Stolen Chicken Entertainment will be having a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Launch Party tournament.
Double Tap Games
125 Pelton Center Way
San Leandro, CA
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be played on PS3. We will follow all the guidelines set by the fighting game community. Please bring your own wired controllers/arcade sticks.
The cost of the tournament is $5 for venue and $5 each game. All of the tournament entries for each game will be the total pot. Depending on how many players play, the prize could vary.
Tournament Prizes:
-8 or more entrants: 70/20/10% Pot Split
-7 or less entrants: 80/20% Pot Split
Sign-ups start at 7:00pm and brackets start at 8:00 pm.
NOTE: Tournaments will start ON TIME. Other players cannot sign you up unless they pay. If you are not present when your match comes up, you will forfeit that match.