Alright…I’m rather new to Oro, so feel free to take whatever I say with a grain of salt, but here’s a discussion-worthy topic which I don’t recall ever seeing in this forum. Well, maybe somewhere in the gigantic strat thread, but this deserves its own.
Basically, I seem to remember hearing a comment here before that Dirty Music (the Japanese Oro player whose team won the latest Co-op Cup) uses Tengu Stone much like Genei-Jin. That is, he activates it outside combos and uses it for chip damage and high/low mixup. If that is the case, this is quite a contrast with Oro players over here, who generally seem to use this super only within combos.
Hence, this thread is where we can discuss Tengu Stone pressure, ways to set it up, and so on. I’ll start by giving details on what I feel are the two best moves for mixup purposes. Note that the mixup I’m referring to works well anywhere on the screen, not just the corner. Anyway…
The first move is obvious: Low Short. It’s an extremely quick low attack, and if it hits you can easily link the close Strong after it (due to the rocks providing much additional hitstun) and proceed with your usual juggling madness. Low Forward allows the same link, but it’s not as fast a move.
The second is the universal overhead. This is preferable to standing fierce for two reasons:
It’s faster.
You can link close Strong off of it. You have to be pretty close for this, though, which is also true of low Short.
However, the UOH->close Strong link does NOT work on 4 characters due to the fact that they crouch so low that the rocks will never reach them. Those 4 are:
and best of all…
Another possibility which I did not test, but just thought of now, is Twelve walking forward. I don’t think it would work, since getting hit here makes him go into standing hitstun (which should make the rocks connect), but it should be looked into regardless.
Anyway, that’s it for now. I’d like to hear some discussions on viable setups for this mixup game, especially considering you have to be so close for it to work…