controller hitting something solid.
The entire idea of Smash Brothers Tournament blows my mind.
“Your the returning Smash Brothers champion, what’s your strategy going into this tournament?”
“I’m going to press down and B alot.”
EDIT: Didn’t see Duckie’s challenge at the top of the page, nvm then
nah for real though, I want to play you gdbell and your champ buddy and the other memphis guys.
Good lord… lots of talking here in Memphis. Let’s add to it… O you’re a joke. Jagerbomb matches Tuesday and Wednesday!
Duckie VS GDBell on Tues/Wed :: Worst Player In Memphis Match (nice ring to it duckie) :: First to 5 … camera time! Man I can’t wait for this.
Won’t be there for the new character tournament. I asked off for it a few weeks ago, but that was before they moved me to the kitchen and switched my schedule around. Gotta work that night at exactly 6.
I’ll make it on the 8th, though.