Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Video Thread

Lots and lots of combos in this playlist:

More footage at the 5:05 hrs mark: http://tl.twitch.tv/mineskitv/b/337153721

Paul/Marshall Law player is the Noah Prodigy of the Philippines, basically:

Just me playing a few random players online.




Some more vids from the Philippines. Dat A. Ogre in a tuxedo


Here are a few more random matches, followed by a series of online matches against a good friend of mine:
Random matches:

Me vs Ocelotlikespie part 1
Me vs Ocelotlikespie part 2

These aren’t the best matches but we are making progress here…


ASS SLIDE, Dr.B is S-Class:


LOL at the ass slide. The player you were facing was a scrub. HAHAHA. That move is so unsafe on block.


Couple of new casuals at the end https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB49E16317A79C978&feature=mh_lolz

Might be a string of arcade and console tourneys before the holidays here, I hope to get vids of that too.

Light vs Saint was a very fun matches to watch. Vid coming once I get home.

(starts at 0:51)




Part of a recent tourney here



more of the same



some casuals






stream archives
tournament in Alabang, Philippines yesterday

Light vs Saint.

Saint reppin our House of Goons.


:eek: Light’s playstyle is always such controlled chaos; I love watching him play.

Some Tag 2 and 6BR from a friend’s account


Some of the matches in YT form: http://www.youtube.com/user/PinoyVersusDOTcom/videos?flow=grid&view=0
